Exterior plywood surfaces will be finished with two coats of varnish, Specification No. AN-TT-V-118, thinned with an equal portion of naphtha or, on open grain woods, one coat of thinned varnish followed by one coat of surfacer, Specification No. 14115, sanded down, before the final two coats of aluminized varnish. Use 16 to 20 ounces of pigment, Specification No. AN-TT-A-461, in each gallon of varnish for the final coats.


Republic P-47D-30-RA, 45-49365, was Col. Robert L. Baselcr’s last 325th FG aircraft before the unit was disbanded in October, 1945. The black and yellow checks cover both sides of all of the tail surfaces on the natural metal and the cowl panel with “Rig Stud” on it is black. Note that the “Ace of Spades” marking has the spade pointing down, rather than up as on his previous aircraft. The black lines with arrows on the wings are believed to be for aiming during deflection shots. (Robert L. Baseler)