Category Mig

1225/ 5A

The 1-225—last model of the A series, coded 5A—was the heaviest and most powerful experimental interceptor of the family. Its preliminary design was drawn up by a team of engineers headed by A. G. Brunov, project manager. Two I-225s were built in a back-to-basics formula: they had the same dimensions and wing area as the 1-220, the family’s progenitor. The 1-225 no. 01 was powered by an AM-42B engine, the no. 02 by an AM-42FB. The latter power plant provided 1,472 kW (2,000 ch) at takeoff or 1,288 kW (1,750 ch) at rated altitude and also at 7,500 m (24,600 feet). There was a TK-300B exhaust-driven turbo­supercharger on its right side, and it drove a three-bladed AV-5A-22V propeller 3.6 m (11 feet, 9.7 inches) in diameter. The problems that plagued the 1-222 and 1-224 pressurized cockpit were solved, and the



Two l-225s were built (our photographs show no. 01). The exhaust-driven turbo­supercharger was located on the right side of the engine. These aircraft were pow­ered by the most powerful Soviet engine: the AM-42B, delivering 1,470 kW (2,000 ch) at takeoff.

size of the heat exchanger placed under the back of the engine was reduced.

Protection for the pilot was enhanced by the addition of 9-mra thick armor plate to the back of the seat, and the front and rear parts of the canopy were fitted with 64-mm thick bulletproof glass. The cockpit was equipped for instrument flying and had an ultrashort – wave transceiver.

The armament on both prototypes comprised four synchronized 20-mm ShVAK SP-20 cannons (100 rpg), two mounted above the engine and one fitted on each side. The 1-225 no. 01 built in June 1941 was a direct descendant of the 1-220 and made its first flight on 21 July 1944 with A. P. Yakimov at the controls. According to design calculations the aircraft ought to have reached 729 km/h at 8,520 m (394 kt at 27,945 feet) at engine combat rating and 721 km/h at 8,850 m (389 kt at 29,030 feet) at rated power. On 7 August 1944 Yakimov clocked up 707 km/h at 8,500 m (382 kt at 27,880 feet) at rated power. Two days later, on its fifteenth flight, the plane experienced engine failure near the ground and crashed, damaged beyond repair.

A second prototype was ordered. However, by the time the 1-225 no. 02 commenced flight tests on 14 March 1945 the MiG ОКБ had turned its attention to the 1-220 (N) and its motokompressor. In tests the 1-225 no. 02 earned the title of second-fastest Soviet piston-engine fight­ers at 720 km/h (389 kt)—unable to beat the record established on 19 December 1944 by the much lighter Yak-3U (2,830 kg/6,235 lb) pow­ered by a 1,325 kW (1,800 ch) Klimov VK-108.

The 1-225 ended all attempts to design a successor for the MiG-3 based on a single layout or structural design. Every member of the MiG fighter family from the 1-200 to the 1-225 fell victim to endless troubles with its power plant. Besides, after five years of continuous develop­ment the maximum speed of this aircraft type had increased by only 80 km/h (43 kt).


Span, 11 m (36 ft 1 in); length, 9.603 m (31 ft 6.1 in); height in level flight position, 3.7 m (12 ft 1.7 in); wheel track, 3.652 m (11 ft 11.8 in); wheel base, 5.85 m (19 ft 2.3 in); wing area, 20.38 mz (219.37 sq ft); empty weight, 3,010 kg (6,635 lb); takeoff weight, 3,900 kg (8,595 lb); fuel, 350 kg (770 lb); oil, 41 kg (90 lb); wing loading, 191.2 kg/m2 (39.18 lh/sq ft); max operating limit load factor, 8.


Max speed, 720 km/h at 8,500 m (389 kt at 27,880 ft); max speed at sea level, 590/617 km/h (319/333 kt); climb to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) in 4.5 min; service ceiling, 12,600 m (41,330 ft); landing speed, 134 km/h (72


kt); range, 1,300 km (810 mi); takeoff roll, 257 m (843 ft); landing roll, 450 m (1,475 ft).

Interview: Birth of a Design Bureau

IIIS INTERVIEW WITH U. A. BELYAKOV was conducted and recorded by

Jacques Marmain in Moscow on 6 March 1991.

The MiG OKB celebrated its fiftieth anniversary some months ago. Today you hold the collective memory of this big enterprise, founded at the very moment that World War II broke out. This event having overshadowed the circumstances surrounding the birth of the OKB, can you tell us how all this started?

In early 1939 the threat of war loomed large over Europe and the USSR knew that it would not be spared. Having to face the growing power of Nazi Germany, the Party and the government implemented measures necessary to reinforce the Soviet Army, of which the VVS (air force) was a major component. At this time the lighters in service with our squadrons, the Polikarpov 1-153s and l-16s, were greatly out­classed by the Bf 109Es built by Messerschmitt. There was no time to waste. To create a competitive spirit, several design bureaus were asked to develop and build prototypes. The one with the best flying qualities and combat capabilities was to be mass-produced. Simulta­neously, the NKAP (Commissariat of the People for the Aviation Indus­try) urged the creation of an experimental construction bureau able to attract young, talented specialists.

Which manufacturers were involved in the new program?

There were nine of them: Polikarpov, Yakovlev, and Lavochkin, assisted by Gorbunov and Gudkov, Sukhoi, Borovkov and Florov, Shevchenko, Kozlov, Yatsenko, and Pashinin. All these engineers had to report on their projects personally to Stalin, who was following this program closely. This is why N. N. Polikarpov, chief constructor, P. A. Voronin, manager of the Polikarpov production plant, and P. V. Dementyev, chief engineer, were summoned to the Kremlin in the summer of 1939. The talks were heated. Voronin and Dementyev, supported by Stalin, wanted to give priority to the monoplane, while Polikarpov preferred the biplane for its handling qualities. A work crew was formed within the Polikarpov OKB to create a preliminary design (coded Kh). The crew was composed of a structure specialist, Ya. I. Selyetskiy, an airframe constructor, N. I. Andrianov, and an aerodynamicist, N. Z. Matyuk. These three men are still alive: Selyet­skiy is today an assistant to G. Ye. Lozino-Lozinskiy in the space shut­tle program, Andrianov is retired, and Matyouk is one of my faithful assistants as chief constructor. The three went to the Kremlin, where Stalin approved the project in the absence of Polikarpov, who was


Mikhail Iosifovich Guryevich (1892-1976), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945), doctor of technical sciences (1964), and winner of the Lenin Prize and the USSR State Prize on several occasions.


then in Germany. You will notice that the name of Mikoyan has not come up yet. There is a very good reason for this: he was not aware of any of these developments. At that time Mikoyan, who was the VVS representative at Polikarpov, was in charge of producing and upgrading the 1-153.

Voronin and Dementyev were the first to believe that Mikoyan was the right man to manage the new team. They confided their thoughts to Stalin, who at first snarled and said, “What! Anastas’s brother!” and then finally agreed—"OK. It’s up to you." The two men did not choose Mikoyan at random. To them, he offered many advantages. They had noticed his spirit, his mind for organization, and his popularity in the VVS and the NKAP, and he was the brother of Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, member of the Politburo since 1935 and people’s commissar in various economic commissariats since 1926. But they still had to per­suade the surprised Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan, who finally agreed to this unexpected proposal on one condition: that he could take on his old friend Guryevich as his assistant.

In the meantime, several other engineers had joined the team in November 1939. They all came from the Polikarpov ОКБ: V. A. Romodin, A. G. Brunov, D. N. Kutguzov, and one or two others whose names I have forgotten.

How did the new team succeed in winning its autonomy?

Simply by government decree. But it was quite an event because, with the blessing of the authorities, Voronin and Dementyev exploded the Polikarpov system. The ОКБ, factory no. 1, and the new team were assembled in an OKO, or design and experiment section. A. I. Mikoyan was put in charge of this OKO, assisted by M. I. Guryevich and V. A. Romodin. In November-December 1939 the new OKO attained full strength and submitted the final design of the Kh project renamed the 1-200, which was planned initially with a AM-37 engine. The 1-200 pre­liminary design was quickly approved by the central committee of the Communist party, the people’s commissariat of the aircraft industry, and the air force. The existence of the OKO was formalized on 8 December 1939.

Could you tell us more about Mikoyan, a man whose name is famous all over the world? We do not really know much about him.

Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan was born on 5 August 1905 in Sanain, a small Armenian village. His father was a carpenter. He learned to read and write at the village school and then was sent to Tbilisi high school m Georgia.

In 1923 he was admitted to the training school of the Krasniy Aksai factory in Rostov, and the following year he was hired as a mechanic by the railway workshop in the same town. In 1925, still a mechanic, he was employed at the Dynamo factory in Moscow. In December 1928


Rostislav Apollosovich Belyakov (1919- ), winner of the Lenin Prize (1972), doctor of technical sciences (1973), member of the USSR Academy of Science (1981), recipient of the A. N. Tupolev Gold Medal (1988), two-time Hero of Socialist Labor, and two – time winner of the USSR State Prize.

he left the factory to do his national service. Discharged two years later, he returned to Moscow and found work at the Kompressor facto­ry He entered the air force academy named after N. Ye. Zhukoskiy in 1931. There things became much more difficult, but young Artyom Ivanovich stuck with it, became keen on parachuting, and learned to fly. In 1935 he and two fellow students used a 22-horsepower American engine to build a light sport aircraft dubbed Oktyabryonok, which apparently was quite a good flier In 1937 he passed his exams at the academy with flying colors and, his first-grade diploma in the bag, found himself representing the military client (in this case, the WS) at the no. 1 Aviakhim factory. The Polikarpov design bureau was located inside this factory, which produced the 1-153 Chaika (seagull) fighters. Mikoyan was in charge of the acceptance checks on behalf of the VYS and then was appointed the permanent representative of the customer within the desrgn bureau. He was therefore in regular contact with Polikarpov, head of the design bureau.

Less than two years later, in March 1939, Polikarpov asked Mikoy­an to help him organize and update the Chaika production line. That is where Voronin and Dementyev noticed him. You know what followed.

How was the OKB organized during the first months of its existence?

In the beginning, everybody worked like hell at producing all of the drawings for the 1-200 and preparing the assembly of three proto­types. In December 1940 the aircraft received its production designa­tion: MiG-1. The actual assembly of the prototypes began in January 1940, and fewer than a hundred days later, on 30 March, the first machine was moved to the airfield. The first MtG took off on 4 April

In the meantime, in March, Mikoyan was appointed chief con­structor at the no. 1 Aviakhim factory, and Guryevich was named deputy chief constructor. The careers of both men developed along the same lines. On 16 March 1942, by decree of the State Commissariat of Defense, the OKO was reorganized within the no. 155 factory, in Moscow—that is, in the very place where we are talking today. Mikoy­an became manager and then chref constructor of the new OKB. On 20 December 1956 Mikoyan was appointed general designer, a position that he held until 27 May 1969, when he was struck down by a myocar­dial infarction. For his part, Guryevich was appointed chief construc­tor, a position that he retained until he retired in 1964.

Guryevich had by then become no. 2 in the OKB hierarchy. Could you tell us more about his career?

Mikhail Iosrfovich Guryevrch was born in 1892 in Kharkov, a big Ukrainian city. His father worked in a distillery. After finishing high school he entered the advanced mathematics program at Kharkov Uni­versity but was expelled for taking part in a student revolutionary movement. In 1913 he left for France to study math at Montpellier Uni-


This photograph of the Mikoyan family has never been published before. Right to left: Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan; Ovanes, his son; Svetlana, his daughter; Talida Otarovna, his mother; Zoya Ivanovna, his wife; and Natasha, his eldest daughter.

versify. After the October Revolution he returned to the USSR and resumed his studies at the technological institute in Kharkov. He orga­nized a group of students there into an aeronautics circle that soon became a formal faculty of aviation, and he left in 1925 with a diploma. After working here and there for four years without finding what he was after, he decided to devote all his energies to aviation (his first love), either in a factory or in a design bureau. He spent time in the OKB managed by P. E. Richard, a French engineer who had been invit­ed by the Soviet government to work in the USSR, and in the one head­ed by S. A. Kocherigin.

In 1937 Mikhail Iosifovich was sent to the United States to negoti­ate a manufacturing license for the Douglas DC-3 airliner. When he returned to the USSR a year later he took an active part in the prepara­tion of the production line for this aircraft (known here as the PS-84 or Li-2) and the development of new manufacturing techniques. Toward the end of 1938 he joined the Polikarpov design bureau to take charge of the study project department. And that is where Mikoyan noticed him. The loop was looped, and the couple who were to many their ini­tials—MiG—was formed.

If we can trust the morphology of their faces, Mikoyan and Guryevich undoubtedly had very different natures. Could you tell us about these two men as individuals?

You are right. They had very different personalities—but often they complemented one another. Mikoyan was as open, outspoken, and convivial as Guryevich was modest, even unassuming. Mikoyan

took good care of himself; for Guryevich, clothes were the least of his worries. Mikoyan had no experience in aircraft construction. He learned on the job. Because of his great knowledge of common manu­facturing problems, he was able to assess a project quickly—and better still, to submit one of his own. Guryevich was erudite, the math expert, the mastermind, who because of his experience and the wide range of his technical knowledge had a talent for drawing up preliminary designs. Without Guryevich, Mikoyan probably would not have suc­ceeded—but the reverse is also true. Guryevich was an engaging per­son, enamored with literature, always shocked by impurity, impolite­ness, and coarseness. He wouldn’t have hurt a fly and was never angry or cross with anyone. He was a married man with no children. Every­one at the design bureau was fond of him, and he proved to be a good social negotiator. Little was heard of him toward the end of his profes­sional life because he was handed responsibility for the “set of themes B,” an innocent name for one of the most secret OKB activities: the development of winged missiles. He retired in 1964 and died of old age in 1976 in Leningrad.

Mikoyan was married and had three children, one son and two daughters. His wife Zoya Ivanovna is still alive. His son, Ovanes Arty­omovich, worked at the OKB as an engineer for a long time; he has a passion for sport aircraft and now belongs to the team of Lozino – Lozinskiy.

Some examples of Mikoyan’s other traits are now coming back to me—I offer them to you in a jumble. For instance, he waited on his pilots hand and foot. He loved to take care of people. When the woman in charge of the workers’ council drew his attention to the poor health of the design bureau’s engineers during the war—at this time we sel­dom got enough to eat—he decided to send us to the country. That is how circumstances led me to make hay, when others organized fishing competitions. We were all able to regain some strength. Mikoyan also liked to fall in with his Armenian friends such as Marshal Bagramian and Tumanyan, Anastas’s brother-in-law. He also struck up friendships with other general designers, including Ilyushin, Tupolev, Yakovlev, and Tumanskiy, an engine specialist who was also a cultured and inter­esting man.

Mikoyan had a cardiac defect, an abnormal thickness of the peri­cardium, that caused a lot of problems toward the end of his life. He was strongly affected by the accidental death in 1968 of Gagarin, who was thirty-six at the time, and by the death in April 1969 of Kadomtsev, the PVO commander-in-chief, a man whom he knew well, in a MiG-25 crash. One month later, on 27 May 1969, Mikoyan suffered a stroke that forced him to retire. On 9 December 1970 he had to be sent to the hospital and died on the operating table.


Mikoyan was a friertd of Tupolev, another famous aircraft manufacturer. They are together here during an air show in July 1949. Right, Zoya Ivanovna, Mikoyan’s wife.

That very day, you were assigned the heavy responsibility of tak­ing over under difficult conditions. I’m sorry to ask, but you must tell us a little about yourself.

[t is always much easier to talk about others, but as you wish to know every detail, I would have you know that Rostislav Apollosovich Belyakov was bom on 4 March 1919 in Murom, in the Vladimir region. My father was a civil servant. After graduating in 1936 I entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) named after S. Orjonikidze, where I was taught by such prestigious professors as Yuryev and Zhu – ravchenko. I left with a diploma in 1941 and became an engineer at the MiG OKB. My first task was to work on updating the armament of the MiG-3 under the leadership of Volkov, a weapons specialist of great repute. Soon Mikoyan asked me to work with him and put me in


In June 1965 Mikoyan quietly visited the Dassault factory in Talence, France. In the company of Paul Deplante technical manager of the Merignac Dassault factory Mikoyan examines the spot-facing of a Mystere 20 wing socket.

charge of the high-lift devices department. In 1955 I was made director of the research department, in 1957 deputy to the chief constructor, and in 1962 first deputy to the general designer. In 1971, a few weeks after Mikoyan’s death, I was named general designer.

As an engineer and a scientist, what are your favorite activities?

I have devoted much of my time and energies to fluid mechanics, aeroelasticity, problems of strength, flight control modes and conse­quently to flying controls, design of aircraft-plus-missiles systems, power plants, airborne systems, aircraft design, and all advanced aero­nautical technologies. I also pay special attention to materials and sur­vival equipment. As a general designer I coordinate the work of the several design bureaus and research centers involved in the creation of a new prototype.

Could we return briefly to 1971? Tell us how you took over for Mikoyan and how you managed to preserve the spirit of initiative that prevailed in the OKB.

I succeeded in taking over without much trouble. After all, I had grown up within the OKB and had worked in practically every depart­ment. Do not forget that since 1957 I had been working with Mikoyan, in charge of the gears, flying controls, and various other systems and devices, and that since 1962 I had been his first deputy. One day Mikoyan told me, "You will have to decide on everything for yourself.






On 16 March 1942, by government decree, the OKB managed by Mikoyan was reorganized within the no. 155 factory area in Moscow. The area was in fact a wasteland near the Leningrad causeway that held a few crumbling huts, several barracks, an antiquated boiler room, and a small one-story building. It was in the latter that the design bureau set up shop on a primitive level in April 1942 after its return from Kuybyshev, to which it had been evacuated the year before. Quite rapidly, crit­ical restoration and construction projects were completed (1) The site after initial repairs in 1942. (2) The first assembly workshop. (3) Construction of the building planned to accommodate the design bureau. (4) The site in 1943.




This photograph was taken in March 1969, a few weeks before Mikoyan suffered the stroke that ended his career. He hands R. A. Belyakov a present for his fiftieth birth­day: a sculpture symbolizing Belyakov’s two passions, aviation and skiing.

So keep calm.” If I had doubts about something, I could always knock at his door. I took part in all important meetings—Mikoyan, who was prone to headaches, abhorred business meetings and frequently sent me in his place, many times at the last minute. Because of my different activities, I was well known in all the departments. As you can see, I was in the best position to take over.

WieZZ then, is aviation the one and only passion in the life of Ros­tislav Apollosovich?

Of course not. When I was a student I loved skiing, especially Alpine skiing and ski jumping. I was a five-time champion in the USSR, once in ski jumping and four times in downhill racing, and I am quite proud of that. With one of my professors, Zhuravchenko, I even ‘’test­ed" a man in a wind tunnel to calculate the best descent attitudes. In 1940 I skied down the eastern side of the Elbrus, which reaches some 5,600 meters (18,600 feet) at its highest point. But I should not forget my wife, Ludmilla Nikolayevna. I met her in Kuybyshev, a port on the Volga River where the OKB withdrew in 1941 at the time of the Ger­man breakthrough. I returned to Moscow with our engineering office staff in 1942, but my wife-to-be did not return until later. We got mar­ried in 1945. She is now retired from her career as a television engineer specializing in large screens. And while I was at MAI I of course learned to fly—either on a Polikarpov Po-2 or a Yakovlev UT-2. I have also made parachute jumps.

You wish to know my shortcomings? I do not know how to relax, how to keep away from my work and think of something else. I like classical music, but I never have time to go to a concert. Besides, I have always regretted not knowing how to play an instrument. I never learned a foreign language either. In my everyday life, I go out for the newspaper and my dog takes me for a walk twice a day. That’s all. There are two great sources of satisfaction in my life: Sergei, my son, who is thirty-nine years old and an engineer at MiG (previously in the automation department, today in the external economic relations department), and Olga Sergeievna, my granddaughter, who is a student at MAI. As you can see, my succession is already assured!


1221 / 2A

The second series-A high-altitude interceptor was assigned the provi­sional designation of 1-221. There was not much difference between the structures of the 1-220 and the 1-221 beyond the wing, whose over-


The AM-39B-1 engine of the 1-222 drove at first a three-bladed propeller. The TK-300B exhaust-driven turbo-supercharger is clearly visible on the left side of the engine.



all span was raised from 11 m to 13 m (36 feet, 1 inch to 42 feet, 7.8 inches), and the rear fuselage, which on the later model was fashioned out of dural The cockpit was not only pressurized but also air-condi – tioned (a first on a Soviet fighter). The heat exchanger was located under the pilot’s seat and was interconnected with the air-conditioning system following a sequencing cycle

The AM-39A offered 1,141 kW (1,550 ch) at takeoff and was fitted with two TK-2B turbo-superchargers that enabled it to maintain its maximum rated output up to 13,000 m (42,650 feet) At 5,200 m (17,055 feet) the engine put out 1,251 kW (1,700 ch) The armament on the 1-221 consisted of two synchronized 20-mm ShVAK cannons flanking the engine The prototype made its first flight on 2 December 1943 with P. A Zhuravlyev in the cockpit, and flight tests were conducted by A P Yakimov, an LII pilot. The test program came to a sudden halt early on when a valve push-rod broke in flight The engine failed, and the pilot had to bail out.

MiG-1 and MiG-3 Series

1-200 / Kh

In 1939 Soviet aircraft manufacturers, research scientists, and air force officers were taught a lesson by the poor performance of their planes in the Spanish civil war and against Japanese fighters in the Khalkin – Gol area of Mongolia. That lesson led to the acknowledgment of a severe failure.

It was just about time to update the fleet of the Soviet air force (WS). Most of its planes were old or obsolete. The Soviet government knew that Germany was preparing for war. Discreet reconnaissance flights conducted at extremely high altitude by Junkers Ju-86P-2s from the Luftwaffe’s Aufklarungsgruppe, a special unit commanded by Lt. Col. Theodor Rowehl, had not passed unnoticed. These flights were terminated after the signing of the Soviet-German "Friendship Pact” on 23 August 1939. It was in this context that the WS asked its suppliers to develop a single-seat interceptor offering its best performance at altitudes above 6,000 m (18,300 feet). A preliminary design, the Kh, was prepared by the Polikarpov OKB. Then in October 1939 the estab­lishment of OKO-1, an experimental research unit outside the Polikar­pov OKB, brought together M. I. Guryevich, V. A. Romodin, and A. I. Mikoyan. The new team took up the preliminary design of the Kh project and added a new and promising engine then being tested, the Mikulin AM-37, which was expected to generate 1,030 kilowatts (kW) or 1,400 chevaux (ch) of power above 5,000 m (16,400 feet). Unfortu­nately, the development of this engine proved to be much trickier than expected, so the design team had to make do with the only avail­able supercharged in-line engine that offered the necessary power, the AM-35A.

All of the team’s efforts were concentrated on the new design, which was designated the 1-200. The program was of such urgency that only one hundred days elapsed between the first set of production drawings and the maiden flight of the first prototype on 5 April 1940.

The 1-200 was built with the materials that were at hand: pine and birch plywood, fabric, and as little metal as possible, because Soviet production of special steel alloys and duralumin had fallen well short

At rollout the 1-200 no. 01 prototype had only one oil cooler, on the left side of the engine (see three-view drawing). In these photographs there are two oil coolers, one on each side of the engine. The aircraft was modified in this way before its second flight. Bottom, pilots disliked the side-hinged canopy because it could not be jettisoned.



of demand. A detailed look at this machine is warranted because it is representative of Soviet technology and materials used at that time.

The wing had a single spar and a Clark YH-type airfoil section with a thickness ratio of 14 percent at the wing root and 8 percent at the wing tip. The all-metal structure of the wing center section consisted of an I-shaped spar with flanges in 20-KhGSA heat-treated steel and a web made of two 2-mm-thick stiffened light-alloy sheets; thirteen dural – pressed ribs, two of which were reinforced at the wing roots; two auxil­iary spars, one on each side of the main spar; and five formers under the flush-riveted skin of the upper surface. The two 70-1 (18.5-US gal­lon) wing fuel tanks were located between the main spar and the rear auxiliary spar. The 110-1 (29-US gallon) fuselage tank was situated between the engine and the cockpit Fuel gauges were mechanically controlled.

The wing center section was attached to the fuselage by 6-mm bolts placed 60 millimeters apart. The skin panels underneath the fuel tanks were removable. The two single-spar wooden outer wing panels attached to the center section had a 5-degree dihedral. The spar was of the box type with a web made of seven 4-mm-thick plywood sheets (five sheets at the wing tips). The 14- to 15-mm-wide spar flange was made of delta-drevyesina, a densified wood. The spar box tapered from 115 millimeters wide to 75 millimeters at the wing tips. Front and rear auxiliary spars were made of pine plywood, and all ribs were made of duralumin, a light, strong alloy of aluminum, copper, manganese, and magnesium. The skin consisted of five 4- to 2.5-mm-thick sheets of Bakelite plywood applied diagonally (except in the leading edge area) and homogenized with casein glue. Both ailerons were metal-framed and fabric-covered. The all-metal, two-segment split flaps were pneu­matically positioned at two settings, 18 degrees and 50 degrees. The wing aspect ratio was 5.97.

The fuselage structure was also of the mixed type. The front sec­tion, which extended from the nose to behind the cockpit, was made of welded 30-KhGSA steel tubes with twelve duralumin skin panels held by Dzus-type fasteners. The rear section (including the fin) featured a monocoque wooden structure made of four pine longerons, gusset plates in Bakelite plywood under the attachment points, eight hollow frames with a Bakelite plywood web, and pine stringers. The skin was made of five 0.5-mm-thick plywood sheets coated on the inside with strips of calico impregnated with a nitrocellulosic varnish and on the outside by glued calico. The cockpit was made of molded Plexiglas pan­els but was not bulletproof. Its hinges opened to the right.

Both legs of the main landing gear retracted inward into the center part of the wing, and there was an electromechanical position indicator


(5) Gluing it to the fuselage structure.



(3) Fitting a bell crank to the center section of the wing.



(6) The center section of the wing, gear down.

(10) Putting the finishing touches on the tail sec­tion.


f0)n turning the attachment fittings




Exploded view of the 1-200 prototype (MiG OKB drawing)

on the instrument panel. Shock struts were made of 30-KhGSA steel (130-150 kgf/mm2). The hydraulic fluid was a dialcohol (70 percent glycerin and 30 percent alcohol). The shock absorber stroke was 270-250 mm (10.6-9.8 inches) with an operating pressure of 39 + 1 atmospheres (573 psi). Main gear wheels were fitted with 600 x 180 tires. Wheel wells were closed by doors attached to the gear legs, two of them hinged to take into account the shock absorber stroke. The door covering the lower half-wheel was open 90 degrees when the gear was down and locked. The tail wheel (170 x 90 tire) retracted in a well closed by two small doors.

The cockpit panel was quite soberly equipped with only thirteen instruments. Noteworthy equipment and accessories included a GS-350 generator for the electrical system, a 12A-5 battery, and a KPA-3bis oxy­gen system. No radio was installed. Rod-operated mechanisms handled roll and pitch control (stick), while cable-operated ones provided yaw control (rudder bar). Trim control was maintained by means of a Bow­den cable.

Through a reduction gearbox, the AM-35A engine drove a VlSh – 22Ye variable-pitch, three-bladed propeller 3 meters in diameter and fitted with a spinner made of elektron, a magnesium alloy It rested on welded 30-KhGSA steel mounts. This engine delivered 993 kW (1,350 ch) at takeoff but was particularly heavy at 830 kg (1,830 pounds). By comparison, the Klimov VK-105 weighed 600 kg (1,323 pounds), the Daimler-Benz DB-601 575 kg (1,268 pounds), and the Rolls-Royce Mer­lin 605 kg (1,334 pounds). In fact, the AM-35A was meant to power not a fighter but rather the TB-7 heavy bomber. For the same reason, it was fitted with a single-stage, single-speed supercharger that permitted a maximum continuous rating of 883 kW (1,200 ch) at 6,000 m (18,300 feet). The honeycomb radiator contained 40 liters (10.6 US gallons) of glycol. It was located in a ventral bath with a frontal area of 23 dm2 (2.5 square feet) and an airflow control flap at its rear end. There was only one oil cooler on the prototype, on the left side of the engine. Super­charger air intakes were located in wing roots, and the aircraft’s pneu­matic system fed the air starter. The six exhaust pipes—one for every two cylinders—were made of EYal-TL-1 heat-resistant steel.

The first unarmed 1-200 prototype was moved from the factory to the Khodinka airfield on 30 March 1940. After taxiing tests, in which the aircraft briefly rose a few feet into the air, MiG chief pilot A. N. Yekatov made the first flight on 5 April 1940 Later he would be assist­ed by other test pilots such as M. N. Yakushin, A. I. Zhukov, M. K. Martselyuk, and M. N. Yakushin. The program’s chief engineer was A. G. Brunov, assisted by A. T. Karyev. On 1 May 1940 Yekatov was at the controls of 1-200 no. 1 during the yearly air parade above the Red Square in Moscow. Two more prototypes were hastily assembled. The second made its first flight on 9 May 1940, and on 6 June 1940 1-200 no. 3 had its turn.

In an exception to the normal practice dictated in large part by the urgency of the program, factory tests and state acceptance trials pro­ceeded concurrently on the three prototypes. Test pilots and military engineers worked in close collaboration with the factory engineers. Some who deserve mention are S. P Suprun, squadron leader; A. G Kubishkin, flying officer; A. I. Filin, deputy chief of staff and manager of the air force test center; A. I. Kabanov, colonel; P. M. Stefanovskiy, squadron leader; A. G. Proshakov, captain; and A. G. Kochetkov, colonel and engineer.

The chief engineer in charge of the state acceptance trials was V. I. Nikitenko, first-class military engineer. They were carried out over a very short period of time. On 22 May 1940 Yekatov attained a speed of 648.5 km/h (349.9 kt) in level flight at 6,900 m (22,640 feet). Suprun took the second prototype past that benchmark, hitting 651 km/h (351 kt) at 7,000 m (22,965 feet).

Factory tests ended on 25 August 1940 after 109 flights lasting a total of forty hours and forty-nine minutes. State acceptance trials were resumed on 29 August and ended on 12 September 1940. Here, with all the starkness of its style, is an extract from the certification document signed by Lt. Gen. P. V. Richagov of the VVS. "The 1-200 fighter, pow­ered by a AM-35A engine and built by Mikoyan and Guryevich at the NKAF factory no. 1, has a top speed of 628 km/h [339 kt], a better fig­ure than those reached by other aircraft tested in our country, and is second to none when compared with foreign fighters in the same cate­gory when flown above 5,000 m [16,400 feet]. The aircraft has passed its acceptance trials successfully.’’

Though it was certified, the 1-200 was not an aircraft for inexperi­enced pilots. The flight tests had revealed poor longitudinal stability, heavy controls, and a tendency to stall at the slightest provocation and go into a spin, from which it was nearly impossible to recover. More­over, due to the rearward position of the cockpit forward visibility when taxiing was very poor Yet the need was urgent, and despite all these flaws the government authorized an initial production run of one hundred aircraft. They received the service designation MiG-1.


Span, 10.2 m (33 ft 5.6 in); length, 8.155 m (26 ft 9.1 in); wheel track, 2.78 m (9 ft 1.4 in); wing area, 17.44 m2 (187.72 sq ft); empty weight, 2,475 kg (5,456 lb); takeoff weight, 2,968 kg (6,543 lb), fuel, 190 kg (418 lb); oil, 28 kg (62 lb); wing loading, 170.2 kg/m2 (34.9 lb/sq ft).


One of the first eight MiG-1 s built in 1940. The side-hinged canopy was removed

1-222 / ЗА

The third series-A high-altitude interceptor received the provisional designation of 1-222 Like the 1-221, its cockpit was pressurized and air – conditioned The aft-sliding canopy was fitted with an inflatable seal bead The fuselage decking behind the cockpit was cut down to improve the pilot’s rear vision. The rear fuselage and outer wing panel structure reverted to wood while the front fuselage, wing center sec­tion, flying controls, and flaps remained metallic. The engine coolant radiator and the oil cooler were both located in the leading edge of the wing center section, and the heat exchanger was placed in a ventral bath beneath the back of the engine Flexible fuel tanks were housed in the wing center section, and the oil tank was incorporated into the wing leading edge The tailplane area (3 34 m2 [35 95 square feet]) and tail fin area (2 01 m2 [21.6 square feet]) were slightly larger than those of the 1-221. Tire sizes were 650 x 200 for the main gear and 350 x 125 for the tail wheel.

The 1-222 was powered by an AM-39B-1 (still under development then) with an experimental exhaust-driven TK-300B turbo-supercharg­er on the right side of the engine It afforded 1,288 kW (1,750 ch) at takeoff, 1,104 kW (1,500 ch) at 5,850 m (19,200 feet) and 1,052 kW (1,430 ch) at 13,200 m (43,300 feet), driving a four-bladed AV-9L-26 pro­peller (three-bladed at first) specially designed for high-altitude flight. The 1-222 also featured an engine-driven centrifugal compressor (PTsN) to raise the engine rated altitude. The entire engine weighed


The 1-222 was later fitted with a four-bladed AV-9L-26 propeller specially designed for high-altitude flights.




1-222 (ЗА) and 1-224 (4А) (MiG ОКБ drawing)

1,845 kg (4,066 pounds): 85 kg (187 pounds) for the turbo-supercharger, 190 kg (419 pounds) for the propeller, 128 kg (282 pounds) for the radi­ator and its glycol, 80 kg (176 pounds) for the heat exchanger, 65 kg (143 pounds) for the oil cooler, 10.5 kg (23 pounds) for the oil tank, 12 kg (26 pounds) for the piping, 23 kg (51 pounds) for the exhaust pipes, and 30 kg (66 pounds) for the engine mount.

In the cockpit, the pilot was protected by an armored seat back, a bulletproof windscreen, and rear glazing. The aircraft’s armament com­prised two synchronized 20-mm ShVAK cannons (80 rpg) flanking the engine. The 1-222 left the factory on 23 April 1944 and was first flown by A. I. Zhukov on 7 May. The aircraft rapidly proved to be capable of outstanding performance with a top speed of 691 km/h (373 kt) and a 14,500 m (47,560 feet) ceiling—record-setting figures at the time for this category of aircraft. But the 1-222 had no future because by the time it was ready the German high-altitude reconnaissance flights over the Moscow area had stopped. The air defense regiments no longer needed this type of aircraft.


Span, 13 m (42 ft 7.8 in); length, 9.608 m (31 ft 6.1 in); wheel track, 3.516 m (11 ft 6.4 in); wheel base, 5.85 m (19 ft 2.3 in); wing area, 22.44 mz (241.5 sq ft); empty weight, 3,167 kg (6,980 lb); takeoff weight, 3,790 kg (8,353 lb); fuel, 300 kg (660 lb); oil, 40 kg (88 lb); wing loading, 168.9 kg/mz (34.6 lb/sq ft).


Max speed, 682 km/h at 6,700 m (368 kt at 21,975 ft); 691 km/h at 12,500 m (373 kt at 41,000 ft); climb to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) in 6 min; service ceiling, 14,500 m (47,560 ft); landing speed, 169 km/h (91 kt); range, 1,000 km (620 mi).


The first production aircraft did not differ greatly from the prototype. Because of the simultaneity of acceptance trials and the commitment to production, only minor modifications could be made:

— the single oil cooler proved inadequate, so a second one was placed on the right side of the engine

— a double outlet flap replaced the single control flap at the shroud forward end of the coolers

— the ventral radiator bath was enlarged and extended forward

— the fuel tanks received a measure of bulletproofing as rubber – based sheathing was installed to act as a self-sealing material

— the hinged lower halves of the main wheel doors were transferred from the gear legs to the fuselage, on the side of each wheel well

None of those modifications, as can be seen, could improve the air­craft’s maneuverability or flying qualities.

The first eight MiG-1 s were fitted with a sideways-hinged canopy that could not be jettisoned in flight. Starting with MiG-1 no. 9, a new aft-sliding canopy was introduced. The last MiG-1 rolled out of the fac-


This MiG-1 was equipped for spin tests. Note the control surface deflection sensors on the rudder and elevator.

tory in December 1940. Its armament was grouped above the engine and consisted of a 12.7-mm UBS machine gun with 300 rounds and two 7.62-mm ShKAS machine guns with 375 rounds per gun (rpg). Two store stations under the wing could receive either two 50-kg (110- pound) FAB-50 or two 100-kg (220-pound) FAB-100 bombs. The pilot was provided with a PBP-1 gunsight.

The first MiG-ls reached service units in April 1941, less than three months before the German invasion.


Span, 10.2 m (33 ft 5.6 in); length, 8.155 m (26 ft 9.1 in); height, 3.3 m (10 ft 9.9 in); wheel track, 2.78 m (9 ft 1.4 in); wing area, 17.44 m2 (187.72 sq ft); empty weight, 2,602 kg (5,736 lb); takeoff weight, 3,099 kg (6,832 lb); fuel, 190 kg (418 lb); oil, 28 kg (62 lb); wing loading, 177.7 kg/m2 (36.4 lb/sq ft).


Max speed, 628 km/h at 7,200 m (339 kt at 23,600 ft); max speed at sea level, 486 km/h (262 kt); landing speed, 141 km/h (76 kt); climb to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) in 5.9 min; service ceiling, 12,000 m (39,400 ft); range at 550 km/h (297 kt) with 70% W and 10% fuel reserve, 580 km (360 mi); takeoff roll, 238 m (780 ft); landing roll, 400 m (1,310 ft).


One of the 3,170 MiG-3s built between December 1940 and December 1941

1-224 / 4A

Considering its external layout and structure, the fourth offspring of the A family was not very different from the first, the 1-220, except that the heat exchanger bath was markedly larger. The 1-224 (4A) was pow­ered by an AM-39B engine that offered 1,288 kW (1,750 ch) at takeoff and 1,052 kW (1,430 ch) at 13,100 m (42,970 feet). It was fitted with an exhaust-driven TK-300B turbo-supercharger on the right side and drove a four-bladed AV-9L-22B propeller 3.5 m (11 feet, 5.8 inches) in diameter. (“Four-paddled” is probably more accurate: the blade chord was 400 mm [15.75 inches] at its maximum breadth.) For the first time, the pressurized cockpit was constructed of welded dural sheet. It was also air-conditioned and fitted with an inflatable seal bead. Air for the cockpit was tapped from the supercharger compressor; the cockpit overpressure was 0.3 kg/cm2 (4.27 psi). Air from the engine radiator was evacuated through four funnel-shaped variable exhausts on the upper surface of the wing. The armament was composed of two 20- mm ShVAK cannons (100 rpg) flanking the engine.

The 1-224 rolled out in September 1944, and A. P. Yakimov took it for its first flight on 20 October. Its speed at high altitudes was excellent, but its range (400 km [248 miles] shorter than expected) and its ceiling (400 m [1,310 feet] below that of the 1-222) were both disappointments.


Span, 13 m (42 ft 7.8 in); length, 9.51 m (30 ft 0.2 in); height, 3.60 m (11 ft 9.7 in); wing area, 22.44 m2 (242 sq ft); empty weight, 3,105 kg (6,843 lb); takeoff weight, 3,780 kg (8,330 lb); max takeoff weight, 3,921 kg (8,642 lb); fuel, 476 kg (1,049 lb); wing loading, 168.5/174.7 kg/m2 (34.5/35.8 lb/sq ft); max operating limit load factor, 8.


Max speed, 693 km/h at 13,100 m (374 kt at 42,970 ft); max ground speed according to TOW, 574-601 km/h (310-325 kt); climb to 5,000



The 1-224 is quite similar to the basic aircraft of the family, the 1-220. The exhaust-driv­en turbo-supercharger was moved to the right side of the engine, and the heat exchanger was enlarged The sizable outlets for the engine radiator on the wing’s upper surface are quite noticeable

m (16,400 ft) in 4.8 min; service ceiling, 14,100 m (46,250 ft); landing speed, 127 km/h (69 kt); range, 1,000 km (620 mi); takeoff roll, 440 m (1,445 ft).


The inadequacies of the 1-200 (as recorded in various factory and mili­tary test reports) led to an intensive research program, including full – scale tests in the new T-101 and T-104 TsAGI large wind tunnels. The modifications introduced as a result of this effort did not remedy all the aircraft’s faults—and could not have, given its time constraints. But they certainly counted as improvements in several areas:

— the dihedral of the outer wing panels was increased from 5 to 6 degrees to improve stability

— the engine was moved 100 millimeters (3.9 inches) forward to off­set a tail-heavy trimming

— a new 250-1 (66-US gallon) fuel tank was introduced beneath the pilot’s seat to increase the aircraft’s range

— the fuel system was protected from fire by transferring inert gases (cooled exhaust gases) in the fuel tanks

— a second oil tank was added

— the engine cooling system was improved

— a new VISh-GlSh propeller was installed, enhancing efficiency by increasing the pitch range to 35 degrees

—larger main gear wheels were used (650 x 200 tires), enabing the MiG-3 to operate from grass strips; the gear doors were conse­quently modified

— the wheel brakes were improved

— an 8-mm-thick armor plate (later made 9-mm thick) was added to the back of the pilot’s seat


The oil cooler mounted under the exhaust collector, its exhaust flap open to the full


— the fuselage decking behind the cockpit was modified and glazed to improve aft vision

— the PBP-1 gunsight was replaced by the more advanced PBP-1A model

— an RSI-3 single-channel receiver was installed (later replaced by an RSI-4)

— the external weapon load was increased: four store stations under the wings thus enabled the MiG-3 to carry mixed loads of 8- to 100- kg (18- to 220-pound) bombs up to a maximum of 220 kg (485 pounds), two VАР-6М/ZAP-6 chemical/incendiary spray contain­ers, or eight unguided RS-82 rockets

The built-in armament was similar to that of the MiG-1 but was sometimes complemented by two 12.7-mm BK machine guns in slipper pods beneath the wing. With five weapons, firepower more than dou­bled, the weight of a salvo per second increasing from 1.38 to 3 kg (49 to 106 ounces). But those supplementary weapons pushed the takeoff weight of the MiG-3 up to 3,510 kg (7,738 pounds), increasing the wing loading to 201.3 kg/m2 (41 pounds per square foot).

A few MiG-3s were equipped with two 12.7-mm UBS machine guns. Tests were also conducted with two 20-mm ShVAK. cannons, but this weapon was not retained. Other MiG-3s flew unarmed as photo-


MiG-3 detail. (I) One of the two oil tanks. (2) Machine gun ammunition box. (3) One of the two fuselage fuel tanks, 1101 (29 US gallons). The oil cooler exhaust flap is open to the minimum angle.

reconnaissance aircraft above the front line. The first MiG-3s rolled out of Aviakhim factory no. 1 in December 1940. At the end of that month eleven aircraft had been built. The production rate rose quickly: no fewer than 140 aircraft left the assembly line in January 1941. In June, on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the factory operated around the clock and produced twenty-five aircraft per day. The first MiG-3s and MiG-1 s reached the IAPs (fighter aviation regiments) in April 1941.

On 4 December 1940 ten MiG-3s were set aside for combat training missions. These flights took place partly in Katcha, Crimea, where there are more sunny days than in the Moscow area. On 13 March 1941 during one of these missions test pilot Yekato lost his life. An investiga­tion revealed that the supercharger compressor wheel had come loose, going right through the fire wall and the front fuel tank before fatally wounding the pilot.

Because of the volatile situation in Europe in early 1941, the first series of modern Soviet fighters (Yak-1, LaGG-3, MiG-1, and MiG-3) •vere sent first and foremost to the border zones of the western USSR, especially to the air bases of Kaunas, Lvov, Byelstok, Kishinev, Byeltsy (Moldavia), and Eupatoria. As of 1 June 1941, three weeks before the German invasion, thirteen fighter regiments were equipped entirely with MiG-3s, and another six regiments had received partial comple-


A few MiG-3s had their built-in armament supplemented with two 12 7-mm BK machine guns podded beneath the wing and firing outside the propeller disk.



Подпись: OFFICIAL TELEGRAM December 1941 Two addressees In Kuybyshev SHENKMAN, factory no. 18 manager Copy to: TRETYAKOV, factory no. 1 manager You are playing a shabby trick on our homeland and on our Red Army STOP Until now you did not consider it advisable to produce H-2s STOP D- 2s are today as essential to our Red Army as are air and bread STOP Shenkman produces only one П-2 every day, and Tretyakov one or two MiG-3s STOP This is an insult to our homeland, to the Red Army STOP We need R-2s, not MiGs STOP If factory no. 18 intends to weaken our homeland by delivering only one П-2 per day, they make a heavy mistake and they will have to pay for it STOP I ask you not to abuse the patience of our government and to produce more D-2s STOP Let this be a last warning to you both STOP No. P553 STALIN

merits. On 22 June 1941, the first day of Operation Barbarossa, MiG-ls and MiG-3s represented only 37 percent of the total number of opera­tional fighters; the other 63 percent were 1-15s, I-15bis, 1-153s, and even a handful of obsolete I-5s still used in training centers. But 89.9 percent of the new fighters were MiG-3s distributed in fighter regiments of the WS (air force), the PVO (air defense units), and the VMF (navy).

In October 1941 the German breakthrough threatened the ОКБ and factory no. 1. They were hastily moved to Kuybyshev, a major port on the Volga River. Two months later, the fate of the MiG-3 was sealed. Its AM-35A engine was built in the same factory as the AM-38, which powered the Ilyushin 11-2 Shturmovik ground attack aircraft. This model now received priority so that the production rate of this aircraft could be accelerated. Without an engine, the MiG-3 was dead. Stalin had intervened personally. In a cable that became famous in the Soviet aircraft industry but was unknown in the West (until now), Stalin stern­ly accused two factory managers of slowing down production. On 23 December 1941 the MiG-3 program was terminated; however, all air­craft then on the assembly line were to be completed, the last one rolling out of the factory at the beginning of 1942. A total of 3,120 MiG – 3s had been delivered in just over one year. After the OKB and factory no. 1 returned to Khodinka in March 1942, fifty MiG-3s were assembled from components that had been hidden away at the time of the evacua­tion. These aircraft were allotted to the Moscow PVO.

Early in the war MiG-3s often operated in a less than optimal flight envelope. This high-altitude interceptor was used first as a "frontal fighter” for low- and medium-altitude interception and even for close – support missions below 5,000 m (16,400 feet), flight levels where Ger­man fighters were superior in terms of performance. But at that time the Soviets had to make the most of what they had. the German attacks on their airfields at daybreak on 22 June 1941 had had a devas­tating impact. But once mastered by its pilot the MiG-3 regained the


А гаге photograph, taken in 1942, shows a MiG-3 fitted with launch rails for RS-82 rockets. This aircraft belonged to the 12 IAP (12th fighter aviation regiment) of the Moscow PVO (air defense)


Three MiG-3s are delivered to their pilots at a VYS maintenance base in 1942.

upper hand when operating above 5,000 m thanks to its outstanding speed and ceiling—but there the German fighters would not dare to cross swords with it. So MiG-3s were usually assigned to PVO units for high-altitude interception of bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. They even flew as night fighters. It was in a MiG-3 that A. I. Pokiyshkin, future air marshal, gained the first of his fifty-nine kills when he shot down a Messerschmitt Bf 109E. It was also in a MiG-3 that A. N. Katrisht, future general-colonel, distinguished himself dur­ing night missions.

To conclude, we ought to mention the surprising proposal made just after the German invasion by S. P. Suprun, the test pilot responsi­ble for the 1-200 state acceptance trials during the summer of 1940. Since Soviet fighter regiments had already sustained heavy losses on the ground (mostly) and in the air, Suprun suggested that two fighter regiments equipped with MiG-1 s and MiG-3s be staffed mostly by facto­ry test pilots, GosNII VYS (state scientific research institute of the air force) test pilots, and military pilots in charge of acceptance flights. Two regiments were formed as a result—Suprun’s 401 IAP, assigned to the western front near Smolensk, and the 402 IAP under the command of P. M. Stefanovskii, a test pilot of great skill, on the northwestern front.


Span, 10.2 m (33 ft 5.6 in); length, 8.25 m (27 ft 0.8 in); height, 3.3 m (10 ft 9.9 in); wheel track, 2.78 m (9 ft 1.4 in); wing area, 17.44 m2 (187.72 sq ft); empty weight, 2,699 kg (5,950 lb); takeoff weight, 3,350 kg (7,385 lb); fuel, 385 kg (849 lb); oil, 55 kg (121 lb); wing loading, 92 kg/m2 (39.3 lb/sq ft).


Max speed, 640 km/h at 7,800 m (346 kt at 25,600 ft); max speed at sea level, 505 km/h (273 kt); climb to 8,000 m (26,250 ft) in 10.28 min; ser­vice ceiling, 12,000 m (39,400 ft); range at 550 km/h (297 kt) with 70% W and 10% fuel reserve, 820 km (510 mi); takeoff roll, rated power, no flaps, 305 m (1,000 ft); rated power, 15° flaps, 268 m (880 ft); full power, no flaps, 234 m (770 ft); landing roll, 400 m (1,310 ft).

1-250 / N

In early 1944 the GKO (state committee for defense) “gave comrades Yakovlev, Lavochkin, Mikoyan, and Sukhoi the responsibility to build jet aircraft.” During the meeting held in Mikoyan’s office to discuss this project, all the department managers (who knew very well that the USSR did not have a jet engine in production) decided to power their new fighter with a package unit consisting of a piston engine—a 1,214- kw (1,650-ch) VK-107A—and a special booster nozzle designed at the central institute for aeroengine construction (TsIAM) by a team led by Professor К. V. Kholshchyevnikov. In this rather odd assembly, the power delivered by the piston engine was shared between two “con­sumers": a propeller 3.1 m (10 feet, 2 inches) in diameter, and a com­pressor intended to feed a combustion chamber. This assembly was known as a VRDK (Vozdushno-Reaktivmy-Dopolnitelniy Kompressor: jet – propelled auxiliary compressor) or booster. For takeoff and cruise situ­ations, the main consumer was the propeller. During these flight modes the compressor (driven by a reduction gear) ran at idle, and no fuel was pumped into the seven burners of the combustion chamber When dash speed was needed fuel was injected into the burners and ignited by spark plugs. The compressor was then clutched at its maxi­mum speed, and the revolution speed of the propeller was reduced. This power package offered a total of 2,061 kW (2,500 ch) at 7,000 m (22,960 feet) that is, 1,067 kW (1,450 ch) from the VK-107A at rated power and 994 kW (1,350 ch) from the VRDK equivalent.

It was also possible to regulate the VRDK power by means of the adjustable nozzle at the rear of the combustion chamber. This nozzle was fitted with two eyelids controlled by hydraulic jacks. The VRDK was cooled by a water-vapor system that protected the fuselage struc­ture and the cockpit against overheating. The water tank had a capacity of 78 1 (20.6 US gallons). The VRDK and the VK-107Aboth ran on gaso­line. The VRDK operated like the compressor’s second stage of a super­charged piston engine, increasing the aircraft’s ceiling.

The wing had a trapezoidal planform and a thin profile. The fuel system was made up of three self-sealing bladder tanks, one in the fuselage in front of the cockpit (412 1 [109 US gallons]) and two in the center section of the wing (100 1 [26 US gallons] each). The main gear


The first 1-250 prototype or N-l was rolled out on 26 February 1945 just eleven months after the project received the go-ahead.


The 1-250 combined power unit (J) Oil cooler (2) Engine exhaust pipe (3) VK-107A piston engine (4) Fuel tanks of 412 and 200 1 (5) Engine supercharger air-bleed. (6) Reduction gearbox (7) Compressor drive shaft (8) Compressor (9) Water jacket. (JO) Fuel injectors (JJ) Combustion chamber. (J2) Adjustable-area nozzle.

was of the levered-suspension type with lower arms leading the leg. The most original features here were the doors, which permanently closed the wheel wells except at the very moment of the gear retrac­tion or extension (a first in the USSR).


Left to right: the VK-107A engine, the compressor drive shaft, and the VRDK compres­sor

The N-l prototype was armed with three 20-mm ShVAK (G-20) cannons—one mounted between the cylinder blocks and bring through the propeller hub, the others flanking the engine. Each of these weapons could Are 100 rounds, a flgure eventually improved to 160.

The preliminary design of the 1-250 was approved on 28 March 1944. At the same time, Sukhoi set to work on a similar aircraft, the Su-5 (1-107), which also had a combination power plant. But its performance was disappointing, and flight tests of the Su-5 were stopped on 15 July 1945. On 26 October 1944 the full-scale 1-250 mock – up was examined in great detail and endorsed; on 30 November almost all the sets of drawings were complete. As the war continued into 1945, OKB officials elected to build not an experimental prototype but instead an operational combat fighter.

Deputy chief engineer M. I. Guryevich had this to say in the OKB house newsletter:

We are now starting work on the N, an entirely new type of air­craft that greatly departs from our previous designs. We are going to reach speeds never achieved before. We are going to use new formulas, new materials. We shall have to create new systems. There is not a single sector, a single department of our OKB that will escape the difficult problems we shall have to face. We must give up all of the old configurations and all of the systems we are


1-250 (N-l); the dotted line shows the modified fin (MiG ОКБ three-view drawing)

used to and create new ones. We are forging ahead in a new way, the only one enabling us to achieve levels that have never before been attained and that we could hardly have dreamed possible.

The N-l was rolled out on 26 February 1945, less than one year after the project received the go-ahead, and the N-2 followed three months later. The initial prototype was first flown on 3 March 1945 by A. P. Deyev, and the VRDK was fired as early as the third flight. The


increase in speed proved to be significant: it was about 100 km/b (54 kt) faster than the best piston-engine fighter flying at the time. The only modification made involved a slight increase of the fin area.

In mid-May 1945 Deyev was killed during a flight test. The struc­tural load factor was somehow exceeded, and the tailplane disintegrat­ed at an altitude far too low for the pilot to bail out. The N-2 trials were conducted by a pilot from the LII, A. P. Yakimov, and later by two young ОКБ pilots, A. N. Chemoburov and I T Ivashchenko. During the first stages of the factory tests, the N-2 remained unarmed Flight tests showed that, at top speed, the plane’s yaw stability was inade­quate. The fin area was increased accordingly. Takeoff roll was limited to 400 m (1,310 feet) with the VRDK in operation; but otherwise it took far too long to become airborne owing to the propeller’s small diame­ter. The N-2 was destroyed during a crash landing, with Chernoburov at the controls.

In June 1945 the production factory was instructed to build ten I- 250s in time for a Red Square flyover on 7 November in celebration of the twenty-ninth anniversary of the October Revolution. ОКБ test pilot I. T. Ivashchenko organized an accelerated training program for a batch of air force pilots under the command of Col. P. F. Chupikov. Nine I-250s were completed in time; unfortunately, the weather was so bad in Moscow on 7 November that the flyover had to be canceled.

Sixteen I-250s were delivered in record time to Baltic fleet aviation units at Skultye, near Riga. The first production I-250s had saber­shaped propeller blades; they were replaced later on by conventional


The 1-250 N-l in 1945 with the larger fin.


The N-2 the second 1-250 prototype, was rolled out in 1945 The fin was modified once more, and the tail wheel no longer retracts This aircraft was painted dark blue and embellished with a yellow streak.


This photograph of the N-2 shows the adjustable-area nozzle, two eyelids controlled by hydraulic jacks.


The production version of the 1-250 is sometimes referred to as the MiG-13. In fact, only sixteen aircraft of the type were delivered to the Baltic fleet aviation units.


The air intake duct for both the engine supercharger and the VRDK is visible below the engine mount of the MiG-13 Note also the saber-shaped blades of the propeller.

blades. The production 1-250 with serial number 3810102 (381 = facto­ry number, 01 = first series, and 02 = second machine in the series) passed its factory tests in July 1947. Its acceptance trials were carried out at the Nil WS test center between 9 October 1947 and 8 April 1948 with I. M. Sukhomlin at the controls.

All production I-250s—referred to as MiG-13s in some ОКБ docu­ments—were withdrawn from service in May 1948.

The following details refer to the 1-250 N-l.


Span, 9.5 m (31 ft 1.9 in); length, 8.185 m (26 ft 10.2 in); wheel track, 2.75 m (9 ft 0.3 in); wheel base, 4.995 m (16 ft 4.6 in); wing area, 15 m2 (161 5 sq ft); empty weight, 2,587 kg (5,702 lb); takeoff weight, 3,680 kg (8,110 lb); fuel, 450 kg (992 lb); oil, 80 kg (176 lb); water, 78 kg (172 lb), wing loading, 245 kg/m2 (50.2 lb/sq ft); max operating limit load factor, 6.5.


Max speed, 825 km/h at 7,000 m (446 kt at 22,960 ft), max speed at sea level, 620 km/h (335 kt); climb to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) with VRDK in 3 9 min, without VRDK in 4.6 min; service ceiling with VRDK, 11,960 m (39,230 ft), without VRDK 10,500 m (34,440 ft); landing speed, 150 km/h (81 kt); range with VRDK, 920 km (570 mi), without VRDK 1,380 km (857 mi); takeoff roll with VRDK, 400 m (1,310 ft); landing roll, 515 m (1,690 ft).

The following details refer to the production 1-250 (MiG-13)


Span, 9.5 m (31 ft 1.9 in); length, 8.185 m (26 ft 10.2 in); wheel track, 2.75 m (9 ft 0.3 in), wheel base, 4 995 m (16 ft 4.6 in); wing area, 15 m2 (161.5 sq ft); empty weight, 3,028 kg (6,674 lb); takeoff weight, 3,931 kg (8,664 lb); fuel, 590 kg (1,300 lb); oil, 80 kg (176 lb); water, 78 kg (172 lb); wing loading, 262.1 kg/m2 (53.7 lb/sq ft).


Max speed not recorded; unstick speed, 200 km/h (108 kt); landing speed, 190-195 km/h (103-105 kt).

MiG-3 with AM-37 Engine

During the second half of 1941, to improve the aircraft’s maximum speed at high altitude, the ОКБ engineers equipped a MiG-3 with a Mikulin AM-37, an engine then under development that was rated at


MiG-3 pilots taking the oath to the flag of the Guards when the 27 IAP was reorganized and became the 12 GvIAP (12th fighter aviation regiment of the Guards).

1,030 kW (1,400 ch) at 5,000 m (16,400 feet). Matching the new engine was no problem because both the AM-35A and the AM-37 had the same design dimensions and attachment points Test pilot A I Zhukov made a few flights with this reengined MiG-3. But in the end the whole program was canceled, development of the AM-37 having proved too difficult. In some ОКБ documents the MiG-3 with the AM – 37 engine is referred to as the MiG-7.