The SM-12PMU, built in 1958, was an SM-12PM powered by two Sorokin R3M-26 experimental turbojets with 3,725 daN (3,800 kg st) of thrust and one U-19D booster container under the fuselage that fea­tured a Sevruk RU-013 rocket engine with 2,940 daN (3,000 kg st) of thrust. The rocket engine could be relit several times in flight. The booster container also housed the necessary fuel and oxidizer tanks.

The SM-12PMU carried two semiactive homing K-5M (RS-2US) air – to-air missiles. Its maximum speed was identical to that of the PM at 1,720 km/h (929 kt) or Mach 1.69; the top speed attainable with the rocket engine was not recorded. Its navigational instruments were test­ed in late 1958 and early 1959. They were designed to receive and dis­play guidance signals transmitted by ground stations. The SM-12PMU was also used to develop the SOD decimetric wave transponder and the RV-U, a new type of precision radio-altimeter.