Electrical System

The electrical power and distribution system of the


first stage provides power for controlling and mea­suring functions of the vehicle. The system operates during static firing, launch preparation and check­out. launch, and flight.

The electrical system consists of two batteries, a main power distributor, a sequence and control distributor, propulsion distributor, timer distrib­utor. measuring distributors, thrust OK distributor, and measuring power distributor.

Two independent 28-volt DC power systems are installed on the stage. System No. 1, the main power battery, energizes the stage controls. The battery has a 640-ampere-minute rating, weighs about 22 pounds, and is used to control various solenoids. Battery No. 2, the instrumentation battery, ener­gizes the flight measurement system and gives power to redundant systems for greater mission reliability. It has a 1,250-ampere-minute rating and weighs approximately 55 pounds. The range safety system can be operated by either battery.

Preflight power is supplied from ground equipment through umbilical connections. The supply for each system is 28 volts. Ground sources supply power for heaters, ignitors, and valve operators that are not operated during flight.

The distributors subdivide the electrical circuits and serve as junction boxes. Both electrical sys­tems share the same distributors. The main power distributor houses relays, the power transfer switch, and electrical distribution buses. The relays con­trol circuits that must be time-programmed. The motor-operated, multi-contact, power transfer switch transfers the stage load from the ground supply to the stage batteries. The transfer is tried several times during countdown to verify opera­tion. Power is distributed by the main buses.


Electrical System

The switch selector, actuated by the instrument unit (IU), commands the sequence and control dis­tributor, which in turn amplifies the signals re­ceived. The sequence and control distributor then energizes the various circuit relays required to implement the flight program. The switch selector is an assembly of redundant low power relays and transistor switches, which control the sequence and control distributor. It is activated by a coded signal from the instrument unit computer.

The propulsion distributor contains the monitor and control circuits for the propulsion system.

The thrust OK distributor contains the circuits that shut down the engines when developed thrust is inadequate. Two of the three thrust OK switches must operate or the engine will be shut down.

The timer distributor houses the circuits to delay the operation of relay valves and other electro­mechanical devices. The programmed delays are essential for optimum performance and safety.

The measuring power distributor contains electrical buses, and the measuring distributors route data from measuring racks, serve as measurement sig­nal junction boxes, and switch data between the hardwire and telemetry.