Grumman А-б Intruder and Prowler

Grumman A-6A, B,C, E, EA-6Aand В and KA-6D

Origin: Grumman Aerospace, USA,

Type:(A-6A, В, С, E) two-seat carrier-based all-weather attack: (EA-6A) two-seat ECM/attack; (EA-6B) four-seat ECM; (KA-6D) two-seat air­refuelling tanker.

Engines: (Except EA-6B) two 9,3001b (4218kg) thrust Pratt £t Whitney J52-8A two-shaft turbojets: (EA-6B) two 11,2001b (5080kg) J52-408. Dimensions: Span 53ft (16-15m): length (except EA-6B) 54ft 7in (16 64m); (EA-6B) 59ft 5in (1811m): height (A-6A, A-6C, KA-6D) 15ft 7in (4-75m): (A-6E, EA-6A and B) 16ft 3in (4-95m).

Weights: Empty (A-6A) 25.684lb (11,650kg): (EA-6A) 27,769lb

(12,596kg): (EA-6B) 34,5811b (15,686kg): (A-6E) 25.630lb (11,625kg): maximum loaded (A-6A and E) 60.626lb (27,500kg): (EA-6A) 56,500lb (25.628kg): (EA-6B) 58,500lb (26,535kg),

Performance:Maximum speed (clean A-6A) 685mph (1102km/h) at sea level or 625mph (1006km/h, Mach 0-94) at height: (EA-6A) over 630mph, (EA-6B) 599mph at sea level: (A-6E) 648mph (1043km/h) at sea level: initial climb (A-6E. clean) 8,600ft (2621 m)/min: service ceiling (A-6A) 41,660ft (12,700m): (A-6E) 44,600ft (13,595m): (EA-6B) 39,000ft (11,582m): range with full combat load (A-6E) 1,077 miles (1733km), ferry range with external fuel (all) about 3,100 miles (4890km). Armament: All attack versions, including EA-6A, five stores locations each rated at 3,6001b (1633kg) with maximum total load of 15,0001b (6804kg): typical load thirty 5001b (227kg) bombs: (EA-6B, KA-6D) none.

History: First flight (YA2F-1) 19 April I960: service acceptance of A-6A 1 February 1963: first flight (EA-6A) 1963: (KA-6D) 23 May 1966: (EA-6B) 25 May 1 968: (A-6E) 27 February 1 970: final delivery 1975. User: USA (Navy, Marine Corps).

Grumman А-б Intruder and Prowler

Development: Selected from 11 competing designs in December 1957, the Intruder was specifically planned for first-pass blind attack on point surface targets at night or in any weather. Though area ruled, the aircraft (originally designated A2F) was designed to be subsonic and is powered by two straight turbojets which in the original design were arranged with tilting jetpipes to help give lift for STOL (short takeoff and landing). Despite its considerable gross weight – much more than twice the empty weight and heavier than most of the heavy World War II four-engine brombers—the

Above: Three-view of A-6E, with side views of EA-6A (centre) and EA-6B (bottom).

Intruder has excellent slow-flving qualities with full span slats and flaps. The crew sit side-by-side under a broad sliding canopy giving a marvellous view in all directions, the navigator having control of the extremely compre­hensive navigation, radar and attack systems which are integrated into DIANE (Digital Integrated Attack Navigation Equipment). In Vietnam the A-6A worked round the clock making pinpoint attacks on targets which could not be accurately bombed by any other aircraft until the arrival of the F-111. The A-6E introduced a new multi-mode radar and computer and supplanted earlier versions in Navy and Marine Corps squadrons. The EA-6A introduced a valuable group of ECM (electronic countermeasures), while retaining partial attack capability, but the extraordinary EA-6B is a totally redesigned four-seat aircraft where the entire payload comprises the most advanced and comprehensive ECM equipment ever fitted to a tactical aircraft, part of it being carried in four external pods with windmill generators to supply electric power. The latest addition to attack versions was TRAM (Target Recognition Attack Multisensor), a turreted electro-optical/infra-red system matched with laser-guided weapons. In 1 977 Grumman was building new Prowlers and the last A-6Es, and converting A-6A models to the latest E standard. In the course of 1977 the first Intruders were to be modified to fire the Harpoon active-seeker missile.

Left: An A-6E Intruder of a crack Marine unit, / 3 VMA(AW)-242, popularly called The Bats’.

Grumman А-б Intruder and Prowler

Grumman А-б Intruder and Prowler

Below left: Together with a handful of USAF F-111As the Grumman A-6 series were the only tactical aircraft able to operate at night or in bad weather during the tragic war in Vietnam. These A-6As from USS Constellation are seen each laying down a dozen 1,0001b retarded bombs.

Grumman А-б Intruder and Prowler
Below: A-6A trials aircraft from Naval Ordnance Test Station carrying Condor missile.

McDonnell Douglas/Hawker AV-8B

AV-8B and proposed variants

Origin: McDonnell Douglas Corporation (MCAIR, St Louis), USA: principal associate, British Aerospace (Hawker Aircraft, Kingston), UK. Type: V/STOL light attack: proposed versions include sea-based air defence, reconnaissance and dual trainer/multi-role.

Engine: One Rolls-Royce Pegasus 103. (Pratt & Whitney F402) vectored – thrust turbofan rated at 21,5001b (9752kg).

Dimensions: Span 30ft З5ІП (9-20m); length 42ft 11 in (13-1m): height 11ft 3iin (3-4m).

Weights: Empty 12,4001b (5625kg): design, 22,7501b (10,320kg): loaded (close-support seven Mk 82 bombs) 25,994lb (11,790kg): maximum over 29,000lb (13,150kg).

Performance: Maximum speed, clean, over Mach 1: operational radius (VTO, 7,800lb/3538kg weapons) 115 miles (185km), (STO, 12 Mk 82 Snakeye, internal fuel) 172 miles (278km), (STO, seven Mk 82, external fuel) 748 miles (1204km): ferry range over 3,000 miles 4830km). Armament: Two 20mm Mk 12 cannon in single belly pods, six underwing pylons and centreline hardpoint for weapon/ECM/fuel load of 8,000!b (3630kg) for VTO or 9,000lb (4080kg) for STO.

History: First flight (YAV-8B) 9 November 1978: operational capability originally planned for 1981—2.

Users: US Marine Corps, US Navy.

McDonnell Douglas/Hawker AV-8B
Development: Following proposals in 1973 by Hawker Siddeley and McDonnell Douglas for an advanced development of the Harrier the then UK Defence Minister, Roy Mason, said there was "not enough common ground" for a joint programme. This caused a delay of many months, but the US government eventually studied an improved aircraft designated AV-16A with a new wing and the uprated Pegasus 15 engine, before deciding to try to achieve as much as possible of the same advantages in payload/range and weapon load with the existing engine. Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney have studied the Pegasus 11D (800lb extra thrust) and 11+ (1,0001b more) but these remained mere proposals as this book went to press, despite the fact Rolls-Royce ran a Pegasus at over 25,0001b thrust in May 1972. Under the present programme all changes are confined to the airframe, the main improvement being a completely new wing, with greater

Подпись: Above: Three-view of AV-8B Advanced Harrier as currently planned.

span and area, less sweep, a supercritical section and graphite-epoxy construction throughout the main wing box and large single-slotted flaps and drooping ailerons. Strakes and a large hinged belly flap will increase air pressure under the fuselage in VTO, while other changes include inlets matched to the engine (they are too small on previous production Harriers) and front nozzles cut off square with the efflux.

Overall improvement in payload/range. compared with an AV-8A, is about 100 per cent. There is still a chance that further gains may result from improvement to the F402 engine, and production AV-8Bs may have the raised cockpit of the British Sea Harrier. The US Marine Corps requirement is for 336, and a variant might possibly be purchased by the US Navy for its own use. Present plans envisage the AV-8B having the Angle-Rate Bomb­ing System, with dual-mode TV and laser spot coupled via IBM computer to the Marconi-Elliott HUD. Fixed or retractable probe refuelling is likely, but radar will not be fitted. Two AV-8As were rebuilt by McDonnell Douglas as YAV-8Bs, and have performed very well in Navy/Marine Corps trials, but Congress has consistently shown itself hostile to what it regards as a foreign aircraft and production funds had been withheld as this book went to press despite sustained pleas from the Marines. The Navy has been more muted, but also wants a radar-equipped version known as AV-8B – Plus. If Congress should release funds, production aircraft would have about half British content, but would be assembled at St Louis.

McDonnell Douglas/Hawker AV-8B
Below: The first of two YAV-8B trials aircraft (rebuilt from AV-8As), hovering at the McDonnell Douglas plant at St Louis after 9 November 1978, which was when this important prototype first got its wheels off the ground.

Shenyang F-6 bis

F-6bis (NATO code name "Fantan A”)

Origin: State Aircraft Factory. Shenyang, People’s Republic of China. Type: All-weather fighter, attack and reconnaissance aircraft.

Engines: Two axial turbojets with afterburners (see text).

Dimensions (estimated): Span 33ft 5in (10 2m); length 50ft (15-25m); height 11ft (3-35m).

Weights: (estimated) Empty 13,6701b (6200kg): loaded (clean) 20,2851b (9200kg), (maximum) 23,6001b (10,700kg).

Performance (estimated): Maximum speed, clean (sea level) about 760mph (1225km/h. Mach 1), (high altitude) about 1,190mph (191 Okm/h. Mach 1-8): combat radius (hi-lo-hi, two bombs, two tanks) 500 miles (800km).

Armament: Not known, but almost certainly includes internal guns, external stores pylons for tanks and ordnance and comprehensive ECM equipment.

History: First flight, possibly 1968; service delivery, probably early 1970s. Users: People’s Republic of China (AF, Navy), Egypt (?).

Development: Obviously derived from the F-6, the Chinese-built MiG – 19SF, the F-6bis represents the first (enforced) attempt by the Shenyang – based home industry to produce combat aircraft independently. Despite extreme difficulties caused by a lack of industrial backing and skilled labour, the production of nationally developed aircraft was forced on the PRC (People’s Republic of China) by its isolation from technically advanced nations and imminence of the Soviet threat. The excellent qualities of the MiG-19 basic design eventually led to the F-6 being chosen for development in preference to the F-7. the illegally manufactured MiG-21 PF. During the 1960s the Shenyang F-6bis took shape as an enlarged F-6 with lateral inlet ducts feeding direct to the two engines (a Chinese illustration suggests that the mid-wing has been retained, with ducts above and below), leaving the nose free for a large search radar of unknown type. The sketch referred to showed no wing cannon, but the two 30mm NR-30s of the F-6 have probably been retained in view of the great length of inlet duct ahead of the wing, interfering with pilot view. The inlets are apparently simple and non­variable, efficient at low level but limiting high-altitude Mach number. The radar could be a derivative of the "Spin Scan B" as used in later North Vietnamese MiG-21 PF fighters sent via China, but in the author’s opinion

Shenyang F-6 bis

is more likely to be a copy of the much more powerful AWG-10 or APQ-109 fitted to Phantoms of the late 1960s. Whether the PRC has also copied Sparrow and/or Sidewinder is problematical.

In his Fiscal Year 1977 report the US SecDef (then Donald Rumsfeld) described the "Fantan-A" as a principal tactical aircraft of the PRC Navy: earlier it was known to be in service with the PRCAF. Compared with the F-6 it should be a considerably more effective machine, provided engine power has risen at least in proportion to the weight. Some Western reports suggest that the engines are the Tumansky RD-9B-811. of 8.270lb (3750kg) maximum thrust: in the author’s view an equally plausible possibility is that the bigger and more powerful R-11 engine of the F-7 (13,1201b, 5950kg) could have been chosen. Indeed use of this engine in the F-9 might in some degree explain the early termination of Chinese production of the F-7. As this book went to press little is known of the F-6bis and it could even be subject to severe problems and limitations. It should in any case not be confused with the entirely different combat aircraft (believed to be a twin – engined delta) which will be powered by the Chinese-assembled Rolls – Royce Spey.

Below left: A line-up of F-6bis attack aircraft of the Air Force of the People’s Liberation Army of China.

Below: Bombs falling from the wing pylons of an F-6bis which also appears to have open weapon-bay doors (also seen at left).

Aermacchi M. B. 326 and 339

M. B.326 and 326 GB and GC (AT-26 Xavante), 326K (Atlas Impala), 326L and M. B.339

Origin: Aeronautics Macchi SpA (Aermacchi): licence-production in Australia. Brazil and S Africa.

Type: Two-seat basic trainer and light attack aircraft: (326K) single-seat trainer/attack: (339) two-seat all-through trainer.

Engine: One Rolls-Royce Viper single-shaft turbojet: (original production versions) 2,5001b (1134kg) thrust Viper 11: (GB, GC, H and M) 3,4101b (1547kg) Viper 20 Mk 540: (K, L and 339) 4,000lb (1814kg) R-R/Fiat Viper 632-43.

Dimensions: Span (over tip tanks) 35ft 7in (10-85m); length 34ft 11 in (10-64m): height 12ft 2£in (372m).

Weights: Empty (G trainer) 5,920lb (2685kg): (G attack) 5,640lb (2558kg): (K) 6.240lb (2830kg): maximum loaded (G trainer) 10,0901b (4577kg): (G attack) 11,5001b (5217kg): (K and 339) 12,5001b (5670kg). Performance: Maximum speed (G clean) 539mph (867km/h): (K clean) 553mph (890km/h): (339) 560mph (901 km/h): initial climb (G clean) 6,050ft (1844m)/min: (G attack at max wt) 3,100ft (945m)/min: (K clean and 339) 6,500ft (1980m)/min: service ceiling (G trainer clean) 47,000ft (14,325m): (G attack, max wt) 35,000ft (10,700m): range on internal fuel (G trainer) 1,1 50 miles (1 850km): (K with max weapons) about 1 60 miles (260km).

Armament: Six underwing pylons for load of up to 4,000lb (1814kg) including bombs, rockets, tanks, missiles, reconnaissance pods or gun pods: some versions have single 7-62mm or similar gun (or Minigun) in fuselage: 326K (Impala) has two 30mm DEFA 553 cannon in fuselage, each with 125 rounds. (339) two 30mm DEFA cannon can be carried in wing – mounted slipper pods: other options as 326.

History: First flight 10 December 1957: (production 326) 5 October 1 960: (K, prototype) 22 August 1970: (339) 12 August 1976.

Users: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia (X), Brazil (X), Dubai, Ghana, Italy, S Africa, Togo (X), Tunisia, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (Atlas).

Aermacchi M. B. 326 and 339

Подпись: Above: Three-view of typical M.B.326G with wing gun pods.

Development: The most successful Italian military aircraft programme in history, the 326 was designed by a team led by Ermanno Bazzocchi and was put into production as a trainer for the Regia Aeronautica. which received 90. In addition the South African AF has over 1 50 К models, built by Atlas Aircraft with locally built engines, and expects to build over 200, while other big customers include Australia (114, 85 built by CAC in Melbourne), Brazil (122 locally built Xavantes) and many emergent nations. The latest sub-types are the 326K with the most powerful Viper, the 326L with two seats but К attack capability, the M uncompromised dual trainer and the M. B, 339 with redesigned airframe for all-through training, with raised instructor seat under a sloping canopy. Despite having a largely redesigned structure the 339 is hoped (optimistically) to be priced at only £850,000.

Below left: A formation of South African Air Force equipment, a Mirage IlfCZ and DZ with an Impala in the foreground.

Aermacchi M. B. 326 and 339
Below: By 1980 more than 160 AT-26 Xavantes had been assembled in Brazil by EMBRAER, with American avionics and extra weapons.

F-14A, В and C

Origin: Grumman Aerospace, USA.

Type: Two-seat carrier-based multi-role fighter.

Engines: (F-14A) two 20,900lb (9480kg) thrust Pratt & Whitney TF30- 412A two-shaft afterburning turbofans: (B and C) two 28,090lb (12,741 kg) thrust Pratt & Whitney F401-400 two-shaft afterburning turbofans. Dimensions: Span (68° sweep) 38ft 2in (11 -63m), (20° sweep) 64ft 1 Jin (19-54m); length 61ft 2in (18-89m): height 16ft (4-88m).

Weights: Empty 37,500lb (17,010kg); loaded (fighter mission) 55,000lb (24,948kg), (maximum) 72,000lb (32,658kg).

Performance: Maximum speed, 1,564mph (2517km/h, Mach 2-34) at height, 910mph (1470km/h, Mach 1-2) at sea level: initial climb at normal gross weight, over 30,000ft (9144m)/min; service ceiling over 56,000ft (17,070m); range (fighter with external fuel) about 2,000 miles (3200km). Armament: One 20mm M61-A1 multi-barrel cannon in fuselage; four AIM-7 Sparrow and four or eight AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, or up to six AIM-54 Phoenix and two AIM-9; maximum external weapon load in surface attack role 14,5001b (6577kg).

History: First flight 21 December 1970; initial deployment with US Navy carriers October 1972; first flight of F-14B 12 September 1973.

Users: Iran (available for sale), USA (Navy, Marine Corps).

F-14A, В and C
F-14A, В and C

Development: When Congress finally halted development of the com­promised F-111B version of the TFX in mid-1968 Grumman was already well advanced with the project design of a replacement. After a competition for the VFX requirement Grumman was awarded a contract for the F-14 in January 1 969. The company had to produce a detailed mock-up by May and build 12 development aircraft. Despite sudden loss of the first aircraft on its second flight, due to total hydraulic failure, the programme has been a com­plete technical success and produced one of the world’s outstanding

F-14A, В and C

Above: Three-view of an F-14A showing (broken lines) range of wing and glove movement.

F-14A, В and C
combat aircraft. Basic features include use of a variable-sweep wing, to match the aircraft to the conflicting needs of carrier compatability, dog­fighting and attack on surface targets at low level: pilot and naval flight officer (observer) in tandem: an extremely advanced airframe, with tailplane skins of ►

F-14A, В and CLeft: In US markings but customer’s camouflage, this F-14A was one of a batch of 80 bought by Iran and delivered before the Shah went into exile in early 1979. Since then the entire force has been non – operational, and has been announced as up for sale. The US government doubts that security of its advanced radar and missile system can have been preserved.

F-14A, В and C
Above: Menacing aspect of an F-14A of US Navy crack fighter squadron VF-211, showing all three missile types on board.

Подпись: Below: Launch of Phoenix from an F-14A detached to Point Mugu.

Right: F-14A with everything revealed, including the AWG-9 flat – plate antenna and (foreground) the long-range Phoenix AAM.

Подпись: ■1 ■ boron-epoxy composite and similar novel construction methods, and one canted vertical tail above each engine; and the extremely powerful Hughes AWG-9 radar which, used in conjunction with the Phoenix missile (carried by no other combat aircraft), can pick out and destroy a chosen aircraft from a formation at a distance of 100 miles. For close-in fighting the gun is used in conjunction with snap-shoot missiles, with the tremendous advantage that, as a launch platform, the Tomcat is unsurpassed (Grumman claim it to be unrivalled, and to be able — by automatic variation of wing sweep — to out­manoeuvre all previous combat aircraft). Introduction to the US Navy has been smooth and enthusiastic, with VF-1 and -2 serving aboard Enterprise in 1974. The export appeal of the F-14 is obvious and Iran is introducing 80 from 1976. But costs have run well beyond prediction. Grumman refusing at one time to continue the programme and claiming its existing contracts would result in a loss of $105 million. For the same reason the re-engined F-14B has been confined to two re-engined А-models, and the F-14C with new avionics and weapons remains a paper project. In 1 975 production agreements were worked out and by 1977 total deliveries amounted to 243 aircraft, including about 12 for Iran. The US Navy (which includes the aircraft for the Marines) has funds for 306 F-14As and plans to buy 403 by 1981, but the requirement for an eventual total of over 500 is likely to be cut back as the F-18 comes into production. In 1976 severe trouble hit the F-14, affecting engines, fuselage structure, computer/weapon system and accidents attributed to pilot error. Efforts are being made to improve the operational-readiness rate and, if possible, increase installed engine. thrust.

F-14A, В and C

McDonnell Douglas/Northrop F-18 Hornet and Cobra

F-18, TF-18 and F-18L

Origin: Original basic design, Northrop Corp: prime contractor, McDonnell Douglas Corp, USA, with Northrop building centre and aft fuselage.

Type: (F) single-seat carrier-based multi-role fighter, (TF) dual trainer, (A) single-seat land-based attack fighter.

Engines: Two 16,0001b (7257kg) thrust General Electric F404-400 two – shaft augmented turbofans.

Dimensions: Span (with missiles) 40ft 8Jin (12 41m), (without missiles) 37ft 6in (11 -42m): length 56ft (17-07m); height 14ft 9Jin (4-50m). Weights: (Provisional) empty 20,583lb (9336kg): loaded (clean) 33.642lb (15,260kg): maximum loaded (catapult limit) 50,064lb (22,710kg). Performance: Maximum speed (clean, at altitude) 1,190mph (1915km/h. Mach 1 -8), (maximum weight, sea level) subsonic: sustained combat manoeuvre ceiling, over 49,000ft (14,935m): absolute ceiling, over 60,000ft (18,290m): combat radius (air-to-air mission, high, no external fuel) 461 miles (741km): ferry range, not less than 2,300 miles (3700km).

Armament: One 20mm M61 Gatling in upper part of forward fuselage: nine external weapon stations for maximum load (catapult launch) of 13,4001b (6080kg), including bombs, sensor pods, ECM, missiles (including Sparrow) and other stores, with tip-mounted Sidewinders.

History: First flight (YF-17) 9 June 1974: (first of 11 test F-18) 18 November 1978: (production F-18) probably late 1980: service entry, planned for 1 982.

User: USA (Navy, Marine Corps).

Development: In 1 971 the US Navy became concerned at the cost of the F-14 and the resulting reduced rate of procurement and total number that could be afforded. In 1973 it studied low-cost versions and compared them with navalised F-15 versions and improved F-4s. In 1 974 the VFX specifica­tion emerged for a wholly new and smaller fighter somewhat along the lines of the Air Force Air Combat Fighter. In May 1975 the Navy and Marine Corps announced their choice of the F-18, developed from the existing land-based Northrop F-17 by McDonnell Douglas and Northrop. In fact the F-18 will be almost twice as heavy as the original F-17 proposal but, with more powerful engines, is expected to have adequate dogfight per­formance through the 1980s. Features include an unswept wing with large dogteeth and forebody strakes at the roots, twin canted vertical tails, simple

Below: Takeoff by the first YF-18 Hornet prototype on 18 November 1978. All 11 flight-test aircraft had flown by 1980 and both land-based and early carrier trials were said to be promising.

McDonnell Douglas/Northrop F-18 Hornet and Cobra

McDonnell Douglas/Northrop F-18 Hornet and Cobra

Above: Three-view of F-18 Hornet.

fixed engine inlets and extensive graphite/epoxy structure. Search radar will be used in the interception and surface-attack roles, and a very wide range of weapons will be carried. In the Navy air-superiority mission the gun will be backed up by two Sparrows and two Sidewinders, and the F-18 is expected to show dramatic improvements over the F-4J in manoeuvrability, reliability and low cost. In Marine attack missions the maximum load can be 14,0001b for airfield operation, and the inertial guidance and weapon­aiming are expected to offer a significant advance over the accuracy of any A-7. The Navy/Marines plan to buy 11 development aircraft plus 1,366 production machines during the 1980s, the original target price being about $5-9 millidn in 1975 dollars. Originally the Marine Corps version was to be designated A-18, because of its different mission equipment but it was later decided not to produce a dedicated attack version. Instead the Marine F-18 will replace the two Sparrow (or AMRAAM) missiles by a laser spot-tracker on one pylon and a forward-looking infra-red pod on the other. About one aircraft in every 13 will be a dual-control TF-18, with less internal fuel and no head-up display. In addition an RF-18 version has been proposed as a Fleet reconnaissance machine to replace the RF-8G and RA-5C, with a nose basically similar to that of the RF-5E.

In late 1 976 Northrop — original designer of the YF-17 but a mere sub­contractor on the F-18 – was trying to relaunch the land-based Cobra, but now as a modified F-18. Despite severe competition from the F-16 and other aircraft. Northrop aims to find worldwide sales for the Cobra replacing the F-4, F-104, A-7 and Mirage. It would have less internal fuel than the F-18, and thus even higher performance. Planned export delivery date is 1983, priced at $8 million in 1975 dollars. This simplified land-based machine is designated F-18L, and is not normally named Plornet. Northrop is prime contractor for this project, which in late 1 979 was being considered by Australia, Canada, Israel and Turkey, among other possible customers.

McDonnell Douglas/Northrop F-18 Hornet and Cobra

Soko Galeb and Jastreb

G2-A, Galeb, J-1 Jastreb

Origin: "Soko" Metalopreradivacka Industrija, Yugoslavia.

Type: (Galeb) dual armed trainer: Jastreb, single-seat attack.

Engine: One Rolls-Royce Viper single-shaft turbojet; (G) 2,500lb (11 34kg) thrust Mk 22-6: (J) 3,0001b (1360kg) Mk 531.

Dimensions: Span (excluding tip tanks) 34ft 4Jin (10-47m); (J) 34ft 8in: length 33ft 11 in (10-34m): (J) 35ft 1Jin; height 10ft 9in (3-28m): (J) 11ft 114in.

Weights: Empty 5,775lb (2620kg): (J) 6,2171b maximum loaded 9,2101b (4178kg): (G, clean, fully aerobatic) 7,4381b; (J) 10,2871b.

Performance: Maximum speed 505mph (81 2km/h); (J) 510mph: initial climb 4,500ft (1370m)/min; service ceiling 39,375ft (12,000m): range (hi, max fuel) 770 miles (1240km): (J) 945 miles.

Armament: (G) 127mm guns in nose, each with 80 rounds: underwing pylons for two 220lb (100kg) bombs, or light loads of rockets. (J) three 127mm in nose, each with 135 rounds: eight underwing hardpoints, two furthest inboard carrying stores of 5511b (250kg), the rest single 127mm rockets.

History: First flight (G) May 1961: service delivery (G) 1965.

Soko Galeb and Jastreb

Users: Libya, Yugoslavia, Zambia.

Development: The first Yugoslav jet to go into production, the tandem-

Soko Galeb and Jastreb

Soko Galeb and Jastreb

Above: Three-view of Soko G2-A Galeb (TJ-1 similar).

seat Galeb (Seagull) has been fully developed and built in modest numbers for the Yugoslav Air Force and Zambia. Pupil and instructor sit in Folland lightweight seats, and an air-conditioning system is an option. The Jastreb (Hawk.) uses a similar airframe, with local strengthening for the more powerful engine and heavier external stores. Again Zambia has received an export version, but without the optional cabin pressurization and self – contained engine-start system. Jastrebs can carry cameras in the fuselage and in the nose of the tip tanks, and also tow an aerial target.

Left: This echelon of Jastrebs shows the basic J-1 attack version in service with the Yugoslav Air Force. This model has nose armament of three ‘fifty-calibre’ Colt-Browning guns and a total of eight underwing pylons for various stores. There are also RJ-1 reconnaissance and various export versions. All have the Viper 531 engine, as does the tandem-seat Jastreb trainer which looks very similar to the lower-powered Galeb.

Below: First flown in 1961, the Soko G2-A Galeb has been made in appreciable numbers both for the Yugoslav Air Force and for export. Normal armament comprises two heavy machine guns of familiar Colt-Browning type, plus light bomb, rocket and other loads under the wings. Now supplementing this type in service, the TJ-1 (trainer Jastreb) has the single-seat Jastreb’s more і powerful self-starting engine and additional avionics.

Soko Galeb and Jastreb

ВАС (ВАе) Lightning

Lightning F.1 to 6 and export versions (data for F.6)

Origin: English Electric Aviation (now British Aerospace), UK.

Type: Single-seat all-weather interceptor.

Engines: Two 1 5,680lb (711 2kg) thrust Rolls-Royce Avon 302 augmented turbojets.

Dimensions: span 34ft 10in (10 6m): length 53ft 3in (16-25m); height 19ft 7in (595m).

Weights: Empty about 28,000lb (12,700kg); loaded 50,000lb (22,680kg). Performance: Maximum speed 1,500mph (2415km/h) at 40,000ft (12,200m): initial climb 50,000ft (15,240m)/min; service ceiling over 60,000ft (18,290m); range without overwing tanks 800 miles (1290km). Armament: Interchangeable packs for two all-attitude Red Top or stern – chase Firestreak guided missiles; option of two 30mm Aden cannon in forward part of belly tank; export versions up to 6,0001b (2722kg) bombs or other offensive stores above and below wings.

History: First flight (P.1 B) 4 April 1957; (first production F.1) 30 October 1959; (first F.6) 17 April 1964.

Users: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UK.

Development: As he had been with the Canberra, "Teddy" Petter was again moving spirit behind the award, in 1947, of a study contract for a supersonic research aircraft. Later this was built and flown as the P.1 of August 1954, exceeding Mach 1 on two crude unaugmented Sapphire engines mounted one above and behind the other and fed by a plain nose inlet. In mid-1949 specification F.23/49 was issued for a supersonic fighter, and after com­plete redesign the P.1 В was produced and flown in 1 957. This had a new fuselage with a two-shock intake, the central cone being intended to house Ferranti Airpass radar. The Avon engines were fitted with primitive after­burning, allowing a speed of Mach 2 to be attained on 25 November 1958.

Helped by 20 pre-production aircraft, the Lightning F.1 was cleared for service in 1960. Though relatively complicated, so that the flying rate and maintenance burden were terrible in comparison with more modern aircraft, these supersonic all-weather interceptors at last gave the RAF a modern fighter with radar, guided missiles (heat-homing Firestreaks) and supersonic performance. Production was held back by the belief that all manned fighters |a

ВАС (ВАе) Lightning

ВАС (ВАе) Lightning

Above: Lightning F.6, with upper side elevation showing F.1.


were obsolete (as clearly set forth in the Defence White Paper of April 1 957), but the Treasury were persuaded to allow the improved F.2 to be built in 1961 with fully variable afterburner and all-weather navigation. Eventually, as the error of the 1 957 doctrine became apparent, the Mk 3 was allowed in 1964, with more powerful engines, more fuel, bigger fin, collision-course fire-control and allattitude Red Top missiles: but it was decided to fit no guns, earlier marks having had two 30mm Aden cannon. Finally, in 1965, the belated decision was taken to follow the advice of ВАС and almost double the fuel capacity and also fit the kinked and cambered wing (first flown in 1956) to improve operation at much increased weights. The T.4 and T.5 are dual conversion trainers equivalent to the F.2 and F.3. For Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, ВАС paid for development of the Lightning as a multi-role fighter and attack aircraft, adding 57 to the production total to Dring it up to 338.

ВАС (ВАе) LightningLeft: One of the Lightning F.2A interceptors of 92 Sqn, RAF Germany (a unit since re-equipped with Phantoms) in the one-colour green applied over all upper surfaces to render them less conspicuous when viewed from above.

ВАС (ВАе) Lightning
Below: This Lightning is an F.6, the final standard to which the F.2A (a complete rebuild of a much earlier type) was a near approximation. It is shown unpainted serving with 23 Sqn, and was photographed whilst formating on a Soviet ‘Bear’ reconnaissance and electronic-warfare aircraft. Today IMo 23 also flies Phantoms.

HSA (BAe) Buccaneer

Buccaneer S.1,2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 50

Origin: Hawker Siddeley Aviation (formerly Blackburn Aircraft, now British Aerospace), UK.

Type: Two-seat attack and reconnaissance.

Engines: (S.1) two 7,1001b (3220kg) thrust Bristol Siddeley (previously de Havilland) Gyron Junior 101 single-shaft turbojets; (all later marks) two 11,0301b (5003kg) Rolls-Royce Spey 101 two-shaft turbofans. Dimensions: Span (1) 42ft 4in (1 2-9m); (2 and subsequent) 44ft (1 341 m); length 63ft 5:n (19-33m); height 16ft 3in (4 95m).

Weights: Empty (1) 26,000lb (2) about 30,0001b (13,610kg); maximum loaded (1) 46,000lb (20,865kg); (2) 62,000lb (28,123kg).

Performance: Maximum speed (all) 645mph (1038km/h, Mach 0-85) at sea level; initial climb (2, at 46,0001 b) 7,000ft (2134m)/min; service ceiling not disclosed but over 40,000ft (9144m); range on typical hi-lo-hi strike mission with weapon load (2) 2,300 miles (3700km).

Armament: Rotating bomb door carries four 1,0001b (454kg) bombs or multi-sensor reconnaissance pack or 440gal tank; (S.2 and later) four wing pylons each stressed to 3,0001b (1 361 kg), compatible with very wide range of guided and/or free-fall missiles. Total internal and external stores load 16,0001b (7257kg).

History: First flight (NA.39) 30 April 1958; (production S.1) 23 January 1962; (prototype S.2) 17 May 1963; (production S.2) 5 June 1964; final delivery late 1 975.

Users: S Africa, UK (RAF, Royal’Navy).

Development: After the notorious "Defence White Paper" of April 1957, which proclaimed manned combat aircraft obsolete, the Blackburn B.103, built to meet the naval attack specification NA.39, was the only new British military aircraft that was not cancelled. Development was grudgingly permitted, and this modest-sized subsonic machine was gradually re­cognised as a world-beater. Designed for carrier operation, its wing and tail were dramatically reduced in size as a result of very powerful tip-to-tip supercirculation (BLC, boundary-layer control) achieved by blasting hot compressed air bled from the engines from narrow slits. The S.1 (strike Mk 1) was marginal on power, but the greatly improved S.2 was a reliable and formidable aircraft. The first 84 were ordered by the Royal Navy and most of these have been transferred to RAF Strike Command, designated S.2B when converted to’launch Martel missiles. Those remaining with the Navy are S.2Ds (2C if they are not Martel-compatible), In January 1963 the South African Air Force bought 16 S.50s with BS.605 boost rocket built into a retractable pack in the rear fuselage to facilitate use from hot and high air­strips. Finally – perhaps rather surprisingly, considering the scorn vented on Buccaneer during the TSR.2 era — the RAF signed in 1 968 for 43 new S.2Bs with adequate equipment, including a refuelling probe which is never used in front-line service in Germany. Within the limits of crippling budgets the RAF Buccaneers have been updated by improved avionics and ECM, and all

HSA (BAe) Buccaneer

Below: A Buccaneer S.2B of RAF No 16 Sqn which, with No 15, forms the attack/strike force of RAF Germany based at Laarbruch.

HSA (BAe) Buccaneer

Three-view of Buccaneer S.2 with FR probe and bomb-door tank.

HSA (BAe) Buccaneer
models have the advantage of an unbreakable long-life airframe and the ability to carry weapons internally In 1977 they were getting Pave Spike laser-guided bomb systems. Altogether the Mk 2 Buccaneer is one of the most cost/effective aircraft ever designed for tactical use.

HSA (BAe) BuccaneerAbove: This Buccaneer is seen with its rotary weapon-bay door open, revealing the internal bay which enables it to attack in the clean condition at speeds higher than the maximum speed at sea level of many so-called supersonic attack aircraft (which can reach super­sonic speed only at high altitude and carry their weapons outside).

Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-17

MiG-17, -17P, -17F (Lim-5P and -5M,

S-104, F-4), -17PF and -17PFU (NATO name "Fresco")

Origin: The design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich, Soviet Union: licence-production as described in the text.

Type: Single-seat fighter; (PF, PFU) limited all-weather interceptor. Engine: (-17. -17P) one 5.952lb (2700kg) thrust Klimov VK-1 single­shaft centrifugal turbojet: (later versions) one 4,732/7,452lb (3380kg) VK-1F with afterburner.

Dimensions: Span 31ft (9-45m); length (all) 36ft 3in (11’05m); height 11ft (3’35m).

Weights: Empty (all) about 9.040lb (4100kg); loaded (F. clean) 11,7731b (5340kg): maximum (all) 14,7701b (6700kg)

Performance: Maximum speed (F, clean at best height of 9,840ft) 711mph (1145km/h); initial climb 12,795ft (3900m)/min; service ceiling 54,460ft (16,600m); range (high, two drop tanks) 913 miles (1470km). Armament: (-17) as MiG-15, one 37mm and two 23mm NS-23; (all later versions) three 23mm Nudelmann-Rikter NR-23 cannon, one under right side of nose and two under left; four wing hardpoints for tanks, total of 1,1021b (500kg) of bombs, packs of eight 55mm air-to-air rockets or various air-to-ground missiles.

History: First flight (prototype) January 1950; service delivery, 1952; service delivery (F-4) January 1956; final delivery (Soviet Union) probably 1959.

Users: Afghanistan. Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, E Germany, Guinea. Hungary, Indonesia (in storage), Iraq, Kampuchea, N Korea, Mali, Morocco (in storage), Nigeria. Poland, Romania, Somalia. S Yemen. Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Sudan. Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen Arab.

Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-17Development: Only gradually did Western observers recognise the MiG-17 as not merely a slightly modified MiG-15 but a completely different aircraft. Even then it was generally believed it had been hastily designed to rectify deficiencies shown in the MiG-1 5’s performance in Korea, but in fact the design began in about January 1949, long before the Korean war. This was because from the first the MiG-1 5 had shown bad behaviour at high speeds, and though the earlier fighter was eventually made completely safe (partly by arranging for the air brakes to open automatically at Mach 0-92) it was still a difficult gun platform due to its tendency to snake and pitch. The MiG-17 – which was probably the last fighter in which Gurevich played a direct personal role — had a new wing with thickness reduced from 11 per cent to about 9 pet cent, a different section and planform and no fewer

Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-17

Above: Three-view of typical MiG-17F (NATO name, "Fresco C").

three fences. Without taper and with inboard sweep of 47° this made a big difference to high-Mach behaviour, and in fact there are reasons to believe the MiG-17 can be dived to make a sonic bang. With a new tail on a longer rear fuselage the transformation was completed by considerable revision of systems and equipment, though at first the VK-1 engine was unchanged. In 1958 the first limited all-weather version, the -17P, went into modest production with longer nose housing the same Izumrud (”Scan Odd") Al radar and ranging avionics as was also in production for the MiG-19. With the introduction of an afterburning engine the airbrakes were moved aft of the wing, away from the hot back end, but this was not a good position and they were returned (in enlarged rectangular form) to the tail in the most important sub-type the -17F. This was made in Poland as the Lim-5P (the -5M being a rough-field close-support version with larger tyres and drag chute), in Czechoslovakia as the S-104 and in China as the F-4. The PF was the afterburning all-weather version, and the final model was the PFU with guns removed and wing pylons for four beam-riding "Alkali" air-to-air missiles. Total production for at least 22 air forces must have considerably exceeded 5.000, exports from China alone exceeding 1,000. Many 17F remained in use in the mid-1970s.

Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-17Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-17
Left: This MiG-17F is one of about 50 which in 1980 were still serving with the Syrian Air Force. Used in the low-level attack role, it is now obsolescent but may continue as a weapon trainer.