Category And Colors

“Invasion Stripes” removed from top surface of wings and fuselage of small artillery liaison aircraft (Piper Cubs), June 1944

HQ Allied Expeditionary Air Force informed SHAEF, HQ 21 AG, Advanced Allied Expeditionary Air Force, HQ Second Tactical Air Force, Main HQ Ninth Air Force, HQ Air Defense Great Britain, HQ USSTAF, HQ Eighth Air Force, ANCXF, and HQ Coastal Com­mand, on June 22,1944, that:

Small artillery liaison aircraft (Piper Cubs) may be seen in the Beachhead combat zone, with no distinctive markings on the top surface of wings and fuselage. Markings will continue to be carried on the ventral surfaces. This necessary due to difficulty encountered in providing camouflage for these aircraft while they are on their unprotected landing grounds very near to the front lines.


Douglas A-20J-15-DO, 43-21745, aircraft 8L-S, “Irene”, of the 646th BS, 410th BG, Ninth Air Force, seen at its English base on June 22,1944. It shows how the full complement of stripes were carried until October, 1944 (see a later photo of this aircraft in this section). Note the roughness of some of the painting, probably done without the benefit of taping. (USAF)


Stinson L-5-VW, 42-98592, seen at strip A-8, Picauville, Normandy, on July 7,1944. Note the full size invasion stripes, versus those on the Piper L-4s. (William L. Swisher)

HQ Allied Expeditionary Air Force proposes “Invasion Stripes” be discontinued immediately, July 1944

On July 6, 1944, HQ Allied Expeditionary Air Force sent SHAEF Forward HQ a request that the provisions of SFLAEF Operation Memo.

No. 23 for distinctive markings be suspended effective (hat date. The request continued:

Recommend that no further aircraft be given the distinctive markings and that markings already on aircraft be allowed to fade out and not be renewed. If suspension approved request that all Army and Navy Commanders be instructed to inform all troops particularly gun crews that henceforth they can expect to see friendly aircraft without distinctive markings and that absence of the markings can no longer be accepted as an indication that aircraft are hostile.

In response, SHAEF Forward, signed Eisenhower, sent the following signal to ANCXF, Main EXFOR, on July 9, 1944:

With reference AEAF signal A-124 dated 6th July, 1944. As distinctive markings reduce speed and add to maintenance of aircraft it is desired to suspend SHAEF Operation Memorandum No. 23. Advise earliest date by which you can inform all concerned so that the Memorandum can be canceled from that date. AEAF state it is impracticable to remove markings from all aircraft on one date. National markings remain unchanged.


Northrop P-61A-5-NO, 42-5563, of the 422nd or 425 th NFS, Ninth Air Force, on August 12,1944. It is now marked only on the lower wing and boom surfaces, in accordance with the latest SHAEF orders. (March AFB Museum)


De Havilland Mosquito NF Mk. XVII night fighter, HK470, of 604 Sq, RAF, thal dropped into strip A-8. Picavilte, France, on August 13,1944, It shows how the stripe markings had been removed from the top of the wings and fuselage. This was done to decrease the aircraft’s vulnerabil­ity to enemy gunnery spotters overlooking these strips close to the front line in Normandy. (William L. Swisher)

This signal was followed up by another dated July 30,1944, from the same source, sent to EXFOR, 12 Army Group. This read as follows:

1. Operation Memorandum number 23 refers.

2. Proposed to retain distinctive aircraft markings on the fuselage only and allow markings on the wings to fade out naturally. This to apply only to those aircraft that operate in immediate battle areas.

3. Propose following classes of aircraft do not carry distinctive markings:

a. Coastal Command aircraft.

b. Shore based Fleet Air Arm aircraft, (unless based in FRANCE.)

c. 8th Air Force fighter aircraft. (These aircraft do not operate in close support of the Armies.)

d. Fighter aircraft employed exclusively in anti-CROSSBOW operations. (Attacks against V-l sites in Europe – au­thor).

e. High altitude photo-reconnaissance aircraft.

f. Gliders.

4. Request your concurrence or comments by 030900B.

EXFOR MAIN responded on July 31,1944, stating that:

Ref. your signal of 302025B. Subject distinctive markings on aircraft. Proposal agreed.


Noorduyn UC-64A-ND, 43-5363, carrying very low stripes on the bottom of the fuselage. Note that the large fuselage insignia is actually more visible than most of the stripes. Seen at strip A-8, Picauville, Normandy on August 13,1944. (William L. Swisher)


RAFTaylorcraft Auster, serial number N????, overpainted. Unit unknown, but it is carrying the full-size invasion stripes. Seen at strip A-8, Picauville, Normandy, on August 14,1944 (William L. Swisher)

However, on August 1, 1944, ANCXF (Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Forces) responded to the SHAEF proposal with the following signal:

Yours 302025. Proposal to retain fuselage markings only concurred in but consider this should continue to apply to all classes of aircraft as in your memorandum number 23.

Markings have proved valuable to Naval Forces where operations are not confined to Assault Area and to remove them from some classes of aircraft will cause doubt.

If it is decided to remove wing markings concede that this should be done in as short a time as possible and all concerned then informed.

Somewhat later, on August 7, 1944, HQ Twelfth Army Group (signed Bradley), sent SHAEF Forward the following signal:

Reference SHGCT dated 30 July 1944. This Headquarters concurs in the proposed change of distinctive aircraft markings as contained therein.

Change No. 4 to the Op. Memo No. 13, dated October 13, 1944 ordered the removal of all stripes on Allied aircraft, but on October 25, 1944, a TWX from USSTAF to the various fighter commands stated that:

The present method of applying distinctive markings on your fighters authorized by SHAEF. By this authority you are autho­rized to disregard instructions contained in change no. 4 to Operations Memorandum No. 13 (29 April 1944) of HQ ETOUSA dated 13 October 1944.

Distinctive Markings on single and twin engined aircraft will be as follows:

(A) The under, repeat, under surface of fuselages of single engined aircraft will be painted with five (5) parallel white and black stripes, each eighteen (18) inches wide, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen (18) inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.

(B) The under, repeat, under surface of twin engined aircraft will be painted with five (5) parallel white and black stripes, each twenty-four (24) inches wide, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen (18) inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.

In other words, this meant that the stripes now disappeared from the top of the wings and fuselages of all fighter type aircraft.


Douglas A-20J-15-Do, 43-21745, aircraft 8U-S, “Irene”, of the 646th BS, 410th BG, Ninth Air Force, seen later in the summer of 1944, dearly shows how the upper invasion stripes were painted out on the wings and fuselage after October 25,1944. (LISAF)

The requirements for the distinctive aircraft markings did not come up again until December 5, 1944, when SHAEF MAIN from Robb (RAF Air Marsha] J. M. Robb, Deputy Chief of Staff (Air)), sent the following message to “MED Allied Air Force for Slessor and Bottomley”:

Reference MAAF Signal dated December 2. (not retained in this file – author). Identification difficulties have also been experi­enced in this theatre, and several incidents have occurred recently involving attacks by American fighters against friendly aircraft, sometimes with fatal results. The P. R. Wing aircraft, especially Mosquitoes of Second TAF, have been the chief victims of such attacks and CONINGHAM’s request that the aircraft of this wing be allowed to retain the distinctive striped markings used for OVERLORD operations in order to facilitate identification has been agreed.

CONINGHAM has recommended that the standard RAF markings be made more distinctive on operational aircraft by widen­ing the yellow ring surrounding the roundels. Agree that this is the best arrangement for fighters and fighter bombers which operate low down but prefer your proposals for remaining day types.

If approved request Air Ministry initiate action.


A really rare bird! This is a French designed and built Potez 542, carrying Ihe small invasion stripes favored by the Free French Air Force. It is marked with French roundels on the fuselage and wings, rudder stripes and the Cross of Lorraine on the rear fuselage. Seen at strip Y-9, Dijon/ Long-Vic, France, on October 6, 1944. (William L. Swisher)

Final action on SHAEF Operation Memorandum Number 23 came the next day, December 6, 1944, when SHAEF released the following document:

This is the First Suspcnsion/Cancellation of a SHAEF OPERATION MEMORANDUM.



1. The provisions of Supreme Headquarters, AEF, Operation Memorandum No.23, Distinctive Markings – Aircraft, are suspended effective December 31st, 1944.

2. Except as noted in sub-paragraph 4d. below, distinctive markings will be removed where this can be done without damage to the aircraft and with due regard to the materials and time available for this work.

3. Addressees will ensure complete dissemination of the pertinent provisions of this suspension by the quickest pos­sible means consistent with security.

4. All Commanders will particularly ensure that personnel under their command are instructed that:-

a. The fact that an aircraft of allied manufacture is seen without distinctive markings does NOT necessarily indicate that the aircraft is hostile.

b. For some time Allied aircraft may still be seen carrying distinctive markings, which, with the exception of those in sub-paragraph d below, should now be disregarded.

c. Faded striping under certain conditions of light closely resembles the German cross.

d. For the purposes of facilitating identification by other friendly aircraft all of the photo reconnaissance aircraft of Number 34 Wing, Second Tactical Air Force will be painted with standard invasion markings until such time as all recipients of this instruction are notified by Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Second Tactical Air Force.

5. The removal of these distinctive markings in no way affects the presently prescribed national markings, which will continue to be carried on aircraft.

6. In future, should there be a requirement for distinctive markings, application will be made to this Headquarters.

By Command of General EISENHOWER.

Thus ended the saga of the now famous “invasion stripes.” Frankly, they were a testament to the sad state of aircraft recognition throughout the armed forces (on both sides) and that most armed men would rather take the risk of shooting down one of their own aircraft rather than letting a doubtful type escape (the author taught aircraft recognition throughout WWII and later served with the Royal Observer Corps in England, so he was very familiar with the problem). The problem persists to this time, under the euphemism of “friendly fire.”


Four North American P-51Ds from the 361st FG, Eighth Air Force, assigned to provide top cover for aircraft of the Ninth Air Force finally able to attack the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge. The very bad weather that allowed the Germans to make their attack without major Allied air attacks, can clearly he seen in this photo. Note that almost all vestige of the invasion stripes has disappeared from these aircraft. The SHAEF order discontinuing their use was dated December 6,1944, and stated that they were to be discarded on December 31,1944. Nearest aircraft is a P-51D-10-NA, 44-14358, aircraft E9-K “Princess Geraldine", of the 367th FS, 361st FG. Squadron colors are a yellow spinner, aircraft nose and rudder. Seen at strip A-64, St, Dizier, France, on December 30,1944. (William E. Swisher)

image507,image508 image509,image511


These unit insignia are of four famous Fighter Groups and some of their Squadrons, assigned to the Kth Air Force in England, during 1942-1945. The 20th FG was in the 67th Fighter Wing of the 1st Air Division, the 55th and 78th FGs were in the 66th Fighter Wing of the 3rd Air Division, and the 56th was in the 65th Fighter Wing of the 2nd Air Division. Note that the insignia shown here arc the WW2 ones, and have been superseded by later ones in some cases. The insignia of the 3rd Air Division HQ completes the page.


These insignia are from four Fighter Groups and one Bomb Group of the 18th Air Force. The 353rd FG and 357th FG were part of the 66th Fighter Wing, of the 3rd Air Division, the 355th FG part of the 2nd Air Division, and the 356th FG part of the 67th Fighter Wing, 1st Air Division, The 91st BG was part of the 1st Combat Bomb Wing, 1st Air Division.

image523 image524,image525,image529,image530,image531

These insignia are all from 8th Air Force units, except for the 44th BS, 40th BG which was assigned to the 20th Air Force, initially in India and then on Tinian Island. This unit used B-29s. The 34th BG was assigned to the 93rd Combat Bomb Wing, 3rd Air Division, the 92nd BG to the 40th Combat Bomb Wing, 1st Air Division, the 93rd BG to the 20th Combat Bomb Wing, 2nd Air Division, and the 94th BG was part of the 4th Combat Bomb Wing, 3rd Air Division.


The 95th BG served with the 13th Combat Bomb Wing, and the 96th BG with the 45th Combat Bomb Wing, both assigned to the 3rd Air Division. The 303rd BG served with the 41st Combat Bomb Wing, and the 306th BG with the 40th Combat Bomb Wing, both of the 1st Air Division. The 13th, 22nd, and 27th PRS units were part of the 7th PRG. All units were part of the 8th Air Force. Final four insignia are from the often forgotten support units, also of the 8th Air Force.

. Standard AAF Color Shades. Development and Usage

lb. The listing of products in this bulletin does not waive the inspection requirements of the specification. The furnishing of paint which proves to be unequal to the test samples submitted, may be sufficient cause for removing the product and the manufacturer’s name from the list.

2. The failure of a product furnished by the parent company or any authorized plant or affiliate will result in the removal of the product from the approved list and thus prohibit the furnishing of the material by either the parent company and its plants or affiliates until such time as satisfactory requalification has been completed by the parent company.

Color photographs reproduced with varying degrees of accuracy in various books and magazines during the last fifty years have been offered as evidence of variations in USAAF standard colors, not to mention such fanciful creations as bright blue P-5 Is in the Eighth Air Force in England.

These variations are mainly due to indifferent color separations and/or variation of inks used in the color printing process. The author has not found any evidence of such color variations in viewing original USAAF color material. Variations from regulation paint schemes and colors did exist in the field, particularly in the early days of the Pacific war theater, but this was under dire combat conditions and most decidedly not the norm for the USAAF.

Original War Department Spec. No. 3-1 still in use, July 1941

The War Department’s original standard for paint and related materials, for use by the Army and all of its branches, was specification No. 3-1, dated November 28, 1919, but it was not made mandatory for use by the Air Service until July 19, 1922. The relevant portion of the “General Conditions” stated:

This general specification relates to and is a part of each and every War Department specification for paints and related materials except as may be otherwise specifically stated in such individual specification.


Color designations in War Department specifications and publications refer to the color chart attached. Flat or gloss finish when specified shall take precedent over the finish which the color card may present. Requirements for color include those for shade and tone.

Enclosed with the specification was a color card, entitled, “Color Card Referred to in general specification for Paint and Related Materials,” and titled “Supplement to No. 3-1 and Revisions thereof.” This color card had a long life, for it was not superseded by a later one until April 1943.

Although the color card showed twenty-four different glossy color chips, it did not include either black or white. Of the twenty-four colors, only Flat Bronze Green, Color Chip 9 was still being used by the AAF (as an anti-glare coating) in 1941. Alt other colors (these being solely gloss colors) had been superseded by those in the joint Army-Navy Porcelain Color Plates, issued in September 1938

Army-Navy Porcelain Plates, September 1938

Sets of the new joint Army-Navy porcelain enamel (gloss) aircraft color standards were issued to the major paint manufacturers at the end of June 1938.The letter to the manufacturers stated:

These plates are standard for both services and arc to be used for the color control of all paint materials furnished the Air Corps or Air Corps’ contractors on and after September 1, 1938, unless the shade represented by the former Army Porcelain Enamel Color Plates is specified for the purpose of completing an existing order.

With the exception of the Light Blue shade now represented by the True Blue plate, the colors are in quite close agreement with the former Standards and will require only slight pigment modifications to effect the change.

Paints produced in colors represented by the Lemon Yellow, Willow Green and Aircraft Gray are not used by the Air Corps. International Orange has been used only in ready mixed paints for obstacle markings and Cream for dope in accordance with Spec. 3-159.

These porcelain plates probably represent the most accurate method in physical form of matching colors and surviving sets were still in use in the mid-1960s for supplying paint to the services, despite the many changes made to the later color standards issued since 1938. Each set of the porcelain enamel standards contained fifteen plates of the following shades:

International Orange

Instrument Black

Insignia Red

Lemon Yellow

Insignia White

True Blue (replaced Light Blue No. 23)

Insignia Blue

Gloss Black

Engine Gray

Orange Yellow (replaced Yellow No. 4)


Olive Drab

Aircraft Cream

Blue Green

Aircraft Gray

Подпись: One color not provided in these porcelain plate standards, was Flat Bronze Green, color No. 9 on the Color Card Supplement to 3-1, The Flat Bronze Green was then being used as an anti-glare coating for natural metal finished aircraft, per Spec. 98-24113-A, The author was fortunate enough to see one of the sets issued to a major paint manufacturer, together with a copy of the letter issuing it to them. These porcelain plates were approximately postcard size, of concave shape, with the color baked in, presenting a beautiful clean, pure color. The method of use was to put a drop or small quantity of the color being checked into the hollow of the porcelain plate and allow it to dry. When it was dry it would be immediately apparent if it matched the sample or not. After the sample had been checked, it could be removed by wiping over with the requisite solvent. Подпись: These new gloss colors remained exactly the same for the new ANA Bulletin No. 166, issued in December 1943 (the actual colors remained in use until the issue of ANA Bulletin No.l66d in March 1959, so they had a very long life). There were significant changes to three of the earlier Air Corps gloss colors with the issuance of these plates. 1’he red became con-siderably brighter and more yellow than previously, while the yel-low became an almost straight medium yellow shade, losing the orange it previously used. The greatest change was in the light blue shade No. 23, as it was replaced by the Navy true blue color, which was a much darker blue without any green in it. This meant that all of the AAF trainer aircraft painted almost three years later, in the blue and yellow paint scheme, used the Navy True Blue color and the new Orange Yellow.

Development of the AAF Camouflage Colors

The AAF camouflage color standards were the same as those developed for the Air Corps’ combat aircraft. These had resulted in the issue of Bulletin No. 41, Color Card for Camouflage Finishes, on September 16, 1940. However, development of the necessary flat camou­flage colors had begun as early as 1926 with the use of commercial water color paints mixed to suit local conditions.

As a result, a new specification, No. 14057, “Paint, Water, Dry,” was issued on April 3, 1931 to cover the use of such temporary camouflage finishes. No colors were originally specified, the specification merely stating that the colors should be mixed to match those specified in the color card supplement to 3-1, the only color being used at that time being olive drab,

As tests continued on the temporary camouflage finishes several suitable colors were evolved, culminating in the issue of Spec. 14057- C, on December 27,1939. This listed the same colors as previously and added a new shade No. 34, Rust Brown, intended to provide an additional color for use in autumn camouflage. The shades, together with the associated Munsell Color Notation, were as follows:

Shade No.


Munsell Notation






5YR 7/4


Light Blue

5B 7.6/4

Sea Green

ig im

Dark Blue

4B 2.8/3


Dark Green

4G 2.4/1.8


Dark Olive Drab

8Y 3.6/3


Neutral Gray






Rust Brown

5YR 3/4

(Note: the Munsell Notations were changed completely from the 1929 ones to the current (post 1942) one, so it is only possible to check these color shades against a 1929 edition of the colors; the author had access to a 1929 edition to check the actual color shades. It is worth noting that this was the first use of Munsell Color Notations in an official Air Corps specification).

Spec. 14057-C continued to be used by the USAAF and was not finally canceled until 1954, although it had long since ceased to be used prior to that date.

Bulletin No. 41 Color Card issued, September 1940

One of the chief items studied in the development of permanent camouflage finishes for the Air Corps, under Study No. 42, was suitable matt shades of color for the camouflage. Tests were run on various shades, using water paint and other types of lacquer and enamel finishes then being developed simultaneously. The results of Study No. 42 culminated in the issue of the Air Corps Bulletin No. 41, dated September 16,1940 (one day after the decisive combat between the Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain). Entitled “Color Card for Camouflage Finishes,” it contained eight card color chips, each one inch by three inches (2.54 x 7.62 cm) in size. The new colors were:

Dark Olive Drab No. 41

Insignia Red No. 45

Medium Green No. 42

Insignia White No. 46

Neutral Gray No. 43

Insignia Blue No. 47

Black No. 44

Identification Yellow No. 48

Original War Department Spec. No. 3-1 still in use, July 1941

. Combat Aircraft Distinctive Markings,. Invasion Stripes, and Unit Insignia

Nice line up of B-17s of the 95th BG, 13th CBW, 3rd Air Div, Eighth Air Force, at Poltava, Russia after their shuttle bomb mission over Germany on June 21, 1944. Nearest aircraft is B-17G-55-BO, 42-102678, aircraft BG-R of the 334th BS. Next is B-17G, serial incomplete, aircraft BG-M, with a replacement camouflaged rudder. Next is B-17G-20-VE, 42-97599, aircraft OE-T of the 335th BS; note it does not have the black group rectangle on the tail yet. The sixth aircraft is still fully camouflaged, and has the "B” in black on white tail marking. All of these markings are to ВСІ 55-14, dated December 25,1943. (USAF)


Boeing B-17E-BO, 41-9100, aircraft FR-U, was the lead ship for the 379th BG, but was attached to the 525th BS. It was painted in dark olive drab and white stripes alt over; the stripes below the wing ran from front to rear, and those under the horizontal tail were spanwise. The group marking, black tetter “K” on a white triangle, with a dark olive drab outline. Code letters were in white, with the aircraft serial number and letter “U” on the fin in yellow. It was seen on July 24, 1944. (USAF)

. Combat Aircraft Distinctive Markings,. Invasion Stripes, and Unit Insignia








Natural Metal




Wing Tip Marking



© Victor Archer



Three B-17s of the 323rd BS, 91st BG, 1st CBW, 1st Air Div, Eighth Air Force, show the latest changes to the CADMs, in ВСІ 55-21, dated October 16,1944. All of the aircraft, natural metal and camouflaged, are carrying the new red vertical tail areas, together with red wing tips and horizontal stabilizers (not elevators). Nearest aircraft is B-17G-45-BO, 42-97304, aircraft OR-C; on its right is B-17G-30-BO, 42-31908, aircraft OR-R, in camouflage, and behind is B-I7G-49-BO, 42-97271, aircraft OR-B. Squadron code letters are in yellow on camouflage and black on natural metal. November, 1944. (CSAF)


Boeing B-17G-35-DL, 42-107033, aircraft DF-D of the 324th BS, 91st BG, 1st CBW, 1st Air Div, Eighth Air Force, in very shiny natural metal finish carries the latest CAMDs to ВСІ 55-21, dated June 23, 1944. For the 1st Air Div, there was little change except that the natural metal finish changed the Air Div triangle from white to black, reversing the color of the group letter in the process from black to white, and changing the squadron code letters from yellow to black. More colorful changes were to come later in 1944, as the strength of the Eighth Air Force built up rapidly. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-45-BO, 42-97330, aircraft MS-S of the 535th BS, 381st BG, 1st CBW, 1st Air Div, Eighth Air Force, is seen carrying the new red vertical tail, wing tip and horizontal stabilizer (not elevators) markings, added by ВСІ 55-21, dated October 16,1944. These CADMs remained unchanged for the 1st Air Div until the end of the war. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-95-BO 43-38810, aircraft SC-V of the 612th BS, 401st BG, 94th CBW, 1st Air Div, plus 43-38733, 43-30541, and 43-37780, plus others, lined upon March 19, 1945.They are carrying the new yellow, trimmed with black, sloping band on the vertical tail, added by ВСІ 55­21, dated October 16, 1944. Note that there are some variations in the positioning and size of the triangle markings. Seen at Deenthorpe, England on March 19,1945. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-75-BO, 43-37921, aircraft UX-N of the 327th BS, 92nd BG, 40th CBW, 1st Air Div, seen in 1945 at one of the forward strips in Belgium. Barely visible is the red band across the vertical tail, with its tower edge in line with the base of the triangle. The unit code letters appear to be in insignia blue rather than black; compare with the star insignia and the black triangle. (William L. Swisher)


мММ i ■


Consolidated B-24 D-20-Со, 41-24215, aircraft “Z” of the 445th BG, 2nd Bomb Div, Eighth Air Force, at Tihenham, England, in 1944. Note that the aircraft radio call number presentation is incorrect in that it shows both of the year (1941) digits at the beginning of the number; the number “4” should have been omitted. This formation lead aircraft was painted with wide orange bands all over the fuselage and vertical tails. Note that the large letter “F" on the fuselage has lights in all of its horizontal and vertical strokes. (USAF)


Consolidated B-24H or J, serial unknown, aircraft J4-M “Final Approach”, of the 753rd BS, 458th BG, 96th CBW, 2nd Air Div, waiting for take-off at Horsham St. Faith, England, on the Group’s 200th mission. Dark olive drab and neutral gray finish, tail markings are a white vertical stripe on red vertical surfaces. (USAF)


Consolidated B24H, serial unknown, aircraft J3-P, of the 755th Bs, 458th BG, 96th CBW, 2nd Air Div. The markings of the 2nd Air Div were changed to colored vertical tails by ВСІ 55-21, dated June 23, 1944. This aircraft has the red tail with a white vertical band of the 458th BG, together with the earlier upper right wing marking of a white letter “K” on a black circle (for natural metal aircraft). Late 1944. (USAF)


Consolidated B-24H, serial unknown, aircraft Z5-E “The Shack”, of the 754th BS, 458th Bg, 96 CBW, 2nd Air Div. Red tail with a white vertical stripe. Note the grayed-out fuselage insignia, a somewhat superfluous effort! Seen at Horsham St. Faith, England, on February 26,1945.


Consolidated B-24H-L-FO, 42-7478, aircraft ЕС-P bar, “Flying Crusader” of the 578th BS, 392nd BG, 14th CBW, 2nd Air Div, typifies a late camouflaged B-24. The vertical tail markings are white, with a black horizontal stripe. Note that the right tail has received a replacement dark olive drab rudder, still showing its medium green blotches and its portion of the old circle marking painted over. The group code letter “D” does not appear on the right wing circle. Code letters on fuselage are gray and the radio call number on the fin are in yellow. Aircraft letter on the tail is white. (USAF)


Consolidated B-24H, serial number unknown, aircraft “I” of the 715th BS, 448th BG, 20th CBW, 2nd Air Div, taking off from its base of Seething, England. It is on the way to drop supplies to Allied troops battling east оГ the Rhine river in Germany, in the spring of 1945. Group markings were a black diagonal bar across the yellow tail; the squadron insignia was the yellow diamond on the black bar. The aircraft letter is within the diamond. (USAF)

image484Boeing B-17 of the 452nd BG, 45th CBW, 3rd Air Div is seen from above, showing the group letter "L” in a white rectangle above the right outer wing. Taken over Berlin on April 29, 1944, it appears as if both outer wing panels have been repaired, but not repainted prior to this mission. (USAF)


Consolidated B-24H-15-FO, 42-52618, aircraft R5-K “Chief Wapello”, of the 839th BS, 487th BG, was in one of the five H-24 groups in the 3rd Air Div, which also had nine B-17 groups. It proved to he too difficult to operate the two types together, and they were replaced by B-17s after only a few months. The group code letter “P” is seen on the tail and on the wing in the white rectangle. Code tetters were gray, and the aircraft letter “K” was in yellow in both positions, as was the radio call number. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-45-BO, 42-97258, of the 452nd BG, 45th CBW, 3rd Air Div, with a lot of company, on the way to Germany in May, 1944, No squadron codes were used by this group. The CADMs are to ВСІ 55-14, dated December 25, 1943. Note that this B-17 has a replacement camouflaged outer right wing panel. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-65-VE, 44-8439, aircraft “R”, of the 95th BG, 13th CBW, 3rd Air Div, seen at a strip in Belgium in 1945. It has the usual Mack rectangle on the tail and the red band up the trailing edge of the rudder; however, a replacement rudder has not yet been painted in the red color. A red band at an angle across the lower left outer wing completes the markings. Date not known, but after January 11,1945, and prior to March 7,1945, in conformance with the latest CADM orders. (USAF)


Boeing B-17G-70-BO, 43-37928, aircraft “D”, of the 490th BG, 93rd CBW, 3rd Air Div, seen in Belgium in 1945. The group marking is a red band across the vertical tail, one-third of its height, together with red hands across the wing, at the inner end of the aileron, and across the middle of the horizontal tail. The 9rd CBW adopted these markings when it was originally equipped with B-24s, and carried them across when the 3rd Air Div became an ail B-17 force in summer 1944. It was the only group in the 3rd Air Div whose markings could be seen easily, and this lead to major changes in the other group markings in the 3rd Air Div in early 1945. (William L, Swisher)


Two B-17Gs, 42-97627 in natural metal, and 42-97555, in camouflage, of the 413th BS, 96th BG, 45th CBW, 3rd Air Div, are seen on their bomb run over the target in late 1944. Using the H2X radar housed in the usual ball-turret position, these acted as radar path-finders for the main bomber force in bad weather when the target could not be seen visually. As they were used with any of the 3rd Air Div forces, they did not carry the usual group tail markings. (USAF)


Three Douglas C-47As towing Waco CG-4A gliders show oft’ the new invasion stripes on June 6, 1944, D-Day. They are from (he 88th TCS, 438th TCG, of the Ninth Air Force. (March AFB Museum)


. Combat Aircraft Distinctive Markings,. Invasion Stripes, and Unit Insignia

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force issues Top Secret memo whose subject was “Distinctive Marking – Aircraft”, dated April 18, 1944 (the “Invasion Stripes”)

On April 13, 1944, the newly formed Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force issued a draft of a major Operation Memoran­dum, Number 23, entitled “DISTINCTIVE MARKING – AIRCRAFT”. This was approved very quickly and issued on April 18, 1944. Only 100 copies of the Top Secret document were made; 55 were issued to the necessary commands, each bearing its own number. The other 45 copies were held as spares. The following information comes from copy number 36, issued to the Chief Administrative Officer (this was declassified by DOD on October 12,1966, at the request of the author).








The object of this memorandum is to prescribe the distinctive markings which will be applied to US and BRITISH aircraft in order to make them more easily identified as friendly by ground and naval forces and by other friendly aircraft.


a. The instructions contained herein will apply to the following types of US and BRITISH aircraft; (I) Fighters and fighter – bombers. (2) Tactical and photographic reconnaissance aircraft. (3) Aircraft employed in spotting for naval gunfire and field artillery. (4) Light bombers. (5) Medium bombers. (6) Troop carrier aircraft, including four engine types. (7) Glider tugs, including four engine types. (8) Liaison aircraft and Air OP’s employed in forward areas for fire spotting and adjustment or for advanced aircraft control. (9) Coastal Command, Air Sea Rescue and disembarked Fleet Air Arm aircraft except seaplanes and four engine aircraft which need not be marked.

b. These instructions will not apply to the following classes of aircraft:(l) Four engine bombers. (2) Air transports. (3) Gliders. (4) Night fighters. (5) Seaplanes.


a. The instructions contained herein will be effective on the day of the assault and thereafter until it is deemed advisable to change. Aircraft will be given distinctive markings as shortly before the day of the assault as it is possible in order to protect the effectiveness of their use.

b. These instructions are in no way intended to change the present US and BRITISH national markings now in use, namely: the USAAF white star on a white horizontal bar; and the RAF red, white and blue roundel.


a Single engine aircraft. (It Upper and lower wing surfaces of aircraft listed in paragraph 2 a above, will be painted with five white and black stripes, each eighteen inches wide, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the airplane, arranged in order from center outward; white, black, white, black, white. Stripes will end six inches inboard of the national markings. (2) Fuselages will be painted with five parallel white and black stripes, each eighteen inches wide, completely around the fuselage, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.

b. Twin engine aircraft. (I) Upper and lower wing surfaces of aircraft listed in paragraph 2 a above, will be painted from the engine nacelles outward with five white and black stripes, each twenty-four inches wide, arranged in order from center outward: white, black, white, black, white. (2) Fuselages will be painted with five parallel white and black stripes, each twenty-four inches wide, completely around the fuselage, with the outside edge of the rearmost band eighteen inches from the leading edge of the tailplane.

c. Four engine troop carrier aircraft and glider tugs. (I) Same as for twin-engine aircraft, wing stripes to be outboard of the outer engine nacelles.

d. Stripes will in no case be painted over the national markings, which take precedence. Wing stripes will extend from leading edge to trailing edge of wings. Special equipment, such as deicer boots, will not be painted over.

e. Types of paint to be employed: (1) USAAF Units – as directed by the Commanding General of the Air Force concerned. (2) RAF Units – as directed by the appropriate BRITISH agency.

f. At Appendix ‘A’ are sample sketches of aircraft painted according to these instructions.


Army, Navy and Air Commanders will disseminate complete information concerning these distinctive markings to all troops under their commands no earlier before the day of the assault than will insure the complete distribution of the information.

By command of General Eisenhower:

W. B. Smith

Lieutenant General, U. S. Army,

OFFICIAL: Chief of Staff.


Major General, G. S.C.,

Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3.



Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Force,


Command-in-Chief, 21 Army Group,


Commanding General, First US Army Group,


Air Commander-in-Chicf, AEAF,


The Secretary, The Admiralty,


The Under Secretary of State, The War Office (MO 3)


Commanding General, ETOUSA


Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces,


The Under Secretary of State, The Air Ministry


Commanding General, USSTAF,


Air Officer Commanding, Bomber Command


Chief of Combined Operations,


The Secretary, Chiefs of Staff Committee, Offices of the War Cabinet,


The Secretary, Combined Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D. C.


OPD, War Department, Washington, D. C.


OPD, Navy Department, Washington, D. C.


A. F.H. Q.


Supreme Commander, SFLAEF,


Deputy Supreme Commander,


Chief of Staff,


Deputy Chief of Staff,


Chief Administrative Officer,


Adjutant General,


Secretary General Staff,


AC of S, G-l,


AC of S, G-2


AC of S, G-3


AC of S, G-4,


AC of S, G-5,


Chief Engineer,


Chief Signal Officer,


Public Relations Division,


Headquarters Commandant,






to SHAEFOP MEMO NO 23 dated 18 April, 1944


Width of Stripes 18 inches to start 6 inches inboard of National Marking.


Width of Stripes 18 inches each.


Dark Green


Ocean Grey




Width of Stripes 24 inches to start outboard of Engine Nacelles


PRU Blue


Width of Stripes 24 inches each.


NOTE: National Markings are not to be painted over by the black and white stripes.



Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force issues Top Secret memo whose subject was “Distinctive Marking - Aircraft”, dated April 18, 1944 (the “Invasion Stripes”)


Lockheed F-5B-1-LO, 42-68205, shows off the new invasion markings at Poltava, Russia, on June 21,1944. It was part of the first shuttle force to attack Germany, then continued on to Russia. Unfortunately, the force had been followed by a Luftwaffe Heinkel He 177, and that night, the Germans launched a devastating raid, destroying many of the B-17s. (USAF)

First Army Commander requests change to narrower stripes (“Invasion Stripes”) for Field Artillery and Liaison Aircraft, May 1944.

The First Army Commander, Lieut. Gen Omar Bradley, on May 16, 1944, requested authority to modify distinctive markings for Field Artillery and Liaison (CUB) aircraft. Modification requested was to use 8 inch stripes instead of 18 inch stripes, it was not considered that this change would jeopardize the safety of these small aircraft through identification failure by friendly Air and Ground Forces. Reason for the request was the excessive weight added by paint and the increased difficulty in concealing such aircraft in forward combat areas. This request was approved the next day.


a. Advanced Trainers: Aluminized finish except all-metal types, which will be natural metal finish,

b. Primary and Basic Trainers: Yellow and blue as required by Spec. 98-24113.


a. The use of field numbers and the painting of ring cowls (or combination thereof) for identification purposes of Training airplanes at activities of the various Army A, C. Training Centers and Civil Flying Schools is authorized. Designation of these identification numbers and ring cowl colors for activities within each Training Center will be the responsibility of the respective Commanding General thereof. The identification numbers will be of a contrasting color, preferably block type, and will be applied to each side of the fuselage approximately midway between the vertical projections of the trailing edge of the wing and the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizers. The height of the identification numerals will be approximately three fourths of the projected height of the fuselage at this location.


Six Curtiss P-40Cs of the 18th PG over Oahu, Hawaii, on August 1, 1941. The group consisted of the 6th, 19th, 44th, 73rd, and 78th PS. All, except the 44th PS, were caught on the ground on December 7,1941. Aircraft seen are numbered 41,47, 51,53, 54, and 43. (USAF)


a. To provide a color scheme offering marked contrast for spotting forced landings, etc. for airplanes operating in Alaska or in countries where like conditions prevail, the use on the top and bottom surfaces of wings of camou­flage materials, of the shades covered in A. C. Bulletin No. 41, to best meet the conditions of local terrain color is authorized. Since the distribution of airplanes is not known at the time the respective manufacturers are camouflaging the finished airplanes, airplanes will necessarily be furnished with camouflage in accordance with A. C. Spec. 24114. It will therefore be necessary to apply any special colors where such special distinguishing colors are authorized. It will not be necessary to remove the original camouflage coating to apply the special colors. However, lacquer camouflage material cannot be applied over a previous coating of enamel camouflage material.

b^ When tactical requirements demand, airplanes operated in these locations will be maintained in a camouflaged condition as follows:

(1) Lower surfaces will be camouflaged as prescribed in A. C. Spec. 24114.

(2) Upper surfaces will be camouflaged with such shades of specified materials as best blend with the local terrain.

5, MARKINGS. – a. Each airplane and each lighter-than-air aircraft will be marked in accordance with Spec. Nos. 98­24105 and 99-2050, respectively.

b. The code markings specified therein are the means by which the number, identity, and age of protective coatings of the airfoils, fuselage, etc., and other pertinent data relating to the aircraft, are determined. Therefore, in no instance will such marks be omitted or placed where they can not readily be seen when the aircraft is completely assembled.

c. Markings required by specifications will neither be altered nor effaced, except as required by repairs or refinishing operations, in which case the markings will be properly replaced, nor will they be transferred from locations designated in specifications.

d. Подпись: ■
There being no military reason for the use of individual names, the practice of naming airplanes after states, municipalities, or other localities will be discontinued. However, each airplane will have the name of the home station, in a contrasting color, placed on the left side of the fuselage immediately above the technical data legend using letters approximately one inch high, with the top of the letters toward the leading edge of the wing. These markings are to be centrally located with respect to the wing outline. The letters are to be of the vertical type, 24 inches high and with strokes four inches wide.


Lockheed P-38D, 5-1P, showing the red cross used in the 1941 Louisiana maneuvers. It carries the name “Snuff" on the nose in white. Note the unpainted propellers. (USAF via Gerry R. Markgraf)


Curtiss P-40E of the 79th PS, 20th PG, Hamilton Field, at Oakland on December 6,1941. This is the Flight Leader’s aircraft, A Flight. The nose band and command stripe are in yellow no. 48. Propeller is still not camouflaged black, as ordered in May 1941. Fuselage cocarde is covered with a maneuver cross. The personal insignia on the rudder is a major exception to USAAF practice at that time. (F. Shertzer via William L. Swisher)

6, STANDARD INSIGNIA. – Air Corps standard insignia will be placed and maintained on each aircraft, as prescribed in Spec. 98-24102, or Spec. 24114 (camouflaged Airplanes),

7. ORGANIZATION INSIGNIA. – a. Definition. – Organization insignia are those designs, markings, etc., that have been approved by the War Department for use by an individual organization.

b. Rules governing Design, – The following rules govern the designs of Air Corps organization insignia:

(1) They will be simple and, where practicable, will depict some historical significance associated with the


(2) They will be dignified and in good taste. Fantastic designs may be characteristic and “funny” but have no permanent value.

(3) Each design w ill possess the clearness required to make it distinguishable at a distance of at least 150


(4) They will not contain —


The letters “U. S.”

The Air Corps insignia.

The United States flag.

The United States coat of arms or any part of it.

The complete coat of arms of any state or country, although devices may be taken from them when applicable.

Outlines of geographical maps.

Foreign decorations (e. g, Croix de Guerre, Fourragere).

Campaign ribbons.

c. Submitting Samples for Approval. – Before placing a new design on equipment, three 8 by 10-l/2inch sample copies will be prepared on good quality paper and submitted, for approval, to the Adjutant General through the Chief of the Air Corps. The samples will be colored with water colors or wax crayons in the colors intended for the insignia when placed on the aircraft. Blends of color may be used when essential, but much better results are obtained when blends are not employed, as it is difficult to match or keep them uniform in shade or tint in each of the paintings on the several aircraft. The “poster” type of design and “block” coloring are recommended. A brief outline of the historical development or significance of the design will accompany the sample copies when submitted for approval. No variation from an approved design will be permitted without authority from the Adjutant General,


North American B-25Aon test flight over Los Angeles in pristine camouflage: note the red warning stripe in line with the propellers. (USAF via Gerry R. Markgraf)

d. Rules Governing Use. – The following rules govern the use of organization insignia on aircraft:

(1) Each aircraft assigned to a permanent organization, including U. S. Army A. C. schools, but not including Civil Flying Schools under contract, will bear the insignia of that organization, For example:

Aircraft assigned to a squadron will bear the insignia of that squadron.

Aircraft assigned to a headquarters of groups, wings, etc., will bear the insignia of such headquarters.

(2) No aircraft will bear organization insignia other than that of one organization.

(3) The placing of organization insignia on aircraft will be a responsibility of the organization to which the insignia pertain. Depots will not be required to reproduce insignia or other markings peculiar to an individual organization.

e. Location, Size, and Application for Airplanes, –

(1) It is impossible to specify a standard location for organization insignia on all airplanes; therefore, no specific locations are mandatory, However, the sides of the fuselage midway between the wings and tail surfaces are the most desirable and should be used whenever conditions permit, so that the insignia on the majority of airplanes will be in the same relative location. The spaces selected on the two sides of the fuselage should be as nearly as possible opposite each other, and should have smooth surfaces unbroken by fittings, lacing, fasteners, steps, joints, openings, etc. When avoidable, insignia will not be placed on cowling.

(2) In no instance will the size of an insignia exceed three fourths of the depth of the fuselage at the point at which the insignia is applied. Otherwise, the size will be governed by the most suitable spaces available, provided that such spaces are not too small or unfavorable for other reasons. If the available spaces are too small to provide visibility, as described in paragraph 7 b (3), or is unsuitable due to fittings, lacings, fasteners, etc., or corrugated metal, each insignia may be painted on a sheet of aluminum or suitable alloy of the desired shape and area and not more than 1/32-inch thick. All sharp comers and edges of such sheets will be rounded off. The sheets will then be secured to the sides of the airplane with screws, washers, and nuts, or by other suitable means, in a manner permitting ready removal when necessary. Each sheet will be secured at a sufficient number of points to prevent it being torn off in flight, and to prevent vibration that would cause it to crack or to wear the fabric or other parts. Whenever practicable, it will be secured to rigid members of the airplane. When necessary to attach such a sheet to fabric, the fabric will be adequately reinforced with tape securely attached by doping, and, if required, by stitching. In addition, suitable reinforcing strips of sheet metal or wood will be used next to the inside face of the fabric to receive the inside ends of the screws or other securing parts. Insignia on tike models of airplanes in the same organization should be uniform in size.

f. Location. Size, and Application for Lighter-than-Aircraft.

(1) Organization insignia will be placed on each-side of each lighter-than-aircraft. The locations for observation balloons will be on each side, halfway between the greatest diameter and the leading edges of the horizontal lobes. The locations for spherical balloons will be at points in line with and three feet from each end of the wording “U. S. Army.”

(2) In no instance will the size of lighter-than-air insignia exceed nine square feet. The insignia placed on each craft assigned to an organization will be uniform in size. However, this does not require that insignia of different organizations be of the same size.

(3) The insignia for all lighter-than-aircraft will be painted on two-ply envelope-fabric. Code No. IOI, and securely attached to the envelope with rubber cement. Each sheet of fabric will be neatly trimmed to the minimum size


Republic P-43 (41-6674) of the 55th PG at Oakland in 1941. It was not camouflaged yet, because it was considered to be an interim type, not suitable for combat use overseas. The nose cowl is painted white. (F. Shertzer via William L. Swisher)

required, and, to insure adhesion, corresponding areas of the aluminum finish will be carefully removed from the envelopes with suitable wire brushes.

g. Decalcomania Insignia. – Where personnel are not available to paint organization insignia in a satisfac­tory manner, the use of decalcomania insignia on airplanes is authorized. Owing to the local nature of their usage, however it will be necessary for stations desiring to use these transfers to obtain them by local purchase. Their application does nol require skilled workmen, and when coated with clear varnish after being applied, they are about as durable as the average painted design. The cost varies with:

(1) Size

(2) Design

(3) The number ordered

(4) The number of colors and to some extent the colors themselves

Instructions for applying decalcomania are furnished by the manufacturer. Until used, the transfers should be stored in a dry place where they will not be exposed to temperatures abovenormal.

8. ORGANIZATION IDENTIFICATION. – as a means of identifying airplanes, allairplanes will be marked as outlined herein. These markings (paragraphs 8, 9, and 10) are in addition to the standard markings, insignia, and technical data prescribed in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7, and will be applied by the organization to which the airplanes are assigned,

a. Squadron Recognition Colors. – A suitable depth of the front portion of engine nacelles will be painted as follows:

(1) Pursuit. Attack and Bombardment Squadrons. – The cowling will be painted one solid color: red, white, blue or yellow. The assignment of colors will be made by the group commander except where, as a citation for distinguished service, an individual squadron may be authorized by higher authority to use other recognition markings.

(2) Group Headquarters and Headquarters Squadrons. –

(a) 3-Squadron Group. – The cowling to be divided by longitudinal lines into

three equal segments; one segment to be painted red, one white, and one


(b) 4-Squadron Group, – The cowling to be divided by longitudinal lines into

four equal segments; one segment to be painted red, one white, one yellow, and one blue.

(3) Reconnaissance Squadrons.- The color or color combinations for painting

the cowling to be specified by wing commanders.

(4) Hq. Squadrons of Wings. Air Bases and G. H.O. AinForce, – No recognition colors to be employed.


Pursuit, Attack and Bombardment Squadrons,
Assignment of Colors in Group.


Group Headquarters and Headquarters Squadrons.


Squadron Command Airplanes



A1 Flight Command Airplanes



‘C Flight Command Airplanes



Republic P-43s of the 1st PG at the August 1941, Carolina maneuvers. Aircraft numbers 70, 73, and 74 of the group, they have finally been camouflaged, and carry the usual maneuvers red fuselage cross over the cocardes. (USAF)


Republic YP-43, Curtiss P-40B, Bell P-39C and the second Lockheed YP-38 show the aircraft that had been selected in the Air Corps 1939 competition. The YP-38 and YP-43 are in natural metal and the P-39 and P-40 are camouflaged to Spec. 24114. In the event, all of these types proved to be disappointing performers, only the P-38 surviving in front line service until the end of the war. (LSAF via Gerry R. Markgraf)

b. Airplane Designators.

(1) Each airplane will have a distinctive designator assigned, which will consist of a combination of letters and numbers except airplanes on loan to civil flying-schools engaged under contract to train student Army pilots. The system of assigning the designators will use first the wing, group, squadron, corps area, or other unit identifying number, wherever applicable. This number will be followed by a letter or letters designating the type of equipment, as “B” for bombardment, “P” for pursuit, etc., or if not applicable, the assignment of the airplane as “W” for wing, “AB” for air base, “OR” for organized reserve, “AD” for air depot, etc., followed by a number which will be assigned by group and station commanders or by higher authority to designate a particular airplane. The following outlines the lettering system to be used,


Colorful lineup of approximately 20 North America BC-ls. The nearest aircraft is marked 557 over 53ED on the tin. They are finished in the A­N gloss true blue and gloss orange yellow colors. (USAF)



Air Base


Air Depot


Air Officer


Bombardment Group


Communication Squadron




Instructor (miscellaneous)


Materiel Division




National Guard




Organized Reserve




Pursuit Group








Technical Supervisor






Weather (Observation)


(2) The following are examples of complete designators:

Activity Designator

Headquarters Squadron, GHQ Air Force HQ1 to HQ –

Headquarters Squadron, 2nd Wing 2W1 “ 2W –

5 th Air Base Squadron 5AB1 “ 5AB –

5th Bombardment Group.




20th Pursuit Group




41st Reconnaissance Squadron



41R –

4th Composite Group




5 th Transport Squadron




Fairfield Air Depot




Middletown Air Depot




Southeast Air Depot




San Antonio Air Depot




Sacramento Air Depot



Panama Air Depot




Hawaiian Air Depot




Phillippinc Air Depot




2nd Corps Area Air Officer



2AO –

1st Communications Squadron




National Guard Instructors



Ш –

154th National Guard Observation Squadron54NGl Materiel Division

“ 54NG – MD1 “

MD –

22nd Observation Squadron, Air Corps




1st Photo Squadron




8th Corps Area Organized Reserve



80R –

63rd School Squadron




1st Staff Squadron




Technical Supervisor




2nd Weather Observation Squadron







M –

* NOTE: Not inducted into Federal Service – All National Guard Squadrons are Observation, and with the NG symbol used it is not necessary to add the О symbol. Since all National Guard Units bear a squadron number between 100 to 199, the hundred designation will be dropped in the interest of brevity.

After induction into Federal Service – Federalized National Guard squadrons will use designators as specified for Air Corps Observation Squadrons, including the О symbol and the complete squadron number.

(3) In the case of a composite group, the airplane designator will consist of the group number, followed by the letter “M” for miscellaneous, a second letter to indicate the type of equipment, as “B” for bombardment, and the designating number of the particular airplane.

c. The letters and figures composing the airplane designators will be of the vertical block type, the width will be 2/3 of the height and the strokes will be approximately 1” wide for every 6" of height. The distance between the letters is equal to 1/2 the width of a letter. In consideration of the varied sizes and configurations of airfoils and fuselages of A. C. airplanes, it is impractical to specify a standard height of letters that will meet the requirements all airplanes. In general, however, the height of the letters and figures will be as specified in the following paragraphs and uniformity should be maintained for airplanes of similar types at a station. The airplane designators will be painted on in a centrally located position in the following locations:

(1) For airplanes not camouflaged. – The designator will appear on each side of the vertical stabilizer.

Where more than one vertical stabilizer is used, the designator will appear on the left exposed side of the left hand stabilizer and on the right exposed side of the right hand stabilizer. The lettering will appear in two lines with the individual airplane number on the top line, and the unit or organization designator on the bottom line and reading from left to right. For example, 12 indicating number “12” airplane of the 31st Pursuit Group. The letters and airplane numbers will be of sufficient height as to make the designator readily discernible from a distance of approximately 150 yards.

(2) For camouflaged airplanes. – The designator will be as specified in paragraph 8 c (1) for uncamouflaged airplanes, except that the necessary area of both the vertical stabilizer and the rudder be utilized.

(3) On the upper and lower sides of the left wing only (upper side of the left upper wing and the lower side of the left lower wing in the case of a biplane). The lettering will appear all on one line, with the top of the letters toward the leading edge.

(a) The upper surface markings will be centered on a line at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the airplane, and passing through the center of the Air Corps insignia. The height of the letters will be 1/5 of the chord of the wing, as measured at a point 3/4 of the distance from the fuselage to the inner edge of the Air Corps insignia.

Подпись: Rare photograph showing ЛАК Douglas A-20Cs and British DB-7Bs at Santa Monica, willi the only Douglas R-19,38-471, in the background. Visible are A-20C-DOs of the 41-19088/41-19462 batch, and DB-7B W82S6. (Harry Gann)

(b) The lower surface markings will be ahead of and parallel to the word "Army.” The height of the letters will be 1/3 of that portion of the chord from the top of the letters composing the word "Army” to the center of the leading edge of the wing, as measured at a point 3/4 of the distance from the fuselage to the inner edge of the Air Corps insignia.

(4) In addition to the above, the airplane identification number (squadron, group or station) “12” in ex­ample cited in paragraph 4 с. (1), will be painted on the engine cowling, or on the forward portion of the fuselage, so as to be visible from the forward hemisphere. The variation in size and contour of the locations available for these identifying numbers will necessitate that the exact location and size of the numbers be determined locally for each model of airplane.

(5) The following colors will be used for these identifying markings.

(a) Black against a light background. In the case of camouflaged airplanes black, shade No. 44, Air Corps Bulletin No. 41.

(b) Yellow (Shade No. 4 for uncamouflaged airplanes – Shade No. 48, A. C. Bulletin No.4l, for camouflaged airplanes) against a dark ground.


Douglas A-20C-DO, 41-19210, in formation with another. This was the AAF version of the RAF Boston Mk. III and was finished in the standard RAF day bomber camouflage of dark green and dark earth over sky. 808 were built at Santa Monica and 140 at Boeing, Seattle. (USAF)

9. COMMAND RECOGNITION STRIPES. – Command airplanes, except as noted in paragraph 9 c, will be identi­

fied by painted stripes 5 inches wide, encircling the fuselage immediately back of the rear cockpit. These stripes will be of the same color as the squadron identification color, except that black will be used instead of blue on blue or camouflage fuse­lages, and instead of white on unfinished aluminum alloy fuselages. The number of stripes and their position on the fuselage will be as follows:

a. Squadron Command Airplanes. – Two stripes, five inches apart, encircling the fuselage in planes at right angles

to the axis of the airplane.

b. Flight Command Airplanes. –

A flight – One stripe encircling the fuselage in a plane at right angles to the axis of the airplane.

В Flight – One stripe encircling the fuselage at a 45° angle from the horizontal with the uppermost part of

the encircling stripe inclined toward the front of the airplane.

C Flight – One stripe encircling the fuselage at a 45° angle from the horizontal with the uppermost part of

the encircling stripe inclined toward the rear of the airplane.

c. Command identification stripes will not be employed by headquarters squadrons of

Air Bases, Wings, or the G. F1.Q. Air Force.

10. NAMES OF COMBAT CREW. – a. Door Type Airplanes. Names of permanently assigned members of the combat crew will be posted on the inside of the door. For a this purpose, a metal holder with celluloid cover, size approximately 5" x 7", containing a typed list of the combat crew will be utilized.

b. Cockpit Type Airplanes – Names of permanently assigned members of the combat crew to be stenciled or painted on the forward portion of the left side of the fuselage; letters to be approximately 1/2” in height; white, and on a black, rectangular background of suitable dimensions.


a. On airplanes not camouflaged – – All painted insignia, organization identification colors, etc., enamel, Spec. 3-98, insignia colors in oil, Spec. 3-120, or lacquer, Spec. 3-158, will be used.

Jr. On camouflaged airplanes. – The only paints, regardless of the purpose for which used, that will be applied to the exterior surface of camouflaged airplanes, will be Air Corps camouflage materials, (Spec. Nos. 14105,14106 or 14109) and of colors covered by Air Corps Bulletin No. 41. Primer, metal, zinc chromate, Spec. 14080, will be used wherever a primer coat is required.


Douglas DB-7B, RAF Boston 111 (RAF serial number W8311) at Oakland in 1941, showing the RAF day bomber camouflage of dark earth and dark green over sky. 836 of this version were supplied to the RAF. (William L. Swisher)


Beil Airacobra Mk 1 for RAF, AH62I, running up, shows its incorrect application of RAF fighter camouflage. The Dark Earth and Dark Green should come down to lower edge of nose and fuselage, not brought up to the center-line as seen. Sky was the underneath color. (USAF via Gerry R. Markgraf)

Camouflage Finishes for Aircraft (Specification 24114)

Anew Air Corps Spec. 24114 “Camouflage Finishes for Aircraft”, was issued as a result of the Air Corps Study No. 42 on camouflage of combat aircraft. Dated October 24, 1940, it also introduced Air Corps Bulletin No. 41, “Color Card for Camouflage Finishes”, (see Chapter 7) which established the new Air Corps matt colors for permanent camouflage paints. The key requirements of this specifica­tion were:


One coat of zinc chromate primer, Spec. 14080, shall be applied to all exterior surfaces. This shall be followed by two coats of camouflage lacquer, Spec. 14105, applied as follows: all upper surfaces except for insignia shall be coated with dark olive drab, Shade 41 of Bulletin 41, camouflage lacquer. The olive drab coating shall extend downward on the sides of the fuselage and all other similar surfaces in such manner than none of the neutral gray coating is visible when the airplane is in normal level flight attitude and is viewed from above from any direction within an angle of approximately thirty degrees from vertical lines tangent to the airplane. The location of the color boundary line in accordance with the foregoing shall be subject to the approval of the Procurement Agency. All under surfaces, except for insignia and markings, shall be coated with neutral gray, Shade 43 of Bulletin 41, camouflage lacquer. Masks shall not be employed to separate the two shades. The lines of demarcation shall be eliminated as far as possible by blending the colors at the junction line by over-spraying.

Finish of Fabric Covered Surfaces:

Apply at least three brushed coats of yellow or cream semi-pigmented nitrate dope. The dope shall not be thinned for brush application. Apply at least one spray coat of yellow or cream semi-pigmented nitrate dope, thinned as required for spray application. Apply at least two spray coats of dark olive drab or neutral gray fully pigmented nitrate camouflage dope as required.


Douglas A-24 at Oakland in 1941. Three inch high letters on the tail show that this an SBD-3A (for Army) taken off the Navy line. Aircraft lacks the Navy arresting hook and has a pneumatic tire on the tail wheel, rather than the solid Navy tire. It is finished in dark olive drab and neutral gray, per Douglas finish drawing. (William L. Swisher)

Spec. No. 24114-A, Camouflage Finishes for Aircraft issued September 4,1942

The various changes discussed in the preceding pages made it necessary to revise Spec. 24114 and the revised – Aversion was released on September 4, 1942. The major changes were:

Application. – One coat of zinc chromate primer was now required to be applied to all exterior metal surfaces. This was to be followed by one of two types of camouflage finishes as follows:

All exterior metal surfaces (except for insignia and markings) were to be coated with two coats of camouflage lacquer or with one coat of camouflage enamel.

The entire airplane was to be coated with either lacquer or enamel. In no case was lacquer to be used for upper surface and enamel for the lower surface or vice-versa,

The splotches referred to earlier were now called out, as was the overspray at the color boundary lines.

If specified, the upper surfaces could be coated with Medium Green, Shade No. 42; White, Shade No. 46; or Sand, Shade No. 49, in lieu of the usual Dark Olive Drab Shade No. 41 (note: this was the first use mentioned of the new Sand Shade No. 49, rather than the earlier Sand No. 26).

All under surfaces were to be painted Neutral Gray Shade No. 43, or if specified, Black, Shade No. 44.

Note re Camouflage and Air Defense of American Installations, AAF Chief of Staff, September 9,1942.

The following very interesting note was written to the Corps of Engineers, by the Chief of Staff, USAAF, on September 9,1942:

1. If and when the German offensive in Russia is completed there will be a concentration of German aircraft on the Western Front. When this occurs, more intensive German bombing activities can be expected against American airdromes and American installations. Fullest measures should be taken for the camouflaging of installations of the VIII Air Force Service Command and steps should be taken to ask for proper units for air defense. It is desired that your section restudy camouflage or air defense requirements with the above in mind and report to this office any change which you recommend.

This is a graphic reminder that the future course of the war in Europe was anything but certain in view of the then power of the Third Reich.


Vultce Vengeance Mk. Us awaiting conversion to the target towing role for the AAFat Delta Air Lines, Atlanta facility. Serial no. on the nearest aircraft is AN59? (Delta Air Lines via Talbott)


Another view of the Vengeance Mk. IIs at Delta Air Lines for conversion. More than 18 can be seen in this photograph. Only visible serial no. is AN594. (Delta Air Lines via Talbott)


Spec. No. 98-24113-A, amendment No. 6, September 12,1942, completely deletes blue and yellow finishes for trainer aircraft.

This revision to Spec. 241I3-A, “Color for Army Air Corps Airplanes,” finally caught up with the times and changed its title to read “Colors for Army Air Forces Airplanes.”

Of greater substance, it finally deleted all requirements for blue and yellow finishes for trainer aircraft, and stated that color requirements for camouflaged aircraft were to be in accordance with Spec. No. 24114. The finished color scheme for painted surfaces was to be as follows for the parts listed:


Stearman PT-17-BW, 42-16421, is seen in the all-aluminum finish adopted in September 1942, replacing the true blue and orange yellow scheme. 3,064 of this version were built. (Harry Gann)

Spec. No. 24114-A, Camouflage Finishes for Aircraft issued September 4,1942

Exterior (Exposed) Surfaces.

Wings and Control Surfaces, Including

Подпись: Optional Optional Подпись: Yellow Green (2) Floor and sides to tops of windows - Dull dark green. Sides above window and ceiling - Aluminum Dull dark green Dull dark green and aluminum as specified for closed cockpits. Yellow Green (2) Ribs, Spars, and all interior structures Fuselage, excepting compartments for personnel, luggage and cargo Cockpits for pilots and observers which

are open or for which sliding enclosures arc provided

Closed cockpits, the top and sides of

which form part of the fuselage structure

Seats and upholstering for seats, carpets, drapes, etc.

Passenger compartment (transport airplanes)

Luggage, cargo and bomb compartment

Notes: (1) Aluminum: see Spec. No. 98-24113-A, dated September 9, 1938.

(2) Yellow green shall be prepared in accordance with spec, no. 3-100.

Gen. Arnold queries U. S. Air Forces Commanders world-wide as to value of camouflage on airplanes. Urgent Secret teletype used, March 27, 1943

Gen. Arnold was taking a keen interest in the use of camouflage on the AAF’s combat aircraft and wanted to find out if the various USAAF Commanders world-wide would accept the deletion of camouflage on all airplanes except transports. He asserted that the airplanes would gain about twenty to twenty-five miles per hour in speed without camouflage.


North American P-51A, serial unknown, shown in the special confusion camouflage scheme developed at Eglin Field. Painted in insignia white and insignia blue, except for O. D. on upper surfaces and fuselage top. It is seen in the hangar at Eglin Field. (USAF)



Another view of the finished P-S1A, showing the four 20min cannon in the wings of this early version. (USAF)



In-flight view of the confusion camouflaged P-51A in formation with a normally finished neutral gray P-S1A. The flight tests showed no advantage over the normal camouflage. (USAF)

Eglin Field issues report on Test of Confusion Camouflage for Fighter type Aircraft, March 27, 1943

In its continuing tests of various types of camouflage for aircraft, Eglin Field revisited the use of confusion camouflage for fighter type aircraft. They ran these tests on a P-51 A aircraft painted in a disruptive scheme of insignia blue and white chevrons. This scheme was applied to both sides of the fuselage and the vertical tail and all lower surfaces of the P-51, but not to the top of the fuselage or the wing and horizontal tail surfaces. For the purposes of the tests no star insignia or radio call numbers were used on the aircraft.

The results, reported in document 3-43-29, dated March 27, 1943, showed that the disadvantages of the scheme far outweighed any possible advantages, and the report recommended that no further use be made of this type of camouflage. (Note: this was a replay of similar testing done by the Air Corps Board in Study No. 42 and came up with the same negative results. See author’s volume on the Air Service and Air Corps).

Camouflage materials change for Douglas C-54A, ordered April 9,1943.

Douglas Aircraft was told to change the camouflage finish materials for the Dark Olive Drab and Medium Green colors to meet the requirements for photographic infra-red reflectance in accordance with AAF Specs. 14106Aand 14109A. This was to be effective on C – 54A 42-107426 and subsequent aircraft. It was permissible to use up existing materials, as long as the called for effectiveness was met.

Olive Drab recommended as night camouflage for P-61 and P-70 aircraft, October 11, 1943

At WF, the Tech. Exec, forwarded to the Prod. Div. (WF), information received from Prod. Branch, Mat. Div. (Wash,), giving results of tests of night camouflage made at Eglin Field. Eglin Field reported that black camouflaged aircraft appeared “silvery” white in search­light beams and recommended that both P-61 and P-70 night fighters be finished in the standard dark olive drab and neutral gray. This recommendation also met the requirements of Mil. Req. Policy No. 15, dated May 29,1942.

Wright Field informed that camouflage was to be removed from all aircraft, October 14, 1943.

The Deputy C/S at WF was informed on October 14,1943, in a call from the CG, Mat. Com. (WF),lhat all camouflage finishes were to be removed from all new production aircraft, except for those destined for Maj. Gen. C. Chennault, CG, Fourteenth AAF. The Deputy С/ S requested that the Prod. Div. (WF), contact MM&D (Wash.) and obtain a directive to that effect.


Consolidated B-24D-165-CO, 42-72869, of the 93rd BG, 2nd BW, Eighth Air Force, in late 1943, with the red outline insignia grayed over. (USAF)


Boeing B-17F-40-DL, 42-3236, aircraft number 26 of a training unit in early 1943. (USAF via Gerry R. Markgraf)