Category NATO

Mission of NATO in the Baltic States reduced because of idle time of planes of

Mission of NATO in the Baltic States reduced because of idle time of planes of

Scales of mission of Air patrol of NATO in the Baltic countries were reduced taking into account that more than a half of the fighters ranked as mission the last half-year stood idle unused, the chairman of Military committee of Alliance declared.

In BNS interview the Czech general Peter Pavel recognized that the message on reduction of mission was made not properly, but assured that eight deployed in Lithuania and Estonia of fighters have enough Continue reading

At violation the Turkish aircraft of

could bring down the fighter Russian Federation At violation the Turkish aircraft of

About it Reuters reports referring to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.

Of the ministry assure that one more Russian fighter Su-30 broke air space of Turkey on Sunday, October 4.

In this regard, the ambassador of Russia was repeatedly called in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey for protest expression.

Explanations from the Russian side yet did not follow.

The president of Continue reading

The USA were thrown to Latvia by two bespilotnik of

The USA were thrown to Latvia by two bespilotnik of

To Latvia from the USA on Monday two pilotless prospecting aircraft of the Predator Em-kyyu-1 model are thrown, the official representative of the Pentagon captain Jeff Davies reported. Together with aircraft of profit of 70 people of the service personnel, Davies added.

"This temporary placement of aircraft and personnel (…) will allow to test possibility of use of devices at the advanced boundaries and for carrying out operations. Our Continue reading

Turkey allowed to force down the Russian planes of

Turkey allowed to force down the Russian planes of

Turkey obtained permit of NATO to force down the Russian planes breaking its air space.

As writes, referring to NR Baltija, the Air Force of Turkey intends to attack seriously the Russian fighters in case of repeated crossings of border. «Thus almost norm was that Russians do not provide the plan of flights, do not answer inquiries of civil flight services, creating threat to a civil aircraft service», write mass media.

Let’s remind, Continue reading

NATO: contacts of the USA and the Russian Federation will prevent the conflicts in the sky of

NATO: contacts of the USA and the Russian Federation will prevent the conflicts in the sky of

The secretary general of NATO Jens Stoltenberg is convinced that violation of air space of Turkey «was not casual». He made such statement on Tuesday on the threshold of a meeting of Ministers of Defence of the participating countries of alliance in Brussels.

The secretary general specified that the alliance yet did not undertake attempts to carry out consultation of Russia in connection with violation by Russian Federation plane of air space Continue reading

Military and aviation and space reverse of

Military and aviation and space reverse of

Strictly speaking, in aircraft there is own term "reverse". Distinct from gas turbulences on ring pipelines. It designates the direction of draft of the engine towards plane movement. It is used usually when braking on a runway or at performance of accurate land maneuvers. In the latest space engines the functional of reversive inclusion only is developed. The management of armed forces of Bulgaria managed to achieve "reverse" Continue reading

Ram me, America

Ram me, America

Incidents on the sea and in air between Russia and NATO – whether are dangerous they?

The last one and a half years of mass media repeatedly pointed to the increased activity of the Russian fighting aircraft and fleet in the Baltic Sea and other regions. Whether it is necessary to worry because of headings of newspapers, to a portal of Delfi the captain of the first rank helped to understand resignation of the Navy of the USSR/the Russian Federation Continue reading

Lukashenko: The Russian air base of

is not necessary to Belarus Lukashenko: The Russian air base of

Lukashenko confirmed the union with Russia in NATO counterbalance, but rejected possibility of foreign air base in the country.

The president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko declared that speeches about placement of the Russian air base in the republic was never conducted, странав to it does not need, Belta transfers.

"Speeches placing the Russian air base in the territory of Belarus, it was never conducted. Continue reading

The fighter of NATO collapsed before take-off in Estonia

The fighter of NATO collapsed before take-off in Estonia

Loud scandal burst in Estonia because of poor-quality military equipment which the Ministry of Defence of Germany sent to Baltic.

As the Estonian newspaper "Postimees" reports, in military airfield in Emari at the German fighter during a rulezhka on a runway the external fuel tank fell off.

This plane was right there written off from use. As a result in Estonia there were only three German fighters. However and on them hopes are not Continue reading

As Russia and Ukraine help NATO of

As Russia and Ukraine help NATO of

Nearly ten years the Russian-Ukrainian firm transports for NATO by air superheavy cargoes. The SALIS project passed test by the Ukrainian crisis. But its future – is foggy.

In the Urals in the past weekend the Russian military doctrines largest in this year "Center-2015" came to the end. Shortly before this NATO at once in several countries carried out the most large-scale after the completion of cold war of the doctrine of paratroopers. Continue reading