Airport Surface Safety and Efficiency Improvements
Safe and efficient runway and taxiway use is an integral necessity to the effectiveness of NextGen. The FAA is currently monitoring ground movements at 35 major airports (see Table 36-1) using Airport Surface Detection
Equipment-Model X (ASDE-X), which tracks surface movement by radar, multilateration,3 and ADS-B. Beginning in 2014, the FAA will provide surface data sharing at nine additional complex airports4 using Airport Surface Surveillance Capability (ASSC), which collects data from multilateration and ADS-B only. The FAA is working on the best means to use these data and how to convey the information to those who need it, including АТС, flight operations, dispatchers, and ramp operators. This technology will make an unprecedented amount of data available to facilitate movement and safety,
Surface Traffic Management
Automation optimizes taxi routing. Provides controllers and pilots all equipped aircraft vehicle positions on airport. Real-time surface traffic picture visible to airlines, controllers, equipped aircraft, ramp operators and airports. Surface movement management linked to
FIGURE 36-3 NextGen phases of flight.
including hazards involving runway incursions (see Figure 36-3).
Data Communications
Data Communications (Data Comm) is a new information sharing digital technology for use in both the surface and airborne environments. It represents the first phase in the transition from a voice communication system to a predominately digital textual mode of communication. Data Comm will enable faster departure clearances, trajectory-based routing, and optimized profile descents (see Figure 36-4).