Russian sky over Syria

Russian sky over Syria

While the West is going to finish finally Syria while sponsors of terrorism make the bloody plans of world supremacy, Russia came to the rescue of Bashar Assad’s lawful government. And the special role in rescue of Syria is played by our aircraft.

At the end of September of this year Russia made the right decision is unique – to help the Syrian Arab Republic sending of the air units for destruction of bands of «the Islamic State» (further IGIL) which in June-August, having broken through defense of the Syrian armies on the important directions, reached serious successes.

It is necessary to recognize, what exactly involvement of the Russian aircraft in Syria is the major link in strategy of rescue of the country from death. The bandits thus trained by the western curators from IGIL continue the bloody expansion …

In this article the purpose to show why it was necessary for Russia to interfere with the Syrian events and as the westernized governments reacted to emergence in Syria of our aviagroup is set.

Process went

It is known that the president of Syria Bashar Assad addressed with an official request to Russia to render the military help in fight against terrorists of all colors. Considering an emergency of the Syrian armies, the Russian side quickly and operatively created an aviation fist; besides, encouragement from Iran and Iraq essentially facilitated planning of aviation operation.

During planning of airstrikes on terrorists on air base in Latakia the bombing and assault squadrons equipped with the front Su-24M bombers, attack planes of Su-25 and new strike fighters of Su-34 with the high-precision weapon onboard first of all were thrown. The huge role is played also by our military transport aircraft which organized «the air bridge» for rescue of the Syrian army from accident.

The structure of our mixed aviagroup includes:

• front Su-24M bombers (12 planes);
• strike fighters of Su-34 (six planes);
• attack planes of Su-25/Su-25CM (12 cars);
• multi-purpose fighters Su-30CM (four planes);
• multi-purpose Mi-17 helicopters, percussions of Mi-24 (30 rotary-wing cars).

During planning of anti-terrorist operation the airfield in Mozdoka became one of the main transshipment terminals at flights to Syria. On it do landing for rest and refueling fighting and the Air Force transport vehicles of Russia before flights over the Caspian Sea and Iran, Iraq and Syria. The principal value of this airfield consists in its ability to accept practically any types of planes. Not so long ago there strike fighters of Su-34 and average distant rocket carriers of Tu-22М3 were noticed.

On air base in Latakia addition of helicopter park was noted also. So, the considerable part is made by the shock Mi-24P helicopters which have not passed modernization. Possibly, them bring for transfer to Syrians at which the park of "Crocodiles" for summer campaign thinned – in their system there were only about 20 rotary-wing cars. Also there were helicopters Mi-17 and Ka-27 on other platform in the same area. It is not excluded that during operation can be involved and distant rocket carriers of Tu-22М3, and they can work from the territory of the Russian Federation – range will suffice with interest.

Thus the Russian aircraft works in close coordination with the Syrian army, and it already brings the first results of bombings. Overland parts of the Syrian armies proved to be rather strong, however, without having high-grade support from air, they, of course, lost. But now this problem is removed, and actions of our pilots will lift fighting spirit of Syrians.

Aircraft and geopolitics: intensity accrues

Assorting article subject, it is necessary to give telling arguments in favor of the military help to the lawful government of Syria and than dangerously raspolzany "igilovsky" threat.

The first. Russia aspires to rescue Bashar Assad’s pursuing independent anti-American policy the patriotic government. And our country operates according to 51 article of the Charter of the United Nations about the right to collective self-defense and at an official request of the Syrian government. Besides, the Libyan tragedy of 2011 when the leader of Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi was dethroned, forced the Russian management to carry out (let and overdue) measures against growing influence of the West in the Middle East.

The second. It is known that fighters of IGIL plan to create so-called «the Islamic Caliphate» from Portugal to Malaysia and from the Volga region to the Central Africa. In essence, Russia started to fight against neo-fascism manifestation (televiewers still observe tortures of "igilovets" on the TV). Thus leaders of «the Islamic State» directly threaten our country with acts of terrorism and rejection of the North Caucasus. In reply the President of Russia Vladimir Putin declared that in this dangerous situation we need to affect anticipation. Right words, only it was necessary to rescue Assad much earlier.

The third. The Air Force air operation of Russia is urged to strengthen also control over East Mediterranean to hold on a sight NATO Navies; thereby nullifying realization by the West of the Libyan scenario.

Considering existence of the new high-precision weapon, it is possible to argue that anti-terrorist operation in the sky over Syria is rather safe for our planes. According to the Hero of Russia deserved pilot verifier Mahomed Tolboyev, means whom fighters Islamists have, are not capable to strike modern Russian planes, and emergence in them modern means of antiaircraft defense the expert excludes. «Such weapon is rigidly supervised by the states possessing it. Any emergence it in a zone of operations will cause political responsibility», – Tolboyev emphasized.

Besides, this situation was commented by the vice-president of Academy of geopolitical problems, colonel Vladimir Anokhin, which itself carried out fighting departures over Syria in the 1970th years: «Air defense possibilities of «the Islamic State» the quite modest. Generally it is low-power stvolny artillery, plus antiaircraft self-propelled installations ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" still the Soviet production, which fighters grasped in Iraq. "Shilka" is intended for destruction of air targets at ranges to 2500 meters and heights to 1500 meters flying with a speed to 450 m/s».

However, as we know, even out-of-date anti-aircraft weapons (especially the Soviet production) in skillful hands is a terrible weapon so comments are excessive.

Noise of the western mass media: nothing stings like the truth

Speaking about the Air Force anti-terrorist operation of Russia, it should be noted one more important fact. It is a question of an ocherneniye from the western politicians of actions of our pilots: it was necessary to our planes to rise in air as the western mass media right there lifted howl about so-called «murders of civilians».

But especially other-wordly meanness of westernized ruling circles which rehabilitate terrorists strikes. So, P. Poroshenko, the bloody executioner of Ukraine, which itself staged a massacre in Donbass, cynically declared: «Russia aspires to annex Syria. Moscow bears sufferings to all people of the world». The constant representative of Saudi Arabia at Abdalla al-Muallimi United Nations, echoing the West, also demanded from Russia the termination of anti-terrorist operation. Managed to act and head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ferydoon Sinirliogla who, without batting an eyelid, told that the Russian planes allegedly attack not the purposes IGIL, and civil objects. Well unless it not criminals on whom the International tribunal cries?

Thus it is necessary to give the moral characteristic to the Russian and western pilots. Our pilots are the SOLDIERS LIBERATORS rescuing not only the Syrian people, but also Russia, knowing that the enemy, in essence, costs at our gate. The western pilots are the simply schooled murderers who do not have anything sacred!

The soldier who is taking the field – goes, first of all, not to kill, and to endow itself for the sake of the Homeland, «for the sake of the friend the». The western kamuflirovanny chasteners do not wish to endow themselves – they simply destroy the whole countries!

Thus it is impossible to forget, what exactly Saudi Arabia and its vassals like Kuwait and Qatar apply for a role of leaders of the Islamic world. Official Riyadh pursues an aggressive policy of easing and the subsequent elimination of the anti-American governments in Syria and Iran. Besides, Saudi Arabia and its satellites continue to finance the terrorist organizations of wahabite sense in Russia, first of all, in the North Caucasus.

Therefore it is necessary for Russia to do the utmost to win a victory and in information war. As the Doctor of jurisprudence explained, the Honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation Sergey Baburin, our country cannot waste time on a justification, and it is necessary to lead offensive strategy in information war. And the passive position of our mass media is in advance doomed to defeat.

First results of our airstrikes

Despite counteraction of terrorists, the Russian aircraft continues to help land forces of Syria actively; the change of military campaign in favor of Bashar Assad thereby began. But to stop on reached it is impossible, as the USA and other countries of NATO began the hidden deliveries to terrorists of modern PZRK; thus it is necessary for our planes to expand geography of fighting departures.

Already on September 30 two front Su-24M bombers struck blow to IGIL positions about the city of Homs; thus the Russian weapon showed the efficiency: some command points of terrorists in the mountain regions of Syria were destroyed, about 150 bandits were destroyed. New Su-34 perfectly proved to be: so, on the firstly of October blows were struck to camp of preparation of IGIL near the settlement Madan-Dzhadid and to the disguised command point in the area Kasert-Faraj, South to the west of the city of Rakka (Rakka is the informal capital of "igilovets").

On October 3rd as a result of attack of an attack plane of Su-25 to camp of preparation of terrorists in the area Kesladzhuk (province Idlib) shelters of fighters and workshops on manufacturing of explosive devices were killed. In the same province Su-24M and Su-34 destroyed three warehouses with ammunition.
Thanks to application of betonoboyny air bombs BETAB-500 four command points of IGIL groups were destroyed. Constructions in which there were fighters, were completely destroyed. Five units of armored machinery are put out of action.

In a neighborhood of the city of Et-Tabaka (Rakk’s province) Su-34 struck blows with corrected air bombs KAB-500 to the center of special training of fighters. The warehouse of ammunition being in the territory of the center, was blown up. Thus explosion destroyed all infrastructure of the center.

On October 5th in the woody district near the city of Idlib attack planes of Su-25CM opened and destroyed the disguised base of terrorists on which there were about 30 units of automobile and armor equipment, including the T-55 tanks grasped earlier at the Syrian army.

During air raids against formations of «The Islamic state» in Syria the part of important objects of terrorists was destroyed. Only for the first three days during 60 departures 50 strategic constructions were destroyed. The Russian aviagroup managed to undermine material base of terrorists and to reduce their fighting potential. Considering efficiency of actions of our aircraft, fighters carefully hide the losses. And "igilovets" in a panic leave territories keeping earlier by them.

Thus, the Air Force of Russia carries out the great mission – rescues Syria and its civilians. And the first blows of our aircraft on positions of terrorists unequivocally showed that the unipolar world started to leave in the past, and the return way already is not present.