NHG-17PF / SP10

In 1955 MiG-17PF no. 627 was chosen as the test bed for a new twin-barrel cannon with a high rate of fire. Two of these guns were installed on the standard armament tray, which could be lowered or lifted with the help of hoists and cables. The pilot used buttons on the stick handle to fire with one of the cannons or to launch a combined salvo This experimental weapon failed its certification tests and was never mass-produced.


The SP-10 was a production MiG-17PF modified for tests of a new twin-barrel cannon


The SP-10 had a support mount for its two twin barrel cannons which resembled that of the MiG-15



The SDK-5, as well as the MiG-9L, was used to test the guidance equipment of an air – to-surface missile.



The SDK-5 experimental prototype was unarmed.




Guidance from the mother aircraft was received by two antennae, one in the SDK 5 s nose and the other on top of the fin