The flight instrumentation system consists of pres­sure transducers, temperature transducers, posi­tion indicators, a flow measuring device, power dis­tribution junction boxes, and associated electrical harnesses, and permits monitoring of engine per­formance. The basic flight instrumentation system is composed of a primary and an auxiliary system. The primary instrumentation system is critical to all engine static firings and subsequent vehicle launches; the auxiliary system is used during re­search, development, and acceptance portions of the engine static test program and initial vehicle flights. The flight instrumentation system compo­nents, including both the primary and auxiliary systems, are listed below:

Primary Instrumentation

Fuel turbopump inlet No. 1 pressure Fuel turbopump inlet No. 2 pressure Common hydraulic return pressure Oxidizer turbopump bearing jet pressure Combustion chamber pressure Gas generator chamber pressure Oxidizer turbopump discharge No. 2 pressure Fuel turbopump discharge No. 2 pressure Oxidizer pump bearing No. 1 temperature Oxidizer pump bearing No. 2 temperature Turbopump bearing temperature Turbopump inlet temperature Turbopump speed

Auxiliary Instrumentation

Oxidizer turbopump seal cavity pressure

Turbine outlet pressure

Heat exchanger helium inlet pressure

Heat exchanger outlet pressure

Oxidizer turbopump discharge No. 1 pressure

Heat exchanger LOX inlet pressure

Heat exchanger GOX outlet pressure

Fuel turbopump discharge No. 1 pressure

Engine control opening pressure

Engine control closing pressure

