The stage separation system consists of a sever­able tension strap, mild detonating fuse (MDF), exploding bridgewire, (EBW), detonators and EBW firing units.



Подпись: 5-12

Separation System


Подпись: D-NRV-22 The severable tension strap houses two redundant MDF cords in a “V” groove circumventing the stage between the aft skirt and aft interstage at the sepa­ration plane. Ignition of the MDF cords is triggered by a signal from the second stage sequencer through the EBW and EBW firing units about 3 seconds after second stage engine cutoff.

The MDF consists of a flexible metal sheath sur­rounding a continuous core of high explosive mate­rial. Once detonated, the explosive force of the MDF occurs at a rate of 23,000 feet per second.

The EBW detonator is fired to initiate the MDF explosive train. A 2,300 VDC pulse is applied to a small resistance wire and a spark gap. The high voltage electrical arc across the spark gap ignites a charge of high explosive material which in turn detonates the MDF. The high voltage pulse require­ment for ignition renders this system safe from random ground or vehicle electrical power. Upon command, each EBW firing unit supplies high volt­age and current required to fire a specific EBW detonator.