Sport Flying

In the United States, microlight sport flying is controlled by the United States Ultralight Association (USUA), which was formed in 1985 and is based in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The associa­tion aims to encourage flying for fun as well as the promotion of good safety procedures and instruction by profes­sional flight instructors.

Every two years, the U. S. National Microlight Championships take place at a different location. The 2006 champi­onships were jointly promoted by the USUA and Aero Sports Connection (ASC), the two biggest microlight flying organizations in the United States. A


U. S. team competes in the World Microlight Championships, in which there are four categories: airplane, weight-shift trike, powered parachute, and powered paraglider classes. Such competitions challenge the skills of the microlight pilot and the performance of the aircraft in various ways, including navigation tasks using GPS technology and precision landings.



• Aileron and Rudder • Hang Glider

• Materials and Structures • Pitch,

Roll, and Yaw

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