Relevance of Space Technologies for Asia

Space technologies are relevant to states in Asia for the similar reasons they are important to the other states outside the region. The only subtle difference could have been that most of the Asian states particularly during the first two to three decades of space era were not in a position to make investments in space from the point of view of catering exotic ideas like fulfilling the ‘human curiosity’, etc.

For Asia, the space technologies are relevant for remote sensing, communication, education, etc. Understanding the increasing significance of satellite technologies in various other fields for development Asian states have also started employing them in newer areas. Appreciating the need to address various new sets of challenges being encountered the Asian states are probing the realm of space technologies further to find its utility.

Economic prosperity appears to be the main goal of various states in the world [14] and same could be true for Asia too. However, states within Asia understand that economic prosperity alone is not a solution to the various challenges the world is facing today or likely to face in future. Various issues from rise in population, to food security to climate change to inappropriate distribution of natural resources demand attention. Space technologies have major relevance for all these fields. Good environmental research is possible only with the help from various space technologies. Also, space could offer a solution to the issue related to resources crunch on Earth. The real challenge is to get the resources from space (other planets) to the Earth. Few Asian states appear to have accepted this challenge and are found systematically working towards making such possibility a reality.

Some countries, including many in Asia, are effective adopters of technology while displaying little innovation. East Asia has been the most successful region in the developing world in adopting technologies from the innovating economies. For example, the electronics and semiconductor production throughout southeast Asia and coastal China is based on technology that came from the USA and Japan originally few decades before [15]. To their credit, some states within the region created institutional arrangements for transfer of technology, research and commercial production of these technologies which has helped them to become the key global centres for electronics industries. Some states with the region are found attempting the similar model in space arena too and also found depending on international assistance for future development. However, even though rocket science has got its intrinsic complexities, still its military relevance is undisputed; hence, few states with the region are making their own efforts to develop this technology. States within the region are in a process of transition from being a technological adopter to becoming a core centre for innovation. Presently, very few Asian states have achieved the status of spacefaring nations, but increasing number of states is found investing into space technologies, and some of them are also aiming to work towards gaining spacefaring status.