The Later Years

DC-3s flown during the Korean War in the early 1950s and in the Vietnam War of the 1960s and 1970s looked, on the out­side, the same as the DC-3s that flew across the battle­fields of World War II. Inside, many changes were made as technology impro­ved. Radar and electronic equipment were updated. In some military variants, heavy machine guns were fitted so the airplane could operate as a low-flying gunship. There also were many updates to the engines over the years.

The last DC-3 was delivered from the factory in 1946, but there are still hun­dreds of DC-3s flying in many countries around the world, carrying passengers and cargo. Perhaps more than any other airplane, the DC-3 established flying as a safe, affordable, and popular form of transportation.



• Aerospace Manufacturing

Industry • Aircraft, Commercial

• Aircraft, Military • Aircraft Design

• Boeing • Engine • Materials and

The Later Years

Structures • World War II