Engine Operation


Start sequence is initiated by supplying energy to two spark plugs in the gas generator and two in the augmented spark igniter for ignition of the propellants. Next, two solenoid valves are actuated: one for helium control, and one for ignition phase control. Helium is routed to hold the propellant bleed valves closed and to purge the thrust cham­ber LOX dome, the LOX pump intermediate seal, and the gas generator oxidizer passage. In addition, the main fuel valve and ASI oxidizer valve are opened, creating an ignition flame in the ASI cham­ber that passes through the center of the thrust chamber injector.

After a delay of 1, 3, or 8 seconds, during which time fuel is circulated through the thrust chamber to condition the engine for start, the start tank dis­charge valve is opened to initiate turbine spin. The length of the fuel lead is dependent upon the length of the Saturn V first stage boost phase. When the J-2 engine is used in the second stage of the Saturn V vehicle, a one-second fuel lead is necessary. The third stage of the Saturn V vehicle, on the other hand, utilizes a three-second fuel lead for its initial start and an eight-second fuel lead for its restart.

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After an interval of 0.450 second, the start tank discharge valve is closed and a mainstage control solenoid is actuated to: 1) turn off gas generator and thrust chamber helium purges; 2) open the gas generator control valve (hot gases from the gas generator now drive the pump turbines); 3) open the main oxidizer valve to the first position (14 degrees) allowing LOX to flow to the LOX dome to burn with the fuel that has been circulating through the injector; 4) close the oxidizer turbine bypass valve (a portion of the gases for driving the oxi­dizer turbopump were bypassed during the igni­tion phase); 5) gradually bleed the pressure from the closing side of the oxidizer valve pneumatic actuator controlling the slow opening of this valve for smooth transition into mainstage. Energy in the spark plugs is cut off and the engine is operating at rated thrust. During the initial phase of engine opera­tion, the gaseous hydrogen start tank will be re­


charged in those engines having a restart require­ment. The hydrogen tank is repressurized by tapping off a controlled mixture of liquid hydrogen from the thrust chamber fuel inlet manifold and warmer hy­drogen from the thrust chamber fuel injection mani­fold just before entering the injector.


During mainstage operation, engine thrust may be varied between 175,000 and 225,000 pounds by actuating the propellant utilization valve to increase or decrease oxidizer flow as described in the sec­tion “PU Valve”. This is beneficial to flight trajec­tories and for overall mission performance to make greater payloads possible.


When the engine cutoff signal is received by the electrical control package, it de-energizes the main – stage and ignition phase solenoid valves and ener­gizes the helium control solenoid de-energizer timer.

This, in turn, permits closing pressure to the main fuel valve, main oxidizer valve, gas generator con­trol valve, and augmented spark igniter valve. The oxidizer turbine bypass valve and propellant bleed valves open and the gas generator and LOX dome purges are initiated.