MiG-17P / SP 7

The purpose of this program was to convert the MiG-17 day fighter into an all-weather night fighter. The radar developed for the new air­craft was supposed to provide target scanning and fire control capabili­ties day and night as well as in clouds.

The SP-7, powered by a VK-1A rated at 2,645 daN (2,700 kg st), dif­fered from the MiG-17 in the nose section, which was modified to accommodate the RP-1 Izumrud radar designed by V. V. Tikhomirov. This modification led engineers to redesign the cockpit windshield and to rearrange the armament. The N-37D cannon of the MiG-17 was replaced by another NR-23, for a total of three NR-23 cannons with 100 rpg. Protection for the pilot included a bulletproof windshield, an armor plate in front of the cockpit, an armored headrest, and an armored seat back.

The SP-1 radar was combined with an ASP-3N gunsight and had two antennae: one (for scanning) housed in the upper lip of the engine air intake, and one (for ranging and fire control) housed in the air intake partition. Once the target was within 2 km (1.24 miles) the fire control antenna activated automatically to sharpen the pilot’s aim. In clear weather the radar was disconnected, and the pilot used the gun – sight. With the exception of the aileron controls, which were boosted by a BU-1U servo-control unit, all systems were identical to those of the MiG-17.

G. A. Sedov was the first pilot to fly the SP-7; it passed its tests in the summer of 1952. After certification as the MiG-17P, it was mass – produced for the PVO and land-based naval aviation. Approval was expedited by the fact that the RP-1 radar had been installed beforehand on the SP-5, a modified MiG-15 bis. Development of the RP-1 continued in 1953 on the ST-7, a version of the UTI MiG-15, in various weather conditions.

The MiG-17P was flown only by above-average pilots. It was the first radar-equipped lightweight interceptor ever built in the USSR.


Span, 9.628 ш (31 ft 7 in); length, 11.680 m (38 ft 3.9 in); height, 3.685 m (12 ft 1 in); wheel track, 3.849 m (12 ft 7.5 in); wheel base, 3.44 m (11 ft 3.4 in); wing area, 22 6 m2 (243 3 sq ft), empty weight, 4,154 kg (9,155 lb); takeoff weight, 5,550 kg (12,232 lb); max takeoff weight with two 400-1 (106-US gal) drop tanks, 6,280 kg (13,841 lb); wing loading, 245.6-277 9 kg/m2 (50.3-57 lb/sq ft); max operating limit load factor, 8.


Max speed, 1,115 km/h at 3,000 m (602 kt at 9,840 ft); max speed at sea level, 1,060 km/h (572 kt); climb to 5,000 m (16,400 ft) in 2.5 min; to

10,0 m (32,800 ft) in 6.6 min; to 14,000 m (45,920 ft) in 16.2 min; climb rate at sea level, 37 m/sec (7,280 ft/min); landing speed, 180-200 km/h (97-108 kt); range, 1,290 km at 12,000 m (800 mi at 39,360 ft); with two 400-1 (106-US gal) drop tanks, 2,060 km (1,280 mi); flight endurance, 1 h 53 min at 12,000 m (39,360 ft); with two 400-1 (106-US gal) drop tanks, 2 h 58 min; takeoff roll, 630 m (2,065 ft); land­ing roll, 860 m (2,820 ft).