Editor’s Introduction

When I first acquired an imprint of the original Russian edition of this book I sat and perused the pages in stunned silence. I felt as though I had fallen into some kind of strange parallel universe. Within the pages were pictures of things familiar and yet not so.

It is perhaps a testament to the ingenious human spirit that two entirely divergent cultures could make such remarkable strides in the field of space exploration and yet indelibly stamp their own mark on the designs. The inexorable laws of physics dictate that there are certain absolutes which constrain us, but the fact remains that there are many ways to achieve the same goals.

In the following pages you will see images which bring to life the dextrous faculties of the Russian engineers and scientists. Arrayed within are an impressive string of designs which placed the Russian people in the vanguard of space exploring nations.

In much the same way as the United States had done, the victorious forces of the Soviet Union returned home at the end of World War 2 with the spoils of war. Accessing much of the remarkable research undertaken by the German scientists at Peenemiinde the great designer S. R Korolev brought the R-l missile to life and placed his country on a road peppered with historic accomplishments.

From I957’s first artificial satellite Sputnik through to the remarkable space stations of the end of the 20th century the Russian people and the engineers and scientists of Rocket & Space Corporation Energia have created and sustained an impressive legacy of technological triumphs.

At the turn of the millennium the Russian and American people are now working together with people from around the world to establish the International Space Station. Undoubtedly this synergy between East and West has only just begun to bear fruit and the world has yet to see where this new detente between old adversaries will lead us. One thing is clear however, the aptitude and excellence of the designs which continue to emerge from Rocket and Space Corporation Energia will continue to surprise us.

Robert Godwin (Editor – English Edition)

Special thanks for assistance with the English edition to:

Space Media Incorporated and
Space Hab Incorporated

Two significant events laid the foundation for the epoch of space exploration: launch into Earth orbit of the world’s first artificial satellite (October 4, 1957); and the first manned Earth­orbiting space flight (April 12, 1961). With these landmark events, the evolution of national cosmonautics entered the history of mankind.

Preceding these events, much hard work was undertaken in the development of rocket and space technology, and its associated industries, beginning as early as 1946.

In the spring of 1946, Nil (Research Institutes), KB (Design Bureaus), and test centers were created in accordance with a government decision, and plants for the development and manufacture of ballistic long-range missiles were conceived.

88 State Research Institute of Reaction Armament (NII-88) (which in 1956 became the OKB-I independent organization and now is called S. P. Korolev space corporation Energia) acted as the prime organization for this work. At that time, a team led by General Designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was engaged in the design of ballistic long-range missiles with liquid rocket engines.

While complying with state assignments to create combat long-range missiles, S. P. Korolev oriented his team to simultaneously develop and perform space exploration study programs beginning with research of the Earth’s upper atmospheric layers. Therefore, after the flight of the first native ballistic missile, R-l (October 10, 1948), flights of R-l A, R-IB, R-IV and other geophysical rockets followed. After the successful launch of the world’s first intercontinental ballistic missile, R-7 (August 21, 1957), launches of the first Earth artificial satellites were performed, as well as launches of spacecraft of various purpose using modified R-7 missiles. Wide-scale exploration of space had begun: Luna, Venera, Mars, Zond and other automatic interplanetary stations were launched; flights of unmanned and manned spacecraft of theVostok type were made; multi-seat spacecraft of the Voskhod type were created; and the first cosmonaut egress into open space was carried out.

As the research scope was widened and studies were extended, Korolev delegated specific research and development subjects to other organizations, transferring to them his deputies and the best qualified personnel to continue the work begun. For example, all matters related to communication satellites he referred to the KB led by M. Ph. Reshetnev; subjects of probing and photography of the Earth to D. I. Kozlov; problems caused by studies of deep space and automatic Earth artificial satellites to G. N. Babakin; and so on, keeping manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicles for himself. Therefore, practically all of the KB’s engaged in the field of space technology originated with, but were then separated from, the KB led by Korolev himself.

The team of S. P. Korolev, continuing his traditions, created a new series – the Soyuz spacecraft – with which the docking of spacecraft in orbit was tested, allowing crew members to transfer from one spacecraft to another.

At the beginning of the I970’s NPO Energia (the former Korolev KB) was headed by academician V. P. Glushko.

At this time a new stage of orbital station creation was begun. The problems involved in long-term station operation were solved. Crew rotation and cargo delivery were performed using both manned and cargo spacecraft.

The Mir station, to which the Kvant, Kvant-2, and Kristall research modules were later docked, was in orbit from February 20, 1986 until its successful deorbit in 2001.The work performed at orbital stations provided great scientific and national economic value. International crews took part in flights to the orbital stations.

The Energia launch vehicle, combined with rocket boosters created at NPO Energia, allowed a universal space platform, inside a cargo transport container, to be put into near-Earth orbit to solve several tasks of national economic purpose, including the creation of global communication system, Telecast. It also put automatic interplanetary spacecraft into flight trajectories to the Moon, the planets and deep
space, providing both new, powerful acquisitions of scientific knowledge and practical human activity in the study and exploration of space.

The need for reducing the cost of injecting payload mass into orbit is the main stimulating factor for further modifications and creation of new launch vehicles. Zenit and Energia-M launch vehicles, developed on the basis of the Energia system, allow this task to be solved.

The national space program has always envisaged cosmonautics as being used not only in the interests of our country, but in those of all mankind.

RSCE stands ready to exchange its achievements in space with all countries. We propose performing launches of spacecraft of other nations and international organizations with our launch vehicles and carrying out joint studies at orbital stations, based on mutual agreement.

As always, we shall do everything to keep space peaceful, international, and serving the interests of all mankind, both now and in the future.

FROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIRPresident of S. P. Korolev Space Corporation Energia Yu. P. Semenov

Space for science, only for peaceful purposes, for the benefit of a man relentlessly perceiving the innermost mysteries of nature – that is the way space studies are developed and performed.

S. P. Korolev

In 1946 S. P. Korolev was charged with heading the development work on ballistic liquid-propellant long-range missiles.

Having gained experience with the prototype research missiles of the pre-war period and having studied the problems with the German missile weapons, Korolev began his own independent path of development. He created a number of native teams within the rocket-space complex, heading up the manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicle development group himself.

To provide operational solutions to all of the various fundamental scientific and technical problems encountered in the course of developing the missile complexes, Korolev initiated the Council of Chief Designers, including S. P. Korolev, V. P. Barmin. V. P. Glushko, V. I. Kuznetsov, N. A. Piljugin, and M. S. Rjazansky. Each Chief Designer headed his own KB (Design Bureau), each with a different specialty.

The first controlled ballistic long-range missile, the R-1, was developed by the Korolev team based on the German A-4 (V-2) rocket in 1948.

The R-1 missile was 13.4 tons in mass, had a 270 km range, and a non-separating nose cone with a mass of I. I tons. The R-1 missile engine, RD-100, was created based on the German rocket engine at the Glushko KB. Liquid oxygen and alcohol were used as the propellant. Missile flight control was performed using aerodynamic vanes and gas control jets.

13 NIl’s (Research Institutes) and KB’s, as well as 35 plants, took part in the creation of the R-l missile. The first launch of the R-l occurred on September 17, 1948. It failed. Because of a control system failure the missile deviated almost 50° from the flight line. Success came with an October 10, 1948 launch. In 1950, after completion of flight design tests, the R-l missile was put into operation with its ground support complex.

Hand-in-hand with the creation of combat ballistic missiles, on Korolev’s initiative, a program to research the upper atmosphere was developed in partnership with institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Based on the R-l missile, R-l A, R-IB, R-IV, R-IE and other geophysical rockets were created. Using these missiles comprehensive studies of the atmosphere up to an altitude of 100 km were carried out. On April 21, 1949 the first geophysical rocket, the R-l A, lifted two containers with scientific equipment to an altitude of I 10 km, they were then recovered using parachutes.

Further work on ballistic missiles led to the R-2 in!950.To increase the accuracy, the missile nose cone, 1.5 tons in mass, was made separable during flight. The R-2 range was 590 km with a launching mass of 20.3 tons. Thus, in 1951, a second missile complex was put into operation for the Soviet Army.

Based on the R-2 missile, the R-2A geophysical rocket was created which performed atmospheric probing up to an altitude of 210 km.

In 1953 the first tactical missile using a storable propellant (nitric acid and carbon-hydrogen fuel), the R-1 I, was created with a range of 270 km. The R-l I’s launch mass was 5.5 tons and the nose cone mass was 0.67 tons. The engine thrust was about 8 tons with the system propellant developed by the Isaev KB installed on the missile. The thrust vector control was performed by gas jet. The first launch of the R-l I missile occurred on April 18, 1953. In 1955 the missile was put into operation.

The R-1 I was the basis of development of the R-l IM and R-l IFM missiles. The R-l IM missile was designed to use a nose cone with a military nuclear charge. The first launch of the R-l IM missile was performed on December 30, 1955. A complex with R-IIM missiles was put into operation in 1958.

The R-l IFM missile was designed to be launched from submarines. The R-l IFM was first launched from the swinging sea stand in May 1955, and then on September 16, 1955 from a submarine. The missile was launched from submarine above the water line. The R-l IFM missile opened up a new trend of development in combat missiles – sea-based missiles – and was put into operation by the USSR Navy. Further work on sea-based missiles was transferred to a newly organized KB which was headed byV. P. Makeev, successor of S. P. Korolev. The missile was first launched from underwater on December 23, 1958.

Work on creation of ballistic long-range missiles continued at OKB-I and, as a result of goal-oriented studies and experiments, the first strategic missile, the R-5, appeared. The first R-5 launch was on March 15, 1953, with a range of 1200 km. A liquid oxygen and alcohol engine of 43.8 tons thrust at ground level was installed on the missile. Flight control was performed by gas jets and aerodynamic surfaces.

In 1955, a modification of this missile, the R-5M, with a nuclear military charge in the nose cone, was developed. The first launch of the R-5M missile was on January 21, 1955 and its testing with a nuclear military charge was carried out on February 2, 1956. In 1956 the R-5M missile was put into operation.

Along with the R-5 and R-5M missiles, geophysical rockets R-5A, R-5B, R-5V, and R-5R were created and used to continue studies of the upper atmospheric layers and space, as well as to investigate advanced rocket performance. On February 21, 1958 the R-5V rocket lifted scientific equipment with a mass of 1520 kg to an altitude of 473 km – a record at the time.

The creation of the two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, the R-7, was the outstanding achievement of native rocket development. The launch mass of the R-7 missile was 280 tons. Unlike preceding missiles, the launching facilities for the R-7 missile were stationary. Launch of this missile from USSR territory could respond to nuclear attack from practically any point in possible enemy territory.

The first stage of the R-7 consisted of four side units. The second stage core unit also included an upper compartment in which a payload of up to 5.4 tons was accommodated. The main four-chamber engines designed by V. P. Glushko and new control engines from S. P. Korolev for controlling the thrust vector were installed in these units. All engines used liquid oxygen and kerosene. The drive for the turbopump units was actuated using hydrogen peroxide. The engines of all units were started on the ground. The liftoff thrust was 406 tons.

Because of its overall dimensions, the missile was delivered to the testing grounds by rail in a disassembled state. The missile assembly, with further pneumo – and electro-tests, was carried out at the technical complex specially built for this purpose. The assembled and tested missile was transported to the launching site by railway line using a special transport-installation unit propelled by a diesel locomotive. The loading of the missile propellant components was carried out from mobile loading units delivered to the launching site after the missile.

The first launch of the R-7 missile, on May 15, 1957, was a failure. The R-7 successfully flew to intercontinental range on August 21, !957.There was a special TASS report on this launch, which was the third after the flight tests began, informing the world that the Soviet Union had become the owner of this lethal weapon.

In January 1956, on S. P. Korolev’s insistence, a decision was made to develop an artificial Earth satellite which could be launched by the R-7 missile. The fact of this launch was to be communicated to and verified by all of the countries of the world. For this purpose, radio equipment was installed on the satellite. Accurate measurement of the orbit parameters of the artificial satellite was provided by radio and optical stations.

The world’s first artificial orbiting satellite was injected into near-Earth orbit by an R-7 launch vehicle on October 4, 1957. This event marked the beginning of a new era in the history of civilization – the space age.

Earth’s first artificial satellite (PS-1, 83.6 kg in mass) went into an orbit with an apogee of 947 km, a perigee of 228 km, an inclination of 65.6°, and remained in orbit for 92 days. This first Earth orbiting satellite provided data on the lifetime of satellites in near-Earth orbit, on radio wave passage through the ionosphere, and on the effects of space flight conditions on satellite equipment operation. A month later (November 3, 1957) the second Earth artificial satellite (PS-2, 508.3 kg in mass) was put into orbit with an experimental animal (a dog, Laika) on board, and then on May 15, 1958 the third Earth satellite (D-l, 1,327 kg in mass – a real space laboratory) was launched into space.

The results of these first Earth satellite launches were the genesis of the development of interplanetary stations to investigate the Moon and planets of the Solar System.

Missions for study of the Moon and interplanetary flight required re-equipping the launch vehicle with a third stage to increase its power-mass characteristics. In addition to the third stage a booster, which could impart an additional cosmic speed (more than I I km/s) to interplanetary stations, was required to enable them to depart from Earth orbit.

Interplanetary stations (IS’s) and automatic interplanetary stations (AIS’s) were designed for flights to the Moon.

They were given the drawing symbol "E":

• IS EI – for Moon flyby;

• IS El A – For reaching the surface of the Moon;

• AIS E2, E2A, E3 – for Moon fly-around and photography of its back side;

• AIS E6 – for soft landing on the Moon’s surface with transfer of its surface images to Earth;

• AIS E7 – for creation of a Moon satellite;

• AIS E8 – for provision of soft landing on the Moon, and soil sampling and its delivery to Earth.

Stations EI, E2, and E3 were to be launched by a three-stage rocket (R-7 plus rocket unit E) and E6 and the following by a four-stage rocket (R-7 plus rocket unit I plus booster l_).

The first native liquid-fueled rocket engine used a liquid oxygen and carbon-hydrogen propellant, provided 5.6 tons of thrust, and was installed in unit E. To drive the turbopump unit, gas pressure was derived from a generator that used the main propellant components. A system of special gas distribution throttles, gas lines and control gas-reaction nozzles behind the turbine was first used for control on unit E. The engine development was jointly conducted by the S. P. Korolev and S. A. Kosberg KB’s.

Unit I was also used as the third stage of a four-stage launch vehicle and designed for the spacecraft’s final maneuvering into Earth satellite orbit. A four-chamber liquid oxygen and carbon-hydrogen propellant engine, the RO-9 providing 30 tons of thrust, was installed in the unit. This engine was developed by the Kosberg KB.

Booster L was conceived for boosting a spacecraft out of Earth orbit and transferring it into a planetary flight trajectory. For the first time, a rocket unit was fired under

weightlessness. The world’s first closed-loop engine, with thrust of about 7 tons and using liquid oxygen and carbon-hydrogen propellant, was installed in booster L. This engine was developed by the Korolev KB.

IS’s of the El and El A types differed mainly in the scientific equipment installed. Structurally they were similar to the first Earth satellite PS-1.

AIS’s E2, E2A, and E3 had solar array elements, radio complex antennas, and gas microengines for altitude control on the outer surface. The radio complex, automation, research equipment, phototelevision device, and buffer electric batteries were housed inside the main hull.

AIS E6 differed from its predecessors. It consisted of three main, functionally isolated parts:

• a correcting-brake engine with control system units;

• two compartments with equipment that were jettisoned before braking at the Moon’s


• an automatic autonomous lunar station.

None of the systems of AIS E6 were duplicated because of strict mass limitations.

The first successful launch of an IS – El, known in the press as "Mechta" (Luna-1) – was performed on January 2, 1959. This station flew at a distance of 5 to 6 thousand km from the Moon and then became a satellite of the Sun. IS El A started on September 12, 1959 and delivered a pennant of the Soviet Union to the Moon on September 14, 1959. This station was named Luna-2. Luna-3, launched on October 4,

1959, spent 40 minutes photographing the back side of the Moon and then transferred its imagery to Earth. The world’s first television image of the Moon’s surface was obtained by AIS Luna-9,launched from Earth onJanuary31,1 966.

Automatic stations of the type IM (to Mars), IVA (to Venus), and then MV, the launch of which was performed by the above mentioned four-stage rocket (R-7 plus unit I plus booster L) were designed for flights to Mars and Venus. Activity on creation of these stations began in


The first four-stage rocket and space system with the I M-type automatic interplanetary station (AIS) aboard for exploring Mars was launched on October 10, I960. Because the I rocket module engine failed, the AIS was not injected into Earth orbit. On February 12, 1961 the IVA-type AIS was launched to study Venus and flew to within a distance of about 100 thousand km from the

planet. This AIS was named Venera-1.

Because of the tasks identified for solution with respect to exploration of interplanetary space – planet fly-by’s, with photography and radio probing at small distances, and delivery of the descent vehicles to the planet’s surfaces – it was decided to proceed to the development of the MV-type unified automatic interplanetary station for flights to Mars and Venus.

On November I, 1962 an MV-type station (2MV-4 No 4) named Mars-1 with a mass of 893.5 kg was launched. However, because of deficient pressurization of the high pressure system for operating the altitude-control microengines the station failed to fulfill its task. All subsequent 2MV-type AIS’s were not successful either.

AIS 3MV-4 No 3 (Zond-3), launched into heliocentric orbit with a Moon fly-by on July 18, 1965, was the first AIS to completely fulfill its task. On November 12, 1965 the Venera-2 AIS was launched into Venus fly-by trajectory, and on March I, 1966 the Venera-3 AIS (3MV-3 No I, launched on November 16, 1965), delivered a Soviet Union pennant to the surface ofVenus.

The successful missions of Zond-3,Venera-2, and Venera-3 made it possible to terminate the first phase of the planned program of Mars and Venus exploration and draw a number of fundamental scientific conclusions, specifically: to determine the boundary of Earth’s atmosphere; to clarify the character of magnetic fields in the Solar System; and to give the first insights into the atmospheres of the planets explored.

In 1966, all work related to the exploration of the Solar System’s planets and the Moon using automatic interplanetary stations (including continuation of work on E6, E7and E8-type AIS’s) was transferred to the KB headed by G. N. Babakin.

The daring idea was carried further as preparation for the first manned spacecraft launch began. In the spring of 1957 in OKB-I (as Korolev KB came to be called) the spacecraft design department under the supervision of M. K. Tikhonravov was organized for the purpose of studying and deriving solutions for the complex problems relating to launching a man into space. Having conducted extensive studies since September 1958, this department started passing the technical directions on the development of the spacecraft’s onboard systems to its co-executors. Tedious work on the development and testing of the spacecraft, rocket, and launching complex systems was culminated by check launches of the I KP unmanned spacecraft (May 15, 1960) and spacecraft with dogs aboard (Chaika and Lisichka on July 28, I960, Belka and Strelka on August 19, I960, Pchelka and Mushka on December I, I960, Shutka and Cometa on December 22, I960, Chernushka on March 9, 1961, and Zvezdochka on March 25, 1961) and using dummies.

The test flights were not without problems. For various reasons, the program was twice interrupted (on July 28, I960 and December I, I960), and the flight of the spacecraft-satellite launched on December 22, I960 became only a suborbital mission. The causes of the failures were thoroughly analyzed and eliminated.

The experience gained made it possible to proceed immediately to preparation for launching a manned spacecraft. The Vostok spacecraft, with Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin onboard, was launched on April 12, 1961 at 9:07 a. m. Moscow time. The spacecraft, massing 4,725 kg, was put into an orbit with a perigee of 181 km, an apogee of 327 km, and an inclination of 65° by the three-stage launch vehicle (R-7 + block E) named Vostok. The Vostok spacecraft included a spherical descent vehicle (2.3 m in diameter and 2.46 tons in mass), a biconical instrumentation module (with a maximum diameter of 2.5 m and a mass of 2.265 tons), and the braking propulsion system developed by Isaev KB.

To return the descent vehicle with the cosmonaut to Earth the control system sent a command to the engine to provide a braking pulse; after that the spacecraft deorbited and then the descent vehicle separated from the instrumentation module and descended to Earth along the ballistic trajectory. At an altitude of 7 km the cosmonaut in a space suit left the descent vehicle using the ejection seat and then landed by parachute on his own. Having flown around the Earth in a matter of 108 minutes, Yu. A. Gagarin successfully descended to his native land.

On August 6, 1961 the Vostok-2 spacecraft, with cosmonaut G. S. Titov aboard, was launched. The cosmonaut was in space for an entire day.

The Vostok spacecraft program involved the launch of six manned spacecraft, including group flights of two pairs of spacecraft, and including the flight of the first woman-cosmonaut. The program was a success. On August I I and 12, 1962 theVostok-3 andVostok-4 spacecraft were in space, and theVostok-5 andVostok-6 followed on June 16-19, 1963.The Vostok-6 spacecraft was piloted byValentinaVladimirovnaTereshkova.

The experience accumulated in the development of the Vostok spacecraft was used to create the Voskhod three-man spacecraft (launched on October 12, 1964) and the Voskhod-2 two-man spacecraft. During the flight of Voskhod-2, on March 18, 1965, cosmonaut A. A. Leonov was the first in the world to egress into space. Upon completion of the program, the Vostok – and Voskhod-type spacecraft became technological history as new scientific and engineering ideas were pursued.

In 1957, work on the construction of automatic

spacecraft designed for photography of Earth’s surface was under way. In the course of this work, based on the Vostok spacecraft, the Zenit-2 unmanned spacecraft was designed, manufactured, tested and put into operation, and the Zenit-4 spacecraft design was developed. The first launch of the Zenit-2 spacecraft, on November II, 1961, turned out to be a failure, caused by a rocket accident, but the second launch, on April 26, 1962, was a success.

Following a three-day flight, the spacecraft descent vehicle was returned to Earth. The Zenit-2 and Zenit-4 spacecraft were the beginning of a new trend in the creation of the national control aids using spacecraft. In 1964 the work on Zenit spacecraft was passed over to a subsidiary of KB which was headed by the OKB-I former leading designer, D. I. Kozlov.

In 1961 the design work for creating the Molniya-l, the first communication satellite (active relay satellite), and construction of an experimental communications line based on it, was begun. Calculations showed that construction of a large number of comparatively simple and inexpensive ground receiving-transmitting stations and a relay satellite with a high-power radiated signal was more economically viable than constructing a central communication system and communicating with other stations via ground line networks. While developing the Molniya-l satellite, the problem of satellite orientation was solved, and major advances were made in the designing of high power communication systems and their larger power supplies. On April 23, 1965, the first Molniya-l satellite was launched into a highly elliptical orbit, and in 1968 a 24-hour communication system of three satellites was completed. Thereafter, work on communication satellites, as an independent development line in space technology, was passed over to the newly organized KB in Krasnoyarsk headed by S. P. Korolev’s fellow campaigner M. F. Reshetnev.

Late in I960, the Electron-1, Electron-2, Electron-3, and Electron-4 spacecraft were manufactured. These spacecraft included two satellites – E-l at 445 kg and E-ll at 330 kg – which were injected into separate orbits by one launch-vehicle. The satellites were designed to explore the Van Allen radiation belt (regions of high-energy trapped plasma which come from the solar wind). The first pair of satellites was launched on January 30, 1964 and the second pair on July 11,1964.

After launch of the first artificial Earth satellites, interplanetary stations to the Moon, Mars, and

Venus, and flights of manned spacecraft in near-Earth orbit, the problem of constructing a new heavy launch vehicle was brought to the forefront. A launch vehicle capable of putting larger payloads into orbit was necessary in order to expand exploration of the planets and for creating a new generation of manned spacecraft capable of on-orbit docking. These are necessary for constructing a space system without which a wide study and exploration of space would be unthinkable.

In 1961, in parallel with the development of a new launch vehicle, the R-9 combat missile, with a launch mass of 81 tons and nose cone mass of 1.7-2.2 tons was manufactured at OKB-I by the order of the Ministry of Defense. All prelaunch operations were fully automated. The flight range of the missile’s nose cone was 12,500 km. Work on the creation of solid-propellant medium – and long-range missiles (RT-I and RT-2) was also under way.

The NI heavy launch vehicle was developed during the early I960’s. It was designed as a three-stage multipurpose rocket with a launch mass of 2,200 tons and a payload of 75 tons.

For a launch vehicle with this capability, special attention was paid to selection of the propellant components. A comprehensive comparison of characteristics of various pairs was conducted. As a result, a nontoxic, less expensive propellant pair – kerosene and liquid oxygen – was selected. It had the added benefit that both propellant components were already being produced. A large number of organizations were involved in development of the NI rocket, fronted by the team led by N. D. Kusnetsov.

A series of rockets produced on the basis of the Nl: the Nil, using the second, third, and an additional fourth stage, had a launch mass of 700 tons and payload of 20 tons; the NI I I, using the third and an additional fourth stage, had a launch mass of 200 tons and payload of 5 tons. In conformance with the NI project, a multi-engine system (24 engines in the first stage) was now used, the first in rocket building, so that the

payload would be launched even if two pairs of engines failed. Because of the complexity of the multi-engine system, the rocket was equipped with the KORD special diagnostic system.

In May 1961 the USA proclaimed their Moon program and considered it their most important national task. Our country could not simply stand aside. In 1964, Korolev KB was entrusted by the government with the development of an analogous project. The "Moon race" had started. The mass of the NI launch vehicle payload was increased initially up to 90 tons and then up to 95 tons. This increase was achieved through the installation of an additional six engines in the central part of the first stage and increasing of the propellant mass, raising the launch mass to 2,820 tons.

Concurrent with the work on the Moon program, development of the second generation of manned spacecraft, named Soyuz, was begun in 1962. On March 7, 1963, S. P. Korolev signed off on the design drawings for this spacecraft. In compliance with the requirements specified in 1965, a three-man spacecraft capable of performing a wide variety of tasks was designed, including: automatic and manual rendezvous and docking of spacecraft; performance of scientific and technological experiments; and testing of the autonomous navigation process.

The three-stage launch vehicle (R-7 + block I), subsequently called Soyuz, was used to put the Soyuz spacecraft into Earth orbit. The Soyuz spacecraft included the descent vehicle, crew habitation space, instrument assemblies, and strap-on modules.

The descent vehicle – about 3 tons with the thermal protection diameter of 2.2 m – was made in the shape of "a headlight" with an aerodynamic quality of 0.30 that, in combination with the descent control system microengines, provided a gliding descent with a g-load of no more than 4 g to a preselected landing area.

In January 1966, academician S. P. Korolev died.

His successor, academician Vasiliy Pavlovich

Mishin, continued the work on the development of the NI rocket and the Soyuz spacecraft.

On November 28, 1966, the Soyuz spacecraft flight testing began in unmanned mode. Following the second unmanned flight (February 7, 1967), on April 23, 1967, the Soyuz-1 with

pilot-cosmonaut V. M. Komarov aboard was launched. The flight ended in tragedy. Because of a landing system failure the cosmonaut perished. Following improvements, testing of the unmanned spacecraft was repeated. The Cosmos-186 and Cosmos-188 unmanned spacecraft, which on October 30, 1967 were the first in the world to dock in orbit in an automatic mode, were launched. The Cosmos-212 and Cosmos-213 unmanned spacecraft repeated automatic docking in orbit.

The five unmanned spacecraft flights (including Cosmos-238) confirmed the validity of the adopted solutions. The decision to perform a manned flight was again made. Cosmonaut G. T. Beregovoy flew in space aboard the Soyuz-3 spacecraft. His spacecraft was launched on October 26, 1968, following the Soyuz-2

unmanned spacecraft. During this flight the spacecraft automatic rendezvous and manual berthing were tested.

On January 15, 1969, the Soyuz-4 (cosmonaut V. A. Shatalov) and Soyuz-5 (cosmonauts B. V. Volynov, A. S. Eliseev, E. V. Khrunov) manned spacecraft docked in orbit, constructing an experimental space station of 12.924 tons. Two cosmonauts in space suits passed from one spacecraft to the other through space. In June 1970, cosmonauts A. G. Nikolaev and V. I. Sevastianov performed a long-duration flight (17.7 days) on board the Soyuz-9 spacecraft. A Soyuz spacecraft transport modification, and later its modification with the androgynous periphery docking unit, was then put under development.

Beginning in 1965, an additional modification of the Soyuz spacecraft designed for the Moon fly-around was under development. It was

planned for the Soyuz spacecraft to be launched by the Proton four-stage launch vehicle. Booster D, developed by TsKBEM (Korolev KB was so named), was used as the fourth stage of the Proton launch vehicle – the first upper stage providing multiple engine ignitions in space. It was equipped with a TsKBEM-designed closed-cycle engine with 8.5 tons thrust. Using liquid oxygen and kerosene, the engine had a high specific impulse (349 kg. f-s/kg). On March 10, 1967, the unmanned launches of the 7K-LI spacecraft of this series, named Zond, began. During the period 1968-1970 these unmanned spacecraft, from Zond-5 to Zond-8, flew around the Moon.

After Moon fly-around and photography, the first of these spacecraft, Zond-5, splashed down in the Indian ocean. For a number of reasons the Moon fly-around by a two-man crew on board the 7K-LI manned spacecraft did not take place.

During subsequent years, the D-booster was improved and called DM. In 1974-1993, the DM-booster, coupled with the Proton launch vehicle, provided launching of over 130 space objects of the Cosmos, Venera, Raduga, Ekran, Gorizont, Vega, Fobos series, etc.

In late 1969, on a basis of the scientific and technological products available at TsKBEM and subsidiary TsKBM’s (hereafter KB Salyut), the immediate development of an orbital station was begun. The orbital and core module body created for the Almaz manned station formed the station basis. Structurally, the station consisted of a work module with zones of large (4.15 m) and small (2.9 m) diameters, and transfer and service modules. The volume of the first station habitation module was 90 m3, and the mass of the scientific equipment was 1.2 tons.

On April 19, 1971, the world’s first orbital station, named Salyut, was put into Earth orbit by the Proton three-stage launch vehicle. The Soyuz-10 spacecraft was to deliver the crew to the station, but because of a failure in the mechanical docking system, the crew could not transfer to the station. On June 8, 1971, the first crew, including G. T. Dobrovolsky. V. N. Volkov and

V. I. Patsaev, arrived at the station on board the Soyuz-1 I spacecraft and worked there for 22 days, performing a large number of investigations. However, during the descent phase while returning to Earth, a premature opening of the ventilation system pyrotechnic valve occurred resulting in the tragic deaths of the cosmonauts.

After this the station made a flight in automatic mode. Scientific and technical investigations, and control of the systems, structure and scientific equipment under long-duration flight conditions were performed. The Salyut station stayed in near-Earth orbit for about 6 months (until November II, 1971).

On May 1 1,1 973, the next orbital station – Cosmos-557 – was put into orbit. Because of the abnormal operation of the ionic orientation system, the flow rate of the working medium in the actuators system considerably exceeded design values. Station orbit correction was impossible and within 12 days the station ceased to operate.

The next orbital station – Salyut-4, developed by TsKBEM and KB Salyut – was launched on December 26, 1974 and was in orbit until February 3, 1977.Two expeditions, of 28 and 63 days duration, worked aboard the station. The crews on board conducted integrated scientific and technological experiments. The checkouts of the station’s structure, units and systems under conditions of a long-duration flight (resource tests) were of considerable importance.

In 1973 TsKBEM and KB Salyut began a joint development of a new generation station. Its most distinctive feature was a second docking unit. While developing the station special attention was paid to its maintainability in order to increase its lifetime.

Late in 1968, the assembly of the first NI launch vehicle was completed, and on February 21,1 969 the first launch took place. Its flight duration was only 68.7 seconds because of a fire in the aft section of the first stage, causing the KORD system to cut off all engines. For that first launch, the NI launch vehicle mass was 2,735 tons, with a first stage thrust of 4,500 tons, and payload of about 70 tons.

During the second NI launch, on July 3, 1969, the launch vehicle had an accident during the first seconds of flight and the rocket fell down onto the launching pad. Subsequently, the NI-L3 flight tests were protracted, time being necessary to clarify the causes of the failures and adopt measures for their elimination.

On July 24, 1969, the crew of the U. S. Apollo-1 I spacecraft returned to Earth after landing on the Moon’s surface and political interest in our Moon program vanished.

The development of the booster and spacecraft for the Moon program had been completed. The operational capability of the Lunar spacecraft was checked out in near-Earth orbit as a part of the T2K unmanned experimental spacecraft which was launched by the Soyuz launch vehicle on November 24, 1970 (Cosmos-379), February 26, 1971 (Cosmos-398) and August 12, 1971 (Cosmos-434).

The third (June 27, 1971) and fourth (November 23, 1972) launches of NI-L3 were not successful. In December 1972, the USA completed their Moon program with the Apollo-17 flight, which determined the fate of the NI rocket.

In May of 1974, NPO Energia, the main part of which became TsKBEM, was headed by academician Valentin Petrovich Glushko. By that time the preparation of the Soyuz-Apollo flight had been completed. The program director of the Soviet part was K. D. Bushuev. Two Soyuz spacecraft and four crews were in preparation for the flight. In July of 1975, the Soyuz-19 and U. S. Apollo spacecraft docked in orbit. Soviet cosmonauts A. Leonov and V. Kubasov shook hands and exchanged pennants with the U. S. astronauts T. Stafford. V. Brand, and D. Slayton and they performed joint experiments. The flight was successfully completed with the cosmonaut’s landing.

The extra spacecraft that wasn’t used by the Soyuz-Apollo program was reoriented for use in the Intercosmos program whose purpose was to test and improve scientific and technological methods for studying Earth’s geological and geophysical characteristics from space in the interests of the national economy and environmental monitoring. For this purpose the special photocompartments with a multi-zonal photographic apparatus (MKF-6) developed by the USSR and GDR was installed on board. The Soyuz-22 spacecraft flight was conducted in September 1976.

In February 1976, NPO Energia was charged with the development of a reusable rocket and space system including the Energia launch vehicle and Buran orbital vehicle. This system was created to counterbalance the U. S. Space Shuttle transportation system so as to maintain parity with the US militarily and with respect to subsequent space exploration. An important difference between this and earlier programs was that the heavy-lift launch vehicle and the orbital spacecraft were being created separately.

The Energia launch vehicle, with a launch mass of 2,400 tons and initial thrust of 3,550 tons, is a two-stage rocket integrated in a single package. The first stage consists of four side boosters with a four-chamber liquid-fuel engine burning liquid oxygen and hydrocarbon in each booster. The second stage is the vehicle’s central module with four liquid-fuel rocket engines burning liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.

After completion of thorough ground testing, the first launch of the Energia rocket, with the "Skif-DM" (or"Polus") spacecraft designed at KB Salyut, was performed on May 15, 1987.

The Buran orbiter was developed in parallel with the launch vehicle. The orbiter was being tested under flight conditions with the use of a prototype spacecraft. Additional engines were installed on the prototype orbiter. On November 10, 1985, it performed its first flight over Zhukovsky town. Development of the orbiter systems and on-board automatic

equipment, including software, had also been proceeding. The first flight of the orbiter was planned to be unmanned. At last, on November 15, 1988 at 6:00 a. m. Moscow time, the Energia-Buran system made its first flight.

A combined propulsion system of NPO Energia design was installed in the Buran orbiter. It included engines for orbital maneuvering, control and precise orientation. Oxygen and synthetic hydrocarbon fuel, which all engines burned, were contained in common propellant tanks.

After completing a two-circle orbital flight, the Buran orbiter performed an automatic landing on an airfield not far from the launch site. The

automatic landing system provided landing accuracy within centimeters of the design prediction. The flight duration was 205 minutes.

On September 29, 1977, a new stage in manned cosmonautics was opened with the Salyut-6 station launch. Salyut-6 was a new generation station equipped with two docking units. The station was first visited by the crew of the Soyuz-26 spacecraft launched on December I I, 1977. Delivery of propellants for the propulsion system and different cargoes to the station was provided by Progress unmanned cargo spacecraft (the first launch was made on January 20, 1978) created on the Soyuz spacecraft basis.

The first international crew, consisting of spacecraft commander A. A. Gubarev and cosmonaut-researcher V. Remek (ChSSR), was delivered to the station on March 3, 1978 by the Soyuz-28 spacecraft (launched on March 2, 1978). They performed scientific and technical research during their stay on board the station.

On December 16, 1979, a new Soyuz T unmanned transport spacecraft, developed on the basis of the Soyuz spacecraft, was launched. New onboard systems, including systems for radio communication, attitude control, motion control and an onboard computer complex, were installed aboard the SoyuzT spacecraft. On December 19, 1979, the spacecraft was docked to the Salyut-6 station and remained docked, being tested as a part of the station complex, for more than 100 days. A manned version of the Soyuz T spacecraft became the main transport vehicle for delivering cosmonauts to the orbital stations. Soyuz spacecraftT-2 delivered a crew to the station on June 6, 1980.

Between 1977 and 1981, 16 crews carried out work aboard the Salyut-6 station (it deorbited on July 29, 1982), and the total stay duration was 676 days. During that time unique research was performed in astrophysics, geophysics, substance structure, and on the effects of long-term flight conditions on the human organism. Additionally, a survey of Earth’s natural resources; ecological monitoring of the Earth’s surface, lakes, rivers, and atmosphere; production of new materials and highly effective biological substances; and EVA’s were performed.

On April 19, 1982, the Salyut-7 station was put into orbit. The crew was delivered to the station by the Soyuz T-5 spacecraft launched on May 13, 1982. Ten crews worked aboard the Salyut-7 station, continuing research work begun by cosmonauts on board the Salyut-6 station. The total flight duration in the manned mode was about 800 days. Eleven cargo spacecraft of the Progress-series and two logistics spacecraft of 20-ton class – Cosmos-1443 and Cosmos-1686 (jointly designed by KB Salyut and TsKBM) – delivered propellants and cargoes to the station. In October of 1984, the Salyut-7 station, with the docked transport logistics spacecraft Cosmos-1686, was transferred into a 480 km orbit to perform prolonged life tests of the complex equipment and systems in automatic mode.

Early in 1985, the power supply system of the Salyut-7 station failed. The station’s orientation was disturbed and it no longer responded to Control Centre commands. In June of 1985, to restore the station’s serviceability, the SoyuzT-13 spacecraft was launched, which docked successfully to the station in the manual control mode. The cosmonauts restored the station’s operability. The Salyut-7 / Cosmos-1686 complex terminated its functioning on February 7, 1991.

The accumulated experience of the Salyut-6 and Salyut-7 stations made it possible to proceed to creation in orbit of a permanent manned complex with specialized orbital modules for scientific and national economic purposes. The Mir orbital station – yet another new generation station – formed the core module of a permanent complex. The station was equipped with a new docking system and six docking units. The core module and add-on modules of the complex were developed jointly with KB Salyut.

On February 20, 1986, the Mir core was put into orbit. On March 15, 1986, the Soyuz T-15 spacecraft delivered the first crew to the station. The crew stayed aboard the station until May 5, then the Soyuz T-15 spacecraft, with the crew on board, was undocked and performed the world’s first orbital transfer to the Salyut-7 station. The crew operated on board the Salyut-7 station for over 25 days, and then, on June 26, 1986, the Soyuz T-15 spacecraft returned them to the Mir station, bringing along about 400 kg of scientific equipment from Salyut-7 for further use on the Mir complex.

To deliver crews to the multipurpose manned complexes of the modular type, a modified spacecraft – Soyuz TM – was developed. The Soyuz TM included new systems, among them, systems for rendezvous, radio communication, emergency rescue, and a new combined propulsion system. On May 21, 1986, an unmanned Soyuz TM spacecraft docked to the Mir station for complex experimental tests in automatic flight with the station.

On February 6, 1987, the Soyuz TM-2 spacecraft delivered a new crew to the Mir station and on March, 31, the first scientific (astrophysics) module — Kvant — was docked to the station.

Since 1989, NPO Energia has been headed byjuri P. Semenov, and the manned programs are being further developed. Continuing on, the Kvant-2 add-on module (December 6, 1989) and Kristall technological module (May 31, 1990) were docked to the station, and the Mir station program became goal-oriented.

Developments in orthopedic prosthetics and the creation of different consumer products were added to the main activities of NPO Energia. Within a short period of time the NPO Energia specialists, engaged in space subjects, mastered the production of prostheses, which are highly competitive with the best foreign offerings.

The search for new, even more effective launch vehicles, and the planning of more manned programs proceeded vigorously in the field of space exploration. A ballistic recovery capsule was developed for installation in the Progress M transport cargo spacecraft. At the completion of a mission, during descent, this capsule separates from the spacecraft and delivers the research results to the ground. The first ballistic capsule was delivered to the Mir complex by the Progress M-5 cargo spacecraft on September 27, 1990, and was returned to the region of the descent vehicle’s landing site on November 28, 1990.

International co-operation has been continually pursued. The Mir space station remained in orbit for more than 15 years until it deorbited in March of 2001 .The Mir station clearly confirmed the efficiency and practical return of the module-type space station.

Despite economic difficulties, the NPO Energia staff retains its creative potential and does its best to continue the development of national rocket-space technology, being true to Korolev’s precept – "so little is achieved, so much is to be done."

Based on the Energia launch vehicle, NPO Energia has created a configurable series of launch vehicles. By selecting the set of side boosters to be used and then effecting standard modifications to the central module, the series of launch vehicle permutations achievable make it possible to effectively put into orbit payloads of widely differing masses – a light class launch vehicle is capable of putting into near-Earth orbit a payload of up to 5 tons, while a superheavy-class launch vehicle can lift to orbit up to 200 tons of payload. The Energia-M launch vehicle, capable of lifting up to 34 tons, is of particular interest in this series. Because NPO Energia offers this configurable series of launch vehicles, cosmonauts get a unique system solution for each mission, tailored specifically to the mission, for payloads from light to superheavy.

Availability of these practical and efficient launch vehicles provide Russia with the ability to solve all its national economic and scientific problems, to offer launch vehicles to the international marketplace, and to extend international cooperation when performing joint space programs.

Only through the use of the Energia launch vehicle can we address most efficiently the problems of mankind that can be solved only by the exploration and exploitation of space. The Energia launch vehicle provides effective and global solutions for tasks pertaining to communication, broadcasting, and ecology that require the use of large space platforms, and exploration of the Moon, Mars, and the Solar System.

The Mir permanent orbital space station has played a specific and vital role in the furtherance of space technology. The experience gained on Mir will help us to define an optimum program of space exploration. Only during long-term manned flights can fundamental research be conducted in astrophysics, geophysics, ecological monitoring of the Earth’s surface, lakes, rivers and atmosphere, and the Earth’s natural resources. As well, production can be developed for valuable materials and biological commodities whose unique properties are only available from manufacturing in space.

Since July 1994, NPO Energia has been called S. P. Korolev Space Corporation Energia (RSCE).

RSCE has maintained that creation of orbital space stations should become an international affair and has considered a number of proposals on co-operation. The well-developed Soyuz TM spacecraft is ideally suited as an ACRV for any international programs, including international space stations. NPO Energia (RSCE) is currently a prime contractor and Russia’s main contributor for the International Space Station project.

The offer of RSCE participation is open to everybody, and the results of this activity may be used by any organization in any country.

RSCE stands ready to provide launch vehicles, spacecraft and orbital stations for investigations and explorations in mutually beneficial space programs.

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev

The founder of practical cosmonautics.

Chief Designer of the first rocket / space systems.
The founder and first manager of OKB-1 (1946-1966)


The Council of Chief Designers – consisting of M. S. Rjazansky, N. A. Piljugin, S. P. Korolev, V. P. Glushko. V. P. Barmin, and V. I. Kuznetsov – was organized on Korolev’s initiative. Complex problems in the development of specific areas of rocket / space technology were discussed by the Council.


The first Russian rocket, the R-l, was designed under the leadership of S. P. Korolev. The R-l rocket complex, put into operation in 1950, included both engineering and launch facilities. The R-l rocket was manufactured in a series of variations, each specific to a particular type of task.


engineering facilities for the R-1 rocket.


The launch facilities for the R-1 rocket.


Completion of the R-l rocket launch preparation.


The launch of the R-1 rocket. The R-l rocket in flight



Rockets to investigate the upper atmosphere on the R-1 rocket base


The R-1E rocket payload module. The recoverable payload module mass was 760 kg.

Подпись: The R-IE rocket (right). The fuelled rocket mass was 14,21 I kg.FROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIRFROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIRThe R-IA rocket (left). The first rocket that delivered scientific equipment in recoverable

containers (seen in the area of the stabilizers) into the upper



Installation of an instrument container into a payload carrying mortar.



Recoverable instrument container after flight.



Landing of the rocket’s payload upon flight completion.


The R-1D rocket payload module.



The R-ID rocket on the launch pad with the carriage lowered.




The engineering facilities for the R-2 rocket.


The launch facilities for the R-2 rocket



The R-2 rocket in flight.


The R-2 rocket engine firing.



The R-2 rocket. This rocket had a separable payload module. Regular launches of the rocket began on October 26, 1950. The R-2 was developed in the shortest possible time owing to the use of parts and rigging from the R-1 rocket design.



The R-2A rocket – designed on the basis of the R-2, to investigate the upper atmosphere – before launching



The R-2A rocket in flight.


The R-2A rocket payload module (right).


The R-2E rocket. The first launch of the R-2E experimental rocket was performed on September 21, 1949. Rocket launches were performed to test the serviceability of the R-2E rocket’s systems.





The first strategic rocket, the R-5.The fuelled rocket mass was 28,570 kg.



The R-5 rocket with additional strap-on warheads.



engineering facilities for the R-5 rocket.


The launch facilities for the R-5 rocket.




The R.-5A rocket. This rocket made it possible to investigate the atmosphere up to altitudes of 500 km. The fuelled rocket mass was 29,3 14 kg.


Spectrograph GOI


Module A1 (Equipment IPG AN)


Module A2 (Equipment NIII AM)


Module A3 (Power Supply)


Module A4 (Payload Module recovery system)


Module A5 (Main stabilizer unit)






Maximum range under normal

firing conditions

(t*15eC and p=760 mm barometric)

without calculating for Earth’s rotation KM


Velocity at Engine

cut-off M/S


Peak Trajectory


Flight time to target sec


Rocket lift-off mass. KG

28 610

Dry rocket mass, KG


Fuel mass.

Hydrogen peroxide and air. KG

24 500


Oxygen. KG

13 990

Alcohol. KG


Engine thrust at sea level. KGF

43 060

Specific impulse at sea level. KGF. S/KG


Engine burn time, sec



Installation of the R-5M rocket onto the launch pad.


The R-5M rocket engine firing.


R-5M rocket launch processing (above).


The R-5M strategic rocket with a nuclear charge (left).






FROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIRTransportation of the R-5V rocket and its installation on the launch pad. R-5V launches were performed until 1975 as part of the vertical program.

A Pravda newspaper report on atmospheric investigation using rockets.





The R-l I was the first operative tactical rocket to burn a storable propellant. The R-l I was highly mobile. The rocket’s launch mass was 5,350



Transportation of the R-1 I rocket.



Installation of the R-l I rocket on the launch pad.


Maximum straight line

range, KM


Mass KG

fueled rocket


dry rocket


mam unit


Mass of fuel components

and compressed air, KG



Oxidizer AK-20 KG


Fuel T-1. KG


Thrust at sea level. KGF


Specific impulse

at sea level, KGF-S/KG






engineering facilities for the R-II rocket.


The launch facilities for the R-lI rocket.




The R-l IFM rocket launch from a submarine.

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:FROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIR


Design and development of launch vehicles

The R.-7 intercontinental rocket. This was the world’s first rocket capable of delivery of a nuclear warhead to any point in potential enemy territory. The Earth’s first artificial satellites were launched using this rocket.


Rocket assembly and systems checks were performed in the stationary assembly-test building. The four-chamber main engines and control engines (a four-chamber engine in the core, and a two-chamber on the side module) can be seen.



The R-7 rocket in flight. The first The R-7 rocket before launch (May 15, 1957). successful launch was performed on August 21,1957.



The R-7 rocket was launched from the stationary launch facility – a complex engineering facility.



.separation spring ft. is activated

I. Ooubled thermal relay of thermal control system DTK-34

2 Radio transmitter D-200

3. Control thermal relay and pressure relay

4. Feed through

5. Antenna

6. Power supply unit

7. Interface Connector

8 Pivoting contact

9 Fan

10. Diffuser

II. Remote control switch

Подпись: v« Подпись: The first EAS (Earth Artificial Satellite) was mounted under the launch vehicle's payload shroud.12 Shield

Подпись: The container for the first EAS.FROM FIRST SATELLITE TO ENERGIA - BURAN and MIROn October 3, 1957, the world learned the Russian word "Sputnik." On that day TASS informed the world of the launch of the first artificial satellite. Sputnik massed 83.6 kg and was the first man-made object to orbit the Earth.

Lift-off mass, KG


Engine thrust

at launch. TF


Specific impulse



Payload Mass. T


Altitude. M



The Sputnik launch vehicle was designed on the basis of the R-7 rocket.



The state commission on Earth’s first artificial satellite launch (first row, from left to right): G. R. Udarov, IT. Bulychev, A. G. Mr/kin, M. V. Keldysh, S. P. Korolev (technical manager),V. M. Rjabikov (chairman of the commission), M. I. Nedelin, G. N. Pashkov. V. P. Glushko. V. P. Barmin, (second row) M. S. Rjazansky, K. N. Rudnev, N. A. Piljugin, S. M. VIadimirsky, and V. I. Kuznetsov.



The launch vehicle with the first EAS immediately following lift­off.


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В течение рада лед r * w Cor.» ведутся научмо*ясслеюажлгцг ■ «шт яо-коиструкторегпе работы по е^зданиіо яскус’тнеянмх слутяяков Зрілі.

Кав уже етйіщадигь и і. чатв. первые яг кв спутников • ГСГР были намечены я оеувхегтялгмпт я соотиетстввн е программой паучвых мсслегяаний Международ­ного ПВ#ЯМІЧККЯГ« ІIIі»

R ргзхдьтаге болиш й мапр**:*чім»й Р – гм націй а слі-іпмтельеквх внгтяту-

Тоя Н КОИСТ|’У<Твре;:і|Т бцрл СОЛЛИ первым В миря исиусствяимый слугмия Зямяя.

I ТКТМбрЯ 1957 row я ІІТР произведем успешный ипуск пгряого шутвяка По предиарительныч даними. р. акетя я-еятіль ечобщяда еихтнвя| необходимую орбі­тальную ГКорЛПЬ ОМО ч 000 MCTpot я секунду. В МЄДовЩЄЄ Время спутяя* ОПВГМ – яает ялдиптмчеекяе траєкторії вокруг Зевая я его полет можи-» мАїяіШ я лучах «исходящею я лат«іипдегв Голвпа пря помощи простевших чптяческвх яяетруяеятоя (бИЯОКЛСЙ. ПОДЫрВЫХ rpvft я т. п )

Согласно расчетам. которые сейчас точяав»ка прямыми наблюдениями, сяут – ii я к будет інпгаткя на вмеотах ю 900 кядс. метроя паї ■ -‘•рхноетгв Зевая: вреяя адного подпор* оборота спутника буш І іде 35 минут. угол наклона орбиты я пло­скости акнатора рапеч 05s. Паї районов города Москвы 5 »кт«вря 1957 года спут – нм про»КТ ІЯДЖІМ — в 1 чае 46 ввн ночя я в 6 чае. 42 ввя. утра по ноековевону ярояеня. Г ооіі щеп я я о последующем движении первого |еіуеетвеяпогя спутника. аа – пушеяного в ПТГ 4 октября, будут передаваться регулярне тироковевдателыыяя радностанпияме.

Спутник яя**ет форму шара диаметром 58 ся ■ яееоя 83.6 яг. На яея уетанов – лены два радиопередатчика. яепрерывяо яллучаюшие радиосигналы е частот*»

20,005 я 40,002 мегагерц (лляна волям около 15 я 7,5 яетра соответственно» Мпщ – востя передатчиков обеспечивает увереиимв прием радиосигналов широкім кругом радиол юбятел-й. Сягпалы имеют вві телеграфных посылов длительностью около

0,3 сек., с паузо» таю» же дтятельиоетж. Посылка скгвкл* о|ипЙ частоты прожзяа – лятся во я рев я науди минала другой частоты.

Научные станами, расположенные я различных точках Сояетгвого С«г% ве­дут наблюдение ха спутников я епре*мяя»т вдемеиты его траєкторія. Так как плот­ность разреженных яерхнях сдое» атвосферы |"стояеряо ясяхпестяа. я настоящее вреяя яег данных для точного определенна я, г,евсЯ1 суще:тяояаяяя спутника я яе – ста ег« яхежіеявя и плотные слоя атвосфгріл Расчеты п задали, что ведедстяяа огромной сяоростя гпхтияка в к«яие своего сщеетв«гаяяк он сгорят при доетжяк – ЯЯЯ ПЛОТНЫХ СТПСЯ атмо ферм на высоте ЯееклДЦКПХ десятков кядожетроя.

В Россия еще и конце 19 века трудами »ншчп»гп*і ученого К Э. Пяодкоя – свого была впервые научно оЛоеяпвляа возможность оеуядеетвлеяяя космячеежл по­летов при ікяогія ракет

Успешным wnv’BfiB агркого созданною человеком еяутпнка Земля вносятся крупнейший вклад в-еокрояпщняпу в ярово В вхукв п культуры Научный вксоерв – мент, су щсстидчемый на такой большой высоте, овеет громадное іяач^иае для по – лидяяя евнйств космическою проетран. тна я язучепвя Земля как планеты вашей солнечной системы

П течение |•-ж» і’ народного геофяіического года Советский Сорт предоод. тэет осуществят* П’СКВ еще яескольквх вскусствевиых СПУТНВЯОВ Земля Зтя последуг – щяе спутнвкя будут иметь увеличенные габарит я вес я на пит *vie? провеяна шн – ровдя орогрхмва ялучяых иесдедоваяяй

• Исяуествеяпые гпутвякя Зеяля проложат д – рору к мг жилая-1 шли путсшествя – ая я, во-ввдввпму. нашив совревевнввав суждено быть егкдетехвмя того, как оева – бвадевяый и солпательный труї люде» ноліге. соцплтпетичеекого оогпегтна делает ЯЯМЬЯостьв самые дер’новенпые мечты чеялнечегтих


The prototype of the first EAS and its shroud in the RSCE museum.


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС‘ Disposable protective hull 2 Hull separation mechanism 3 Instruments for studying short-wave section

of the Suns spectrum

l. Instrument frame 5 Spherical container with radio transmitter ь Pressurized cabin with experimental animal 7 Fan

B. Air scrubbing unit 9 Food trough ‘0. Window 11. Antenna 12. Transfer Module

The second EAS, which massed 508.3 kg. The dog Laika was the passenger aboard the satellite.

Подпись: The prototype of the second EAS in the RSCE museum.

Laika before boarding the special EAS compartment.

Orbit radio tracking antenna Telemetry Antenna


Ion collector


Thermal sensor Sun orientation sensor


Electromagnetic Sensor IEM-P1


Command radio link antenna




Сообщение ТАСС

Antenna "MARK" (Beacon)


Magnetic pressure gauge






Mass spectrometer


The third EAS.


The third EAS frame with instruments and power supply units.




Mating of the third EAS to its launch vehicle.


The third EAS body in the R. SCE museum.


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Onset of Flights to the Moon

Сообщение ТАСС

Mankind’s dream had come true. The Earth’s first messenger to the moon – the Mechta interplanetary station (Luna-1) flew at a distance of 5-6 thousand km from the Moon and then became a satellite ofthe Sun.


Сообщение ТАСС

The R-7 rocket with the E module and Luna-1 interplanetary station.


Accommodation of the lunar interplanetary station under the E rocket module payload shroud.


Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС

The Luna-2 interplanetary station (above) and the prototype of the Luna-2 in the RSCE museum (right).


Сообщение ТАСС

Pennants delivered to the Moon by the Luna-2


Сообщение ТАССstation.

Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС

и о anmeiet


Engine installation


The prototype of the Luna-3 interplanetary station in the RSCE museum.


Mass. KG

combined objects separate modules automatic station (ALS) scientific instruments (with structure) television camera

fuel for course correction and braking dry engine installation (Согпкіюл Д BrMmg ргоронюп und) Specific thrust (Согт*с«юп & Brafrng p>opu*on und) KGF-S/KG Fuel component oxidizer fuel

Functioning time on the Lunar surface days Time of television camera panoramic view, hrs Minimum distinguishable dimensions of distant objects 0,7-2 m мм
















The Luna-3 interplanetary station.


The general view of the Luna-9 automatic interplanetary station.


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Подпись:Сообщение ТАССThe world’s first closed-loop liquid rocket engine had a thrust of about 7 tons and was developed at Korolev’s KB. The engine was installed on the L booster of the Molniya four-stage launch vehicle.

Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС

Pennants delivered by automatic interplanetary stations to the Moon.


Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС

Transportation of a four-stage launch vehicle (R-7 plus rocket unit I plus booster L) with an interplanetary station.


Installation of the four – stage launch vehicle with an automatic inter­planetary station onto the launch pad.


Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАССFirst vehicles to investigate Venus and Mars

Venera-l (IVA).

Сообщение ТАСС





A Pravda newspaper report on the launch of the Venera-1 automatic interplanetary station.



Attitude control sensor


Thermal control system radiators


Low gain antenna


Сообщение ТАСС

Scientific instruments


Pneumatic attitude system


Descent module


Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС

Parabolic antenna


Orbital module £ j


Solar panel


Magnetometer probe with descent module monitoring antenna


Zond-l (3MV-I No.4).


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС Сообщение ТАСС

Magnetometm probe


Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС

Low gain antenna


Сообщение ТАСС



Earth tracker (29K)


engine installation


Сообщение ТАСС
Сообщение ТАСС

Orbita module


Solar panel


Сообщение ТАСС

Attitude control sensor


Zond-2 (3MV-4 No. 2).


1 Pressurized orbital module

2 Special pressunzed module (photo-module)

3 Correcting brake engine installation

4 Solar panel

5 Thermal control system radiators

6 High gam parabolic antenna

7 Low gam antenna

8 Low gam antenna

9 Meter wave-band transmitter antenna 9A Meter wave-band receiver antenna

10 Omni-directional emergency radio antenna


11 Photo/TV and planet tracker portholes Total mflss of object. KG 910

12 Science instruments sensor Mass radio instrumentation. KG 160

14 Precision solar and star tracker Mass Correcting Brake Engine. KG 68

15 Contingency radio link

16 Continuous solar tracker

17 Parabolic antenna Earth tracking sensor

18 Attitude control system nozzles

19 Attitude control system compressed gas tanks

20 Attitude sensor shutters

21 Non-precision sun tracker

22 Sun tracker


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Сообщение ТАСС

Pennants delivered by the Venera-3 automatic station to the surface of Venus.


Сообщение ТАСССообщение ТАСС

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

The Vostok-1 spacecraft (IKP).


Onset of Manned Flight

The Vostok three-stage launch vehicle consisted of a modified R-7 rocket and an E rocket unit with the spacecraft.


The Vostok spacecraft on the carriage in the shop.


Integration of the E rocket unit with the Vostok spacecraft.


Onset of Manned FlightOnset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight
Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Подпись:The Voskhod multi-man spacecraft made it possible to put a crew of three people into space, and as well provided a special airlock through which a man could egress into space.

The airlock assembly of theVoskhod-2 spacecraft.


M. V. Keldysh inspects theVoshkod spacecraft.


Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

The Voskhod spacecraft on its support.

Подпись: The Voskhod spacecraft descent module was provided with a soft landing system.Onset of Manned FlightПодпись: The Voskhod spacecraft as viewed from the BPS. The spacecraft has a back-up solid-propellant braking rocket engine.Подпись:Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Подпись: The Voskhod spacecraft payload shroud in the ATB.
Подпись:Onset of Manned FlightCosmonaut A. A. Leonov before flight. He was the first to egress into space and stayed there for 12 minutes and 9 seconds. He moved away from the spacecraft a distance of 5 meters.

Transportation of the launch vehicle with the Voskhod spacecraft to the launch pad.


Onset of Manned Flight

Fueling of the launch vehicle for the Voskhod spacecraft.

Installation of the launch vehicle with the Voskhod spacecraft onto the launch pad.


Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

TheVoskhod research spacecraft, designed for long-term flight.

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

TheVoskhod spacecraft for physico-technological studies.

The Molniya satellite was the first communication satellite. It was put into a high-elliptic orbit and provided communication between the central regions and the far east.


Onset of Manned Flight
Onset of Manned Flight

A twenty-four hour, long-range communication The prototype of the Molniya communication satellite in the system was developed using the Molniya RSCE museum. communication satellites.


Onset of Manned FlightOnset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

The Zenit-2 satellite. It was the first special-purpose unmanned satellite from which Earth photography was performed.

The Zenit-4 satellite.

The Zenit satellite, assembly and check before flight.


The Zenit satellite is prepared for mating with the rocket.


Onset of Manned FlightOnset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned Flight

Onset of Manned FlightThe Electron satellite system made it possible to get data on the radiation belt and the Earth’s magnetic field that was necessary to provide radiation safety on manned flights.

Onset of Manned Flight

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The R-9 missile in flight. Its launch took place on April 9, 1961. In 1964 the missile complex was introduced into the inventory.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1The RT-2 missile (left) was the first intercontinental solid-propellant missile. Its first launch took place on February 26, 1966. In 1968 the missile was added to inventory.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1The RT-I missile (right). The first strategic solid-pro­pellant missile. Its first launch took place on April 28, 1962.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The GR-I three-stage global missile capable of destroying a target at any point on Earth from any direction.


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1
Vasily Pavlovich Mishin

Chief designer of OKB-I from 1966 until May 1974

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1



Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1



Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1
Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1




Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1



Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

not more


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1



Ionic tracker


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1
Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

view finder


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1The Soyuz spacecraft (7K-OK) designed to execute a wide variety of tasks, including automatic and manual rendezvous, and docking with orbital spacecraft and stations.

The Soyuz spacecraft in the shop.


The Soyuz spacecraft on the mounting bogie.

Подпись: The completion of the erection of the Soyuz launch vehicle with the spacecraft on the pad. Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1Подпись:

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The Soyuz launch vehicle (I I AS I I). The rocket houses the emergency crew recovery system which makes it possible to move the descent vehicle away from the rocket in distress.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The Soyuz launch vehicle launch.


Cosmonaut V. M. Komarov operating the spacecraft rendezvous trainer.


The Soyuz launch vehicle ready for launch.


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Подпись: Crew of two spacecraft. men Docking orbit altitude , KM Mass docked spacecraft. KG Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1Instrument propulsion module Descent module i Orbital module Docking module

The Soyuz spacecraft (7K-OK.) docking in orbit (top). The first docking of the Soyuz spacecraft was carried out in the automatic mode during the flight of the Cosmos-186 and Cosmos-188 unmanned spacecraft.

The Soyuz spacecraft docking in orbit. The Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 manned spacecraft docked on January 15, 1969. Cosmonauts transferred from one spacecraft to the other through space.

The Soyuz descent vehicle after landing.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1 Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The first flight to the Moon with return to the Earth

The LI space complex for the circumlunar fly-by. This complex flew five times under the name of Zond. The complex flown used the D block rocket using multiple engine I I D58 firings

Mass station. T


Length, M


Diameter. M


Minimum distance

from lunar surface at fly-by, KM


Total flight time, days


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The Zond automatic station.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Transportation of the LI complex to the launch area.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1The Proton launch vehicle with the LI complex on the launch pad.

Подпись: «II

Launch of the Proton vehicle with the LI complex.


Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1The close-cycle liquid fuel rocket engine I ID58M of TsKBEM development. This engine of 8.5 tons thrust uses oxygen and hydrocarbon fuel as propellant components. It was the world’s first engine to provide multiple in-flight firing.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1

The Earth and Moon photographs taken with photographic equipment on board the Zond-5 and Zond-6 stations.


The descent vehicle of the Zond-5 station in the Indian Ocean after its return from circumlunar flight.

Combat Missiles Designed in OKB-1


Lunar Manned Program activities

In accordance with the lunar manned program, the NI – L3 system was designed, which included the Nl three-stage rocket and L3 lunar complex.

Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities

The maximum diameter of the block is 16.8 meters (dimensions taken by stabilizers are 22.33 meters) with a height of 30.1 meters. The block houses 30 engines with ground thrust of 153 tons each.

Lunar Manned Program activitiesThe V block was used as the third stage. Maximum diameter of the block is about 7.6 meters with the height (by the interfaces) being I 1.5 meters. The block houses four engines with a vacuum thrust of 41 tons each.

Lunar Manned Program activities

The B block was used as the second stage of the N I rocket. The maximum diameter of the block is about 10.3 meters with a height of 20.5 meters. The block houses 8 engines with a vacuum thrust of 180 tons each.

The N I launch vehicle on the mounting bogie in the assembly-test building of the cosmodrome.

Lunar Manned Program activities


Lunar Manned Program activities

The L3 lunar rocket complex including G and D rocket blocks, the lunar orbiter with the I rocket block and the lunar vehicle with E rocket block.

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: Power module Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: DescentПодпись:Подпись:Lunar Manned Program activitiesRendezvous and attitude control thruster

Crew, men 2

Maximum flight time, days 13

Mass. KG

Spacecraft in orbit (Artificial Lunar Satellite) 9850

Spacecraft before launch back to Earth 7530

Descent apparatus 2804

Module I parameters

Boost thruster (double chamber)

Thrust. KGF 3388

Specific thurst. KGF-S/KG 314

Rendezvous and reboost thruster

Lunar Manned Program activitiesThrust. KGF 417

Specific thrust. KGF-S/KG 296

Fuel capacity. KG

Nitrogen Tetroxide (Oxidizer) 2032

Unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine 1120

Dimensions. MM

Length 10 060

Maximum diameter hud 2930

The lunar orbiter including the habitation compartment and the vehicle to be descended to Earth, as well as the I rocket unit, and the instrumentation and service module. The orbiter mass in ALS orbit is 9,850 kg. Maximum length is about 10 meters, diameter being 2.9 meters.

The lunar orbiter on the mounting bogie.

Docking assembly


Lunar Manned Program activities

Aiming sensor


Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities



Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities

Power supply


Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities

The lunar vehicle consisting of the lunar descent assembly, the cosmonaut’s cabin with various systems, and the E rocket unit with main and stand-by engines.

Lunar Manned Program activitiesThe lunar vehicle in the shop.

Lunar Manned Program activities

The 7K-LIS unmanned space vehicle used during the first launch of the NI rocket, instead of the orbiter and the lunar vehicle, on February 21,1969.






in the


Lunar Manned Program activitiesjig-

Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activitiesThe NI-L3 space system on the transport-erecting assembly in the assembly building, ready for roll-out to the launch area.

Lunar Manned Program activitiesThe NI-L3 system is erected vertically on the launcher. The transport – erecting assembly is not moved away.

Erection of the NI-L3 system on the launcher.

The N I-L3 system on the launcher ready for launch.

Lunar Manned Program activities


Lunar Manned Program activities

The T2K space vehicle was used for developing the lunar vehicle’s systems under space conditions in near-Earth orbit.


Lunar Manned Program activities

The development of the lunar vehicle landing on a special mock-up.


TheT2K space vehicle launch into orbit.


Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities

Launch of the NI-L3 system.

Valentin Petrovich Glushko

General designer of NPO Energia
from 1974 until January 1989.


Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities
Lunar Manned Program activities

Docking module


30-99% 0-„ 1-70% Nj, p = 0.35-0,7 KGS/c»^


Orbital parameters Docked flight altitude, KM inclination. . *

Type launch vehicle for "Soyuz M" spacecraft for "Apollo" spacecraft


Soyuz "Saturn IB"


8-і 4


Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activities

The Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft. In the summer of 1975, spacecraft from two countries docked in near-Earth space for the first time.

Lunar Manned Program activities

Lunar Manned Program activitiesTransportation of the Soyuz launch vehicle with the Soyuz-19 spacecraft to the launching area.

The Soyuz-19 spacecraft, which took part in the joint space flight according to the ASTP, in the assembly-test building being prepared for flight.

Lunar Manned Program activities

A view of the Soyuz spacecraft from the The crew on board the docked Soyuz and

APoll° spacecraft. Apollo spacecraft.

Photo compartment Multi-layer insulation 2B-30 Rim cassette Film containers

Подпись: Dusf protectorsПодпись: Window fans Porthole cap with drive and electric heater Photo apparatus MKF-6 Подпись: Camera control panelПодпись: Camera electronicsLunar Manned Program activitiesLunar Manned Program activities
window (New model)

tsk 201 13000 i Diameter 420 мм

Lunar Manned Program activities

Roll* of film Fan

The Soyuz-22 spacecraft (which is modified from the back-up spacecraft in ASTP) to be launched as part of the Intercosmos program, was equipped with the MKF-6 multizone photographic camera to test the methods and means of studying geological and geographical characteristics of the Earth’s surface from space for the benefit of national economy and environmental control.

Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

The Soyuz transport spacecraft (of 7K-T type) docked to the Salyut station.

Development of Orbital Stations

The first long­term orbital station (DOS – 7K had only one docking assembly.


Crew, men 3

Orbital module flight time, days, no more than 90

Total autonomous flight time for transport spacecraft, days, no more than 3

Total flight time transport vehicle, days, no more than

As part of DOS-7K #1, 2 30

As part of DOS-7K#3. 4 cn

Orbital parameters

Inclination 51.6U±5‘

Initial orbit for orbital module

Perigee 220±4,5

apogee 260±11

Orbit of orbital module

After ascent, KM 255

Assembly orbit, KM 190-220

Thrust, KGF

Primary engine 417H5

Backup engine 411 ±25

Length, M

Orbital module 16

Orbital station 23

Maximum diameter orbital module, M 4,15

Total mass station after docking. KG 24 900

Development of Orbital StationsMass scientific research instruments and equipment, KG, no more than 1500

The Salyut orbital station on the mounting bogie.

Development of Orbital Stations

Preparation of the orbital station for mating with the Proton launch vehicle.


Development of Orbital StationsThe Proton launch vehicle with the first Zarya orbital station, which was called Salyut in the press, on the launch pad.

Development of Orbital Stations

The Salyut-4 orbital station on the mounting bogie.


The Salyut-4 orbital station.


Development of Orbital Stations

Instrument and


propulsion module


Descent module


Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations

Orbital module


З-stage "Soyuz"


Docking assembly


Development of Orbital Stations

Подпись: 200-350Development of Orbital StationsOrbital parameters,

altitude. KM inclination, penod, min

The Soyuz-type transport space­craft (7K-T) used to supply the first generation orbital stations.

The Soyuz-IO spacecraft (7K-T) and subsequent craft had docking assemblies with a central transfer hatch through which cosmonauts could transfer from one spacecraft to the other without egressing into space.

Development of Orbital Stations

The Soyuz type spacecraft in its assembly jig.

Emergency Descent System Operating Sequence During Ascent


,l —4

& ЯГ EDS shutoff

S /


Ballistic descent


Backup parachute system activation


Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations

The Soyuz descent vehicle landing. The descent vehicle was about 3 tons in mass, and 2.2 meters in diameter (over thermal pro­tection). Its configuration is similar to a "head-light" (the lift-to-drag ratio was 0.30).


The Soyuz T spacecraft descent vehicle at the landing site.


Development of Orbital StationsDevelopment of Orbital StationsDevelopment of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

Operation of the Soyuz spacecraft landing complex.


Descent on primary parachute system


Eject cover, deploy braking parachute


Descent on braking parachute


Discard braking parachute and deploy main parachute


Descent on reefed main parachute


Discard frontal heat shield


Prelanding operations descent on main parachute


Fire soft landing engines


Landing, release chute cords


Descent on reserve parachute system


Engage primary parachute


Development of Orbital Stations

Descent on reefed reserve parachute


Discard of frontal heat shield


Prelanding operations. descent on reserve parachute




Fire soft landing engines


Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

Stages of the Salyut orbital station development


The Salyut-6 orbital station (second generation station) had two docking assemblies to which the transport and cargo spacecraft could be docked.


Development of Orbital StationsDevelopment of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

Transport spacecraft 7KT


Transport spacecraft 7KT


□rmn module DOS


Crew. men.


Orbital flight time, days no more than


Overall manned flight time with life support resources for two crew men, days


Flight time of one transport spacecraft attached to station. days


Orbital parameters attitude. KM




Attitude precision.

orbital system coordinates


inertial system coordinates (utilizing AO-1 or S-2)



Solar array average daily capacity (dependant on position in orbit and station attitude ) KW


Length orbital station (with 2 spacecraft). M


Maximum diameter of the station orbital module. M


Total mass station

(after docking with 2 spacecraft). T


Mass of research and experiment equipment, T no more than


Transport spacecraft:

for docking from transfer compartment side


for docking from propulsion module side



Scope of work on orbital module

1 Propulsion module manufacturing with docking assembly and peripheral propulsion unit

based on article 11F32

2 Installation of additional set of "IGLA" antennas

3 Addition of secondary docking system control module


Development of Orbital Stations

The Salyut-6 orbital station (second generation station) had two docking assemblies to which the transport and cargo spacecraft could be docked.

The Salyut-6 orbital station with the docked SoyuzT spacecraft in flight..

Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital StationsThe Salyut-7 orbital station with the docked SoyuzT spacecraft in flight.

The Salyut-7 orbital station with the Cosmos-686 cargo spacecraft in automatic flight mode.

Development of Orbital Stations

The Soyuz T transport spacecraft with solar arrays.


Development of Orbital Stations



_aunch vehicle


Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital StationsThe I I AS 11Y launch vehicle with the 7K.-ST (SoyuzT) spacecraft.

Development of Orbital Stations

Nose fairing


Development of Orbital Stations

Module I


Module A


Launch vehicle



Initial orbital parameters:

inclination, …*



altitude (average). KM


Lift-off mass, T:

carrier stage and nose fairing with payload





6 740

Crew, men



Number stages on launch vehicle


Stage 1

module A. B.V. G.D

Stage 2

module A

Stage 3

module 1

Fuel component

module A


♦ oxygen t



module B. V.G. D,I

oxygen ♦ kerosene

Maximum engine thrust TC

Stage 1

on Earth


420 0

in vacuum


509 5

Stage 2 – in vacuum



Stage 3 – in vacuum


Length of launch vehicle and

nose fairing with payload



Maximum transverse dimensions. M



Module B. V.G. D


‘.’low A


Module D


• •


Moduli G


Module В


Modu e


Module В


Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations

The launch vehicle with the Progress spacecraft.


The Progress cargo spacecraft.


Mass spacecraft. KM 7020

Delivered payload weight. KG -2300


in cargo module. KG. not more than 1300 in propellant module, KG not more than 1000

Maximum length. M 7,94

Maximum diameter

pressurized module. M 22

Launch vehicle "Soyuz“

Flight time. days, not more than:

autonomous 3

with orbital station 30

Orbital parameters

altitude. KM 200-350

inclination. 51.6

period, min


Development of Orbital Stations
Development of Orbital Stations

Cargo module


Development of Orbital StationsDevelopment of Orbital Stations

Development of Orbital Stations
Yuri Pavlovich Semenov

General Director and General Designer of S. P. Korolev NPO Energia since 1989

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit . The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit . The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The Mir complex core in flight.

The Mir complex core. The core was equipped with six docking assemblies and a new docking system.

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The Mir complex core with the Kvant module and the SoyuzTM spacecraft in flight.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The launch of the Mir complex core. The launch was accomplished with the use of the Proton launch vehicle on February 20, 1986.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The Soyuz launch vehicle flight.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The SoyuzTM spacecraft intended for delivery and change of the crew on the Mir complex.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Installation of the Soyuz launch vehicle with SoyuzTM spacecraft onto the launching pad.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The Progress M cargo spacecraft intended for delivery of fuel and other consumables to the Mir complex.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

An international crew on board the Mir complex.

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in OrbitLaunch of the Soyuz launch vehicle with the Progress M cargo spacecraft.

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

The Progress M spacecraft equipped with the recovery ballistic capsule.


ill pole


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit



Radar dipole detection


Ballistic capsule descends


The recovery ballistic capsule made it possible to deliver results of investigations carried out by cosmonauts on board the Mir complex back to Earth.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Payload envelope


Expulsion vessel




H * 4,5-3 KM

Separate braking parachute
deploy primary parachute
with pressure relay




The recovery ball­istic capsule with the parachute in the RSCE museum.




Thermal insulation a = 40


Parachute system


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Rear module


Front module


Mass capsule (max). KG Mass returning payload. KG. no more than Cargo spacecraft retrograde bum (AVt). M/S Velocity of descent on pnnopal parachute. M/S Touchdown precision

( aVt *150 m s. Hort, ‘350 км), km along the route lateral spread

Time lo detection by base, hrs

Expected flow retneved cargo

by rapid retrieval 2-3 capsules per year

(1991-1994). KG. not more than

Payload recovery opportunities on 11F732 spacecraft

(12 spacecraft), KG. not more than








Quick return of self-financing projects and commercial contracts in the area of technology, biology, photography (films, magnetic tapes, kits with experiment results)






. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Cargo spacecraft Progress M


Crew, men Mass. T: station

research instruments and equipment Nominal electrical power system capacity kW Orbital parameters attitude. KM inclination,*

Attitude precision using gyrodynes.


Astrophysics module Kvant






sou m beta module


Station equipment module "Kvant-2"


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Manned spacecraft Soyuz TM


The arrangement of modules on the Mir orbital complex core.


. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in Orbit

Подпись: The Soyuz TM-16 spacecraft in flight.. The first Permanently Operating Mir Complex in OrbitThe Mir complex with the Kvant, Kvant-2 and Kristall modules, transport spacecraft Soyuz TM – 16, cargo spacecraft Progress M – 17 and undocked cargo spacecraft Progress M-18. The picture was taken from the Soyuz TM-17 transport spacecraft on July 3, 1993.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Energia launch vehicle. The first stage consists of four side modules, the second stage is the central module. Engines of all modules fire at the moment of ignition. The payload is fastened to the side of the central module. For a payload, the Energia launch vehicle can have the Buran orbiter or the cargo transport container (6.7 meters in diameter where large – scale load and the booster unit are located).

Подпись: Preparation of the side modules for assembly of the launch vehicle. The RDI70 four-chamber engine (740 tons thrust near the ground; 806 tons in vacuum) is mounted on the module.Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Assembly of the Energia launch vehicle is performed in the assembly-test building of the cosmodrome. The picture shows the span of the building with the first stage modules and the assembled rocket "package".

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The versatile stand-start complex for performing firing tests of the launch vehicle and for launching.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Energia launch vehicle at the versatile stand-start complex.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Подпись: The Energia launch vehicle at the launching complex.

Transportation of the Energia launch vehicle is accomplished with the use of a special transport – erecting assembly.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Transportation of the Energia launch vehicle (with the Polus spacecraft on the external suspension) to the versatile stand – start complex.

The Energia launch vehicle with the Polus spacecraft on the versatile stand-start complex being pre­pared for its first launch.


The first launch of the Energia launch vehicle took place at 21:30 Moscow time on May 15, 1987.


Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Buran analog was equipped with four engines permitting its take-off from the aerodrome strip. This allowed it to be used for the testing and development of orbiter piloting operations to be used during landing following orbital flight.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Mating the Buran to the Energia launch vehicle.



Подпись: "LK


Installing the Energia – Buran system onto the transport-erecting assembly.


Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Transportation of the Energia – Buran system to the launching complex.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Energia – Buran system erected on the launcher. The lifting device of the transport-erecting assembly is now vertical.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Energia – Buran system on the launch pad.


The first launch of the Energia – Buran system took place at 6:00 Moscow time on November 15, 1988.


Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

The Buran approach and landing on the cosmodrome’s airfield runway after two-orbit orbital flight.

Development of the Energia Launch Vehicle and Buran orbiter

. Trend of development

. Trend of developmentA number of launch vehicles designed on the basis of the Energia launch vehicle. They use the same elements (modules, engines, etc.), which substantially reduces the time frame of their development.

. Trend of development

. Trend of development

. Trend of development

Transportation of the Energia-M launch vehicle is accomplished on the transport-erecting assembly of the Energia launch vehicle.


Подпись: JL.

The Energia-M launch vehicle erected on the versatile stand- start complex.


. Trend of development

The Energia-M launch vehicle. It includes two first stage Energia side modules and a shortened central module with one engine. The payload is located under the nose fairing above the central module.

External Propulsion


Biotechnological module


USM № 2


Solar panels


Technology module


One version of the proposed permanently operating Mir-2 modular-type complex.


A mock-up of the versatile space platform.


. Trend of development. Trend of development

Mass payload module. T Onboard power plant capacity. kW total

allocated to payload module Onboard antenna tracking accuracy Orbital position accuracy, …• Service life, years


Mass KA. KG Mass payload module. KG Onboard power plant capacity. kW total

allocated to payload module Onboard antenna tracking accuracy Service life, years






. Trend of development

Mass KA. KG Mass payload module. KG Onboard power plant capacity, kW total

allocated to payload module Onboard antenna tracking accuracy Orbital position accuracy, …• Service life, years

Proposed designs for the Globis, Signal andYamal satellite communication system components.

Artist’s con­cept of the US Space Shuttle docked to the Mir orbital sta­tion.


Artist’s con­cept of the completed International space station.


. Trend of development

. Trend of development. Trend of development

The Yamal satellites have a communications payload of 12 C-band transponders (built by Space Systems/Loral) and are equipped with Fakel SPD-70 plasma thrusters for inclination control.

TheYamal 102 communications satellite. The first Yamal satellite was launched on September 6, 1999.The Yamal satellites were built for AO Gazcom of Moscow, a joint venture of Energia and RAO Gazprom, the Russian natural gas company.

. Trend of development

One version of the sea-based launchers studied (above).


Testing of a sea-based missile launcher.


. Trend of development

Dates of Milestones in Rocket-Space. Technology Creation at. 0KB-1 – TsKBEM – NPO Energia

May 13, 1946

The decision of the Government to form a number of Research Institutes (Nil’s), Design Bureaus (KB’s).test organizations, and plants to develop, manufacture and test long-range ballistic rockets (LRBR). S. P. Korolev was appointed as the chief designer of liquid propellant LRBR.

October 18,1947

The first launch of an LRBR in the Soviet Union – based on the German A4 (V-2) rocket.

September 17, 1948

The first launch of a native LRBR R-l. The rocket almost reached the specified range, but experienced a large deviation from the planned flight path because of abnormal operation of the control system.

October 10, 1948

The first successful launch of a native LRBR R-l.

April 21,1949

The first launch (of six) of a geophysical rocket, the R-1 A. Experiments with rocket head separation were performed on this rocket. The rocket lifted two instrumentation containers to an altitude of 100 km, which then landed by parachutes.

September 21,1949

Launch of the R-2E rocket, an experimental check of the new R-2 rocket system’s serviceability.


The R-1 rocket complex is put into service. 1949-1951

The R-2 rocket, with a separable head, is created, then the R-2 complex is put into service.


Geophysical rockets R-1 B, R-1 E, R-1D and others, and the R-2A are created and launched. Upper atmospheric and space research is continued.

March 15,1953

The first R-5 strategic rocket is launched. A modification of the R-5 (R-5M, first launched on January 21, 1955) was fitted with a special explosive charge. Geophysical rockets R-5A (launches in 1958-1961), R-5V (launches in 1964-1975, among them launches within the Vertical program), and others are created based on R-5 rockets.

April 18, 1953

The first launch of an R-l I tactical missile. September 16, 1955

The first submarine launch of an R-l IFM missile.

May 15, 1957

The first launch of an R-7 intercontinental ballistic two-stage missile.


The successful launch of an R-7 intercontinental ballistic two-stage missile.

October 4, 1957

The launch of the first artificial Earth-orbiting satellite, a mass of 83.6 kg. It remained in orbit for more than 92 days. On January 4, 1958 the satellite entered the dense upper atmosphere and burned up.

Novembers, 1957

The launch of the second artificial satellite, of 508 kg mass, with dog Laika on board.

May 15, 1958

The launch of the third artificial satellite, a mass of 1,327 kg, by an R-7-type rocket with improved performance characteristics.


The launch of the first interplanetary station Luna-1 (Mechta) by an R-7 three-stage rocket, with a rocket unit E used as the third stage.

September 12, 1959

The launch of the Luna-2 station which delivered a USSR pennant to the Moon’s surface on September 14, 1959.

October 14,1959

The launch of the Luna-3 station, which photographed the back side of the Moon.

May 15, 1960

The launch of an unmanned Vostok-type spacecraft (I KP).

August 19, 1960

TheVostok spacecraft (with dogs Belka and Strelka on board) is put into orbit. The animals were the first to be recovered from satellite orbit.

February 12,1961

The Four-stage rocket (R-7 + rocket units I and L) puts into orbit an unmanned interplanetary station (UlS)Venera-l (IVANo2).

April 12,1961

The first manned spacecraft – Vostok – (3KA) with Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin on board goes into orbit.

April26, 1962

The launch of a Zenit satellite to photograph the Earth’s surface.

August 11-12, 1962

The first group space flight, comprised of the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 spacecraft.

November I, 1962

The unmanned interplanetary station Mars-1 (2MV-4 No 4) is put into orbit by a four-stage rocket.

January 30, 1964

The Electron-1 and Electron-2 satellites are launched by a single rocket to investigate the Earth’s radiation belts (Van Allen belts).

October 12,1964

The Voskhod multi-man spacecraft is put into orbit (3KV) – the first multi-man space flight.

March 18, 1965

The Voskhod-2 (3KD) spacecraft goes into orbit. A. A.Leonov makes the first ever egress into space.


The R-9, RT-1 and RT-2 rocket complexes are created. R-9 and RT-2 complexes are added to the national armory.

April 23, 1965

The launch of the Molniya-l active retransmitter to provide an experimental long-distance radio communication line.


The launch of the Venera-3 unmanned interplanetary station which delivered a pennant to the surface of Venus on March I, 1966.

January 31, 1966

The Luna-9 unmanned interplanetary station performs a soft landing on the Moon and transmits TV images of the Moon’s surface to Earth.

March 10, 1967

The first (Zond) spacecraft launch of the LI (7K-LI) program.


The launch of a new spacecraft – Soyuz-1 – with V. M. Komarov on board.

October 30, 1967

Automatic docking of Soyuz-type spacecraft (Cosmos-186 – Cosmos-188).

January 15, 1969

Docking of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 manned spacecraft. Cosmonauts transfer from one spacecraft to the other through outer space. Creation of an experimental station of 12,924 kg mass.


Work carried out on the Moon program to create a modular multi-purpose launch vehicle, NI, and a lunar complex, L3. On February 21, 1969, complex NI-L3 flight tests began. The program was canceled because of breakdown of the schedule for the lunar complex creation, and after four (out of four) launch failures.

April 19,1971

The launch of the Salyut orbital station, which stayed in orbit until October I I, 1971.

June 30, 1971

The Soyuz-1 I spacecraft goes into orbit, and then docks with the Salyut orbital station. This marks the beginning of manned flight mode operation for the Salyut station (which lasted 22 days).

December 26, 1974

The launch of the Salyut-4 station. lt remained in orbit until February 3, 1977.Two crews operated on board the station.

July 15, 1975

The Soyuz-19 spacecraft is launched, which then docks to the U. S.Apollo spacecraft on July 17, 1975. The first experimental flight of a space complex comprised of spacecraft from two countries (the Apollo-Soyuz program).


Beginning of work on the Energia versatile space transportation system and the Buran orbiter.

September 29, 1977

The Salyut-6 station – a station of the second generation – with two docking units is put into orbit. It remained in orbit until July 29, 1982. 16 crews operated on board the station.

December 10, 1977

The Soyuz-26 spacecraft goes into orbit, then docks with the Salyut-6 orbital station. This begins the Salyut-6 manned operation mode.

January 20, 1978

The first Progress unmanned cargo transport spacecraft flight. The first delivery of cargoes to the station by the transport spacecraft.

March 2, 1978

The Soyuz-28 spacecraft, with the first international crew on board, goes into orbit and docks with the Salyut-6 orbital station.

December 16, 1979

The Soyuz T first unmanned flight. It docks with the Salyut-6 orbital station and the Salyut-6 / Soyuz T complex flight continues for more than 100 days.

June S, 1980

The Soyuz T-2 manned spacecraft is launched and docks with the Salyut-6 orbital station.

April 19,1982

The Salyut-7 station – a Salyut-6 station back-up – is put into orbit. It remained in orbit until February 7, 1991.Ten crews operated on board the station.

February 20, 1986

The core module of the Mir permanent manned complex is put into orbit. Manned operation mode began on March 15, 1986. Three special-purpose modules (Kvant astrophysics module, launched on March 31, 1987; Kvant-2 add-on module, launched on December 6, 1989; and Kristall technological module, launched on May 31, 1990), as well as a Progress M-type cargo spacecraft and Soyuz TM-type transport spacecraft (with the main crew and a visiting one) are docked to the core module.

March 13, 1986

The Soyuz T-15 spacecraft is launched and docks with the Mir complex on March 15, beginning of the complex manned operation mode. Soyuz T-15 performs an orbital transfer to the Salyut-7 station and back to Mir (May 5 – June 26) and delivers 400 kg of cargo from Salyut-7 to the Mir complex for further use.

May 21, 1986

Docking of the first Soyuz TM spacecraft (Soyuz TM – I), in unmanned mode, to the Mir complex.

February 6, 1987

The launch of the Soyuz TM-2 manned spacecraft which docks with the Mir orbital complex.

May 15,1987

The launch of an Energia launch vehicle with the Skif-DM spacecraft on external suspension.

November 15,1988

An Energia launch vehicle launch with the Buran orbiter attached in an unmanned mode.

August 23, 1989

The launch of a Progress M unmanned cargo transport spacecraft.


Beginning of work on the Energia-M launch vehicle. September 27, 1990

The launch of a Progress M-5 cargo spacecraft with a recovery ballistic capsule on board which delivers the onboard results to the ground. The landing was performed on November 28, 1990.

December 2, 1990

Soyuz TM-1 I – Mir Expedition with an international crew including T. Akiyama (a Japanese journalist), the first commercial passenger to Mir. Akiyama made daily television broadcasts.


The beginning of extensive international activities in joint space exploration programs.

March 17, 1992

Soyuz TM-14 – Joint flight with Germany.


Activities in the Mir complex program continue. The 14th expedition began to operate on board the Mir complex from July I.

February 3-11,1994

STS-60 was the first flight of a cosmonaut aboard the US Shuttle. Sergei K. Krikalev as a mission specialist conducted joint science programs.

November 12-20, 1994

STS-74 was the first shuttle assembly flight to Mir, it carried a Russian-built docking module with two attached solar arrays.

May 1995

The Spektr ("Spectrum") module joined Mir in May 1995.The module was designed for scientific research, specifically Earth observation. The final module was the Spektr Remote Sensing Payload. It had instruments to study particles in low Earth orbit. This module was damaged in the collision with a supply ship and was closed up pending final repairs that were never finally completed.

June 27 – July 7, 1995

STS-71 Atlantis performs the first US Shuttle docking with Mir.


The docking module was added to Mir during the second US Shuttle / Mir docking mission, STS-74, in late 1995.

March 22-31, 1996

STS-76 began the continuous U. S. stay on Mir. A single Spacehab module was aboard, demonstrating logistics capabilities.

April 1996

The Priroda ("Nature") module was launched in April 1996, completing the assembly of the Mir complex. This module carried Earth observing equipment as well as experiments.

August 17, 1996

This launch was the first of the Soyuz-U boosters with a crew aboard.

February 1997

During February, a fire occurred aboard Mir, offering new challenges and new information. The first spacewalk by a U. S. astronaut outside Mir wearing a Russian spacesuit was made.

June 25, 1997

The Progress M-34 spacecraft crashes into Spektr. The collision damaged one of the solar panels and also punctured the hull, depressurizing the module.

September 25 – October 6, 1997

Astronaut Scott Parazynski and Cosmonaut Vladimir Titov conducted a joint spacewalk.

November 20, 1998

The Zarya ISS module is launched by a Proton rocket for rendezvous with the US Unity module. The hatch between Unity and Zarya is opened for the first time on Dec 10, 1998.


SoyuzTM-29 docked with Mir on February 22. After accepting a double-length assignment, Russian cosmonaut Viktor Afanasyev set a new cumulative time in space record, but then, for the first time since September 1989, there were no humans in space.

July 12,2000

The Zvezda ISS module is launched by Proton rocket and docks with the ISS Zarya module on Jul 26. The ISS now consists of three modules: Zvezda, Zarya and Unity.

October 31, 2000

Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft launched by Soyuz-U rocket carrying the crew of the first ISS Expedition and docks with the ISS Zvezda module on November 2, 2000.

February 20,2001

The core module of the Mir space station celebrates its fifteenth anniversary in orbit.

March 18,2001

"Rock", the first of a pair of direct broadcast digital radio satellites is launched from the Sea Launch platform in the Pacific Ocean by a Zenit rocket into geosynchronous transfer orbit.

March 23,2001

The Mir space station is deorbited successfully. Fragments of the world’s most successful space station hit in a remote area of the Pacific following fifteen years of unprecedented orbital research.

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The contribution of RSCE
to Russian space technology


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Dates of Milestones in Rocket-Space. Technology Creation at. 0KB-1 - TsKBEM - NPO Energia

Launch vehicle








Dates of Milestones in Rocket-Space. Technology Creation at. 0KB-1 - TsKBEM - NPO Energia






(ortxtal stations and modules)


Dates of Milestones in Rocket-Space. Technology Creation at. 0KB-1 - TsKBEM - NPO Energia

Dates of Milestones in Rocket-Space. Technology Creation at. 0KB-1 - TsKBEM - NPO Energia