F-l and J-2 engines for the Saturn V launch vehicle are manufactured at Rocketdyne’s main complex in Canoga Park, Calif. F-l static testing is conducted at the Edwards Field Laboratory located at the NASA Rocket Engine Test Site, Edwards, Calif., about 125 miles northeast of Los Angeles, and the J-2 is tested at Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory located about 10 miles from Canoga Park. Rocketdyne operates the Neosho Facility (Missouri), which produces and tests subcomponents of the J-2 and F-l engines.
F-l Test Stands—Three of six stands for testing F-l rocket engines or components at full thrust are visible in this aerial view of NASA Rocket Engine Test Site.
F-l Test Firing… An F-l rocket engine developing 1,500,000
pounds of thrust is tested at NASA Rocket Engine Test Site. The stand is one of six in the complex.
Manufacturing of components and final assembly of both engines are carried out in eight buildings in
the Canoga complex. These facilities are equipped with general purpose machine tools for precision and heavy machining as well as some 20 numerically controlled machines for performing programmed multiple machining operations. Also included are two of the largest gas-fired brazing furnaces of their type for brazing of thrust chamber tubes and injectors, eight units for ultrasonic cleaning, 21 installations for Gamma and X-ray inspection, more than 50 environmentally controlled areas for ultraclean assembly operations, sheet metal preparation, precision cleaning, and receiving inspection.
F-l Flight Engine Firing
An Engineering Development Laboratory provides specialized facilities to support manufacturing programs. These facilities include a high-flow water test facility for checking propellant systems, 12 concrete cells for conducting hazardous tests, 28 environmental test chambers, a photo-elastic laboratory, two pneumatic flow benches, six vibration test rooms, and others for checking components as well as complete engines.
Research and development testing of F-l turbomachinery, gas generators, heat-exchangers, seals, and splines is conducted on two test stands and three components test laboratories at Santa Susana.
Six large test stands, with a total of eight test positions, and associated shops and support facilities at the Edwards Field Laboratory are used for testing complete F-l engines as well as injectors.
Six large engine test stand positions at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory are used for testing the J-2. One of these stands is equipped with a steam injection diffuser for altitude simulation testing. J-2 turbopumps, gas generators, valves seals, bearings, and other components are tested in 22 test cells in five component test laboratories in Santa Susana.
Pump Tests-Flames from gases burned during test of an F-l engine turbopump shoot more than 150 feet in air.
J-2 Testing—A hydrogen fueled J-2 rocket engine is tested under ambient altitude conditions at Santa Susana.