In June 1967 the Surveyor Scientific Evaluation Advisory Team considered sending Surveyor 6 to a ‘scientific’ target, with one option being the hummocky Fra Mauro Formation, but NASA headquarters specified Sinus Medii, which would be the ‘first backup’ for an Apollo primary target in the eastern hemisphere. Surveyor 6 would be the project’s third attempt at the meridian – Surveyor 2 had been lost attempting its midcourse manoeuvre, and contact had been lost with Surveyor 4 towards the end of its retro-rocket burn.

Sinus Medii was a relatively small mare plain about 170 km across, bounded to the north and south by highlands. The fact that the northwest-southeast structural trends of the adjacent terrain were radial to Imbrium indicated its origin as sculpture from the creation of that basin. The shapes and trends of the wrinkle ridges, crater chains and small shallow trenches on the plain reflected this structural pattern. The fact that the mare had a larger number of craters with diameters exceeding several hundred metres indicated its surface to be older than most maria. Telescopic studies showed it to have a higher average albedo than most maria. The largest crater on the plain was Bruce, at 7 km in diameter. The centre of the 60-km-diameter target circle was 55 km southwest of Bruce. It was hoped that the lander would set down within sight of a wrinkle ridge.

The launch window for Surveyor 6 was 7-12 November 1967. Although the first unmanned test of the Saturn V launch vehicle was due on 7 November, preparations for the lunar mission went ahead because if it were to become evident that the other mission would not meet its schedule, Surveyor 6 would attempt the first day of its window; otherwise it would be slipped – the Cape’s tracking system required at least 24 hours to reconfigure for different types of vehicle. In the event, the Saturn V was postponed.

Surveyor 6 lifted off from Pad 36B at 07:39:01 GMT on 7 November. Since this was a predawn launch, the Centaur achieved parking orbit in darkness. It flew into sunlight at 07:53:22, initiated the 115-second translunar injection at 08:01:35 and released the spacecraft at 08:04:30. At 02:15:59 on 8 November, once the spacecraft had adopted the attitude for the midcourse manoeuvre, the helium valve was opened to pressurise the vernier propellant tanks. In raising the propellant to 764 psi, the helium fell by 180 psi from its initial 5,182 psia. The burn at 02:20:02 lasted 10.3 seconds, and the 33.1 ft/sec change in velocity moved the aim point 90 km closer to the centre of the target circle. After declining by 208 psi during the burn, the helium regulator maintained the propellant pressures constant throughout the remainder of the cruise.

The pre-retro manoeuvre in which the spacecraft departed from its cruise attitude involved initiating a roll of +82.0 degrees at 00:25:20 on 10 November, a yaw of + 111.8 degrees at 00:29:38 and a final roll of +120.5 degrees at 00:34:56. The initial approach was at 24.3 degrees to the local vertical. The altitude marking radar was enabled at 00:56:16, and issued its 100-km slant-range mark at 00:57:57.038. The delay to the initiation of the braking manoeuvre was specified as 5.875 seconds.

The verniers ignited precisely on time, and the retro-rocket 1.1 seconds later. At that time the vehicle was travelling at 8,460 ft/sec. The RADVS was switched on at 00:58:05.798. The acceleration switch noted the peak thrust of 9,700 pounds fall to 3,500 pounds at 00:58:43.397, indicating a burn duration of 39.4 seconds. After allowing time for the solid rocket thrust to tail off, the verniers were throttled up to their maximum thrust at 00:58:53.297 for a duration of 2 seconds, during which the motor was jettisoned. At burnout, the angle between the vehicle’s thrust vector and velocity vector was 26 degrees. The RADVS-controlled phase of the flight began at 00:58:57.737, when the slant range was 40,574 feet (and because the velocity vector at burnout was offset to vertical, the altitude was 36,625 feet) and the total velocity was 515 ft/sec (and since the vehicle had maintained its thrust along the velocity vector extant at the time of retro ignition, the longitudinal rate was 463 ft/sec). The vehicle immediately aligned the thrust axis along the velocity vector extant at retro burnout and flew with the verniers at 0.9 lunar gravity, very slowly accelerating as it descended. When the altimeter locked on at 00:58:59.892, at a slant range of 35,924 feet, attitude control was switched from inertial to radar and the thrust axis was swung in line with the instantaneous velocity vector to initiate the gravity turn. On intercepting the ‘descent contour’ at 00:59:21.276, the slant range was 24,730 feet and the speed was 552 ft/sec. By the 1,000-foot mark at 01:00:40.534, the vehicle was descending very nearly vertically at 106 ft/sec. The 10-ft/sec mark was issued at 01:00:57.634 at a height of 50 feet.

On receiving the 14-foot mark at 01:01:04.133, the flight control system cut the verniers. At that time the rate of descent was 4.6 ft/sec. After falling freely for 1.3 seconds, the vehicle touched down at 01:01:05.467 with a vertical rate of 11.2 ft/sec. Foot pad no. 1 made contact first, then legs no. 2 and 3 some 25 and 40 milliseconds later, respectively. It rebounded slightly, then settled, with the lateral rate of 1.0 ft/ sec in the direction of leg no. 1 causing each pad to produce a pair of overlapping imprints. The gyroscopes indicated that it was within 1 degree of local vertical. It was a perfect landing!

The verniers had consumed 8.4 pounds of propellant in the midcourse manoeuvre, 41.1 pounds in the retro phase of the descent and 96.8 pounds in the vernier phase – a total of 146.3 pounds of the initial propellant load of 182.6 pounds. The total time spent under RADVS control was 2 minutes 6 seconds, with 1 minute 43 seconds of that flying the descent contour. In contrast, in its improvised descent Surveyor 5 had spent just 62 seconds under RADVS control. In order to have their full functionality available in the event of attempting a ‘lift off and translation’ experiment, it had been decided not to lock the legs as part of the post-landing sequence.

The first 200-line picture was sent at 01:50, and this 24-frame survey of the arc between foot pads no. 2 and 3 continued to 02:35. At an elevation of 3 degrees, the

Sun was barely above the horizon. At 02:55 the solar panel began to scan in azimuth for the Sun, and located it at 03:19. With the landing site at the centre of the Moon’s disk, Earth near the zenith and the vehicle upright, the alignment of the high-gain antenna was simple. It locked on at 03:40. The first 600-line picture was transmitted at 04:02. This camera was the first to have the new box-shaped hood, the mirror of which could seal the aperture to prevent dust or efflux from penetrating the optical system during landing.

The first 360-degree wide-angle panorama was completed by 05:00 and showed a relatively smooth, heavily cratered plain, but there was a feature on the southeastern horizon which, in the low-angle illumination, looked as if it might be a ridge. When this was examined again on Goldstone’s second pass, with the Sun about 13 degrees higher, this identification was confirmed and a series of narrow-angle pictures were taken to record it in detail. The ridge was identified in Lunar Orbiter 2 frame M-113, and when the individual features visible to the lander were located on H-121 by that

The camera for Surveyor 6 showing the mirror closed (left) and open (right).

orbiter the lander proved to be 10.5 km from the aim point. In high-resolution orbital imagery, the ridge was seen to be 40 km long and to zig-zag generally east-to- west with its individual segments ranging from 300 metres to 2 km in length. It vanished about 1 km southwest of the lander. The base of the nearest section of the ridge was 200 metres from the lander, it was several hundred metres wide and its crest rose about 30 metres above the adjacent plain.

To improve visibility of the surface beneath the vernier engines, Surveyor 6 was provided with three convex mirrors instead of two. Its orientation on the surface was determined by star sightings. Like its predecessor, it had a magnet on foot pad no. 2 to study the concentration of magnetic particles in the surface material. The colour filters had been superseded by polarising filters, and pictures were taken of selected areas during successive Goldstone sessions to build up a dataset in which the Sun’s elevation changed at intervals of about 13 degrees, and thus measure the variation of the polarised component of surface reflection as a function of solar phase angle; the results proved to be insignificant, however.

The fragments displaced and ejected by the foot pads were composed primarily of aggregates of fine-grained material, and in many cases included small bright rock chips. In the immediate vicinity of the lander there were fewer fragments exceeding 2 cm in size than at the other sites, but a greater number smaller than this size. There was also a relative paucity of blocks within 50 metres of the lander – there were only six larger than 20 cm, and the largest was about 50 cm in size. Some were tabular, resembling the layered rocks seen by Surveyor 3 in its medium-sized crater. Most of the fragments within this range were subangular to subrounded, and although many were resting on the surface others were partially buried.

On the plain, craters up to about 150 metres in diameter generally possessed low subdued rims, but some were rimless. The fact that the smallest craters observed by Surveyor 6 on the plain to possess blocky rims exceeded this size indicated that the fragmental debris layer was up to 20 metres thick. For one crater the rim was not actually visible to the lander, just the associated field of blocks. This was visible in high-resolution Lunar Orbiter pictures, which also showed a bench in the wall of the crater at a depth of about 20 metres that could have marked the contact between the fragmental debris layer and the substrate.

In contrast, the lander observed a crater on the flank of the ridge about 30 metres in diameter and one on the crest of 20 metres diameter with blocky rims, indicating that the fragmental debris layer on the ridge was only 8 to 10 metres in thickness. On the crest to the south of the lander there was a crater 180 metres in diameter that was littered with blocks ranging up to 3 metres in size. In the high-resolution Lunar Orbiter pictures, it was possible to see blocks up to 6 metres in size elsewhere on the ridge. The coarse blocks within strewn fields were angular and faceted, and mostly appeared to be exposed on the surface. In terms of small craters, the size-frequency distribution on the ridge was comparable to that of the plain at the landing site. But a close inspection of the lander’s pictures and the high-resolution orbital imagery indicated there to be many more coarse blocks on the ridge than on the adjacent plain – in this respect the ridge was similar to other examples of wrinkles, suggesting that it was representative. The origin of the ridge was disputed. One idea was that it marked where lava had extruded from a fracture (a dyke) and solidified in place. If

A picture of Sinus Medii taken by the 100-inch reflector of the Mount Wilson Observatory. The outline shows the area covered by the next illustration.

this were the case, then the ridge could have formed at any time since the lava flow that made the plain. But there was no evidence in the cratering to suggest that the ridge was significantly younger than the plain. Another theory was that such ridges were produced when a mare plain was deformed by compressional stress. In this case, the manner in which the ridge zig-zagged suggested that its formation was controlled by regional structures. Such stresses could have been imposed at any time after the formation of the mare. The fact that the fragmental debris layer on the ridge was thinner than on the plain was explicable by the slow but progressive flow of loose material downslope. The profusion of large blocks on the crest was certainly consistent with such ‘mass wastage’. The effect was to smooth the transition between the plain and the ridge. Indeed, in frame H-121 provided by Lunar Orbiter 2 it was difficult to precisely identify the outline of the ridge.

The experiment in which Surveyor 1 pulsed a cold-gas attitude control thruster to study surface erosion had been inconclusive, so Surveyor 6 was to repeat this test by firing a thruster continuously. Since any disturbance of the surface would be subtle, the test was made on 11 November, while the Sun was still low in the east to maximise shadow detail in the impingement area. The downward-aimed thruster on leg no. 2 was fired at 03:23 for 4 seconds, and again at 03:47 for 60 seconds. The ground beneath it was surveyed by the camera prior to, between and after the firings. The nozzle was 10.4 cm above the surface and inclined at 24 degrees to the lander’s vertical axis. Both firings displaced fine grains and individual clumps, and produced

A portion of frame M-113 taken by Lunar Orbiter 2 on 22 November 1966 which shows the relative positions of the Surveyor 6 landing site and the nearby ridge.

partial erosion of some of the clumps that were too large to be moved. The radius of disturbance was 15 cm for the 4-second firing, and 25 cm for the 60-second firing. The fact that no crater was formed implied that the dimple beneath the mildly pulsed jet on Surveyor 1 had been coincidental.

Surveyor 6 was equipped with an alpha-particle instrument. This was powered up at 05:38 on 10 November. After two 10-minute calibrations of the standard sample between 05:41 and 06:21, activity was suspended for 3.5 hours in order to allow TV surveys to be conducted before the Moon set for Goldstone. Calibration of the alpha-scattering instrument resumed when Canberra took over. A total of 318 minutes had been obtained by 21:00, and at 21:18 Madrid commanded the head to deploy ready to measure the background. The first session began at 21:37, and lasted 33 minutes. Then operations reverted to Goldstone, which undertook TV work. The background measurements resumed at 05:00 on 11 November, and a total of 367 minutes of data had been obtained by 12:07. These operations were allowed more time than in the case of Surveyor 5, whose preliminaries had been abbreviated. The head was finally lowered to the surface at 12:08, some 35 hours into the surface mission. The sample was undisturbed surface. There were few fragments exceeding

Many of the features visible to the Surveyor 6 lander could be identified in frame H-121 taken by Lunar Orbiter 2. The position of the lander in the overhead view is indicated by the arrow (although it was not present when the picture was taken).

several millimetres in size, and the largest in the sampled area was about 1.5 cm in size. Some 7.2 hours of data had been obtained by 23:00, when the instrument was switched off in order to resume TV work. Data collection resumed at 07:48 on 12 November, and a total of 15.7 hours of data had been obtained by 19:55. Activity had to cease at 23:39, when the head exceeded its maximum operating temperature of 50°C. The instrument was off through local noon, but was able to resume sampling at 16:50 on 16 November, when the Sun’s elevation had decreased to 79 degrees and the shadow cast by the solar panel allowed the head to cool. By the time the instrument was switched off at 03:30 on 17 November a total of 30.5 hours had been obtained.

Surveyor 6 was to investigate further how the lunar surface was affected by rocket exhaust. The static vernier firing by Surveyor 5 had produced both viscous erosion and gas diffusion erosion – the latter resulting from the fact that the pressure on the surface was relieved suddenly as the engines were cut off whilst the vehicle was still on the surface. In the case of Surveyor 6, the engines were to deliver a greater thrust and for longer to emphasise viscous erosion, and because such a burn would lift the vehicle off the ground the pressure on the surface would be relieved slowly and thus minimise the disruptive effects of gas diffusion. And since the vehicle was to lift off, it had been decided to impart a horizontal displacement so that upon touchdown the camera would be able to view the original imprints made by the foot pads and the erosional effects of firing the verniers.




The dynamics of Surveyor 6’s ‘hop’ as indicated by the axial strain gauges on the shock absorbers of the legs.

This ‘liftoff and translation’ was scheduled for 17 November. As a preliminary, high-resolution pictures were taken to document the state of the area immediately in front of the camera. As the Sun was high in the sky, the solar panel and high-gain antenna were temporarily repositioned to shade and cool the engines to a permissible

Detail of the viscous erosion effects of the efflux from vernier no. 2 as Surveyor 6 performed its ‘hop’.

pre-ignition temperature. At 08:00 the flight control system was powered up for 35 minutes to verify its status. When the solar panel was stowed in order to prevent its being damaged by the stresses of the manoeuvre, this placed the vehicle on battery power. As the camera installed between legs no. 2 and 3 was on the east side of the vehicle, the flight control system was to fire vernier no. 1 at a lower thrust than the other two engines to make the vehicle lift off inclined at an angle of 7 degrees in the direction of foot pad no. 1, thereby displacing the vehicle to the west whilst causing the material eroded from the surface to be displaced preferentially in the opposite direction. Afterwards, the camera should have a good view of the erosional effects. At 09:46 the flight control system was reactivated, and at 10:32:02 the verniers were ignited and throttled to deliver a total thrust of 150 pounds. The intended period of firing was 2.0 seconds, but the cutoff failed and by the time the backup command took effect a total of 2.5 seconds had elapsed. The manoeuvre consumed 1.5 pounds of propellant. Once the telemetry had been examined to verify the systems, the solar panel and high-gain antenna were redeployed, and within 35 minutes photography had resumed.

The ‘hop’ lasted about 6 seconds, peaked at a height of 12.5 feet, and ended about 8 feet from the initial position in a direction slightly north of west. The vertical rate on making contact with the surface was 12.3 ft/sec, and the horizontal rate was 1.8 ft/sec – which was greater than that of the original landing and caused the foot pads to displace material as ejecta. The post-hop pictures showed the double imprints of pads no. 2 and 3 and the single imprints of the crushable blocks on those legs made at the time of the lander’s arrival. But because the vehicle rolled 5.5 degrees in an anticlockwise direction around its main axis during the hop the imprints of pad no. 1 ended up beneath crushable block no. 3 and thus were not visible for inspection. The imprint of the alpha-scattering head in between legs no. 2 and 3 was obliterated by the blast. At the initial landing, the verniers had been cut off at a height of 12 feet to minimise disturbing the surface, but for the hop they had been fired at even greater

A section of a panorama taken by Surveyor 6 after its ‘hop’, showing the original imprints and the erosional effects of firing the verniers. (Courtesy of Philip J. Stooke, adapted from International Atlas of Lunar Exploration, 2007)

thrust within a foot of the ground. Nevertheless, there was no evidence of explosive cratering – the surface was sufficiently cohesive to resist bearing capacity failure at the imparted gas pressure. Furthermore, although in the case of Surveyor 6 the pressure of the gas on the surface from firing the verniers was thrice that of the static test by Surveyor 5 and the higher pressure would have increased the diffusion into the surface, the rate at which the gas pressure on the surface declined as the vehicle rose was sufficiently slow to inhibit the gas diffused into the surface from escaping violently, with the result that the gas diffusion erosion was no worse than the static test. However, viscous erosion blew dark subsurface material across the undisturbed surface, and there was a striking pattern of fine rays radiating from below where the verniers had been when they ignited. Most of the displaced material was from where the surface had been previously disturbed by the foot pads and crushable blocks. The fact that 1-2-cm fragments left dark trails as they rolled on the undisturbed surface was evidence that the lighter-toned surface material was at most several millimetres thick. Some larger fragments were ejected on ballistic trajectories. One clod of fine­grained material splattered the photometric target on omni-directional antenna boom ‘B’, almost obscuring its pattern.

When Surveyor 6 arrived, the magnet on foot pad no. 2 had made no contact with the surface material. No changes were observed after firing the cold-gas thruster on that leg. But when pad no. 2 came into contact with the surface following the hop it penetrated to a depth of 10 cm, bounced and came to rest about 12 cm away, thereby not only leaving an overlapping imprint for the soil mechanics team to study but also finally giving the magnet scientists a coating of material to examine. The horizontal displacement from the hop also provided the camera with a baseline for stereoscopic

Two views of the photometric calibration chart on omni-directional boom ‘B’ of Surveyor 6, showing the lunar surface material which coated it during the ‘hop’.

imaging. Later photogrammetric analysis enabled an extremely detailed topographic map to be produced extending out about 50 metres from the lander.

After the hop, the sensor head was observed to have come to rest upside down! It was switched on at 12:48 on 17 November and found to be too hot, so was turned off again at 12:52 and allowed to cool before undergoing a test to determine whether it could provide any worthwhile data in this orientation – it could monitor solar wind protons bathing the lunar surface, and was operated in this manner for a total of 13 hours between 18 to 20 November and 22 to 24 November, with this experiment concluding at sunset. The alpha-scattering instrument operated for a total of 108.3 hours during which it provided 59 hours of science data, but only 30.5 hours of this was of the surface material and 10 per cent of the data was rejected because it had a low signal to noise ratio – which left 27 hours of surface data for integration.

In the case of Surveyor 5, whose ad hoc descent had required the retro-rocket to operate to within 4,200 feet of the ground, it was conceivable that the aluminium abundance measured by the alpha-scattering instrument was inflated by efflux from the solid-propellant rocket motor. But Surveyor 6 jettisoned its motor at a height of 35,000 feet and measured essentially the same abundances, and this implied that the Surveyor 5 data was valid. The analyses at the two sites suggested that the elements in the lunar surface material were in the form of oxides, and formed compounds and minerals that were familiar on Earth. It was not pristine material condensed from the solar nebula. As in the case of Earth, the Moon has undergone significant chemical differentiation. Although it was concluded that the maria were of a basaltic composition, the data was insufficient to identify the particular type of basalt. The observations of the magnets on these landers were consistent with the fine-grained material being pulverised basalt with little (if any) admixed meteoritic iron.

On 19 November the oxidiser part of the vernier propulsion system developed a leak, possibly owing to the degradation of a rubber o-ring seal. This automatically opened the helium regulator to top up the pressure, which was impossible – with the result that by 25 November both the oxidiser and helium had been completely lost. This leak pre-empted a tentative plan to perform a second hop.

With sunset imminent, the lander recharged its battery to sustain itself through the lunar night. At 16:08 on 22 November the shock absorbers of the legs were locked in order to preclude the deflections suffered by Surveyor 5 when its unlocked legs relaxed upon being chilled.

Sunset was at 13:53 on 24 November. Over the next 6 hours, pictures were taken using the polarising filters to study the solar corona. Between 16:23 and 16:50, and between 19:05 and 19:28, pictures were also taken of foot pad no. 2 illuminated by Earthshine. At 19:03, at the start of the final 10-minute corona exposure, the upper limb of the Sun was about 10 solar radii below the horizon. Camera activity ended at 20:04. It sent some 14,500 pictures prior to the liftoff and translation experiment and by the time it was switched off it had provided a total of 29,952 pictures. The final data from the alpha-scattering instrument on the protons impinging on the Moon was obtained 4 hours after sunset. Temperature monitoring was concluded at 06:41 on 26 November, after 41 hours – it had been hoped to obtain 130 hours of such

A picture of the ‘horizon glow’ phenomenon taken by Surveyor 6 at 14:25 GMT on 24 November 1967, about half an hour after sunset. The sketch shows the position of the solar disk in relation to the horizon and the ‘beads’ at that time. The position of the Sun was determined in relation to the marked stars, the magnitudes of which are indicated beside the circles. The grid coordinates are relative to the digital frame. The diffuse glow is the solar corona.

data, but a problem involving the bimetallically activated switches in the thermally controlled compartments obliged the lander to hibernate early.

Surveyor 6 provided the first measurements of the polarisation of the solar corona out to 30 solar radii, which was several times further than was attainable for a solar eclipse seen from Earth. Pictures taken during the first hour after sunset revealed a surprising ‘horizon glow’. This consisted of a number of glowing segments along a 5- degree arc due west. As the Sun passed progressively further beneath the horizon, these disappeared in groups. Whilst the later exposures were longer than the initial ones in which the band of light was prominent, it had completely disappeared by the time the centre of the solar disk (which spans about half a degree) was 1.2 degrees below the horizon. In fact, this phenomenon had been photographed by Surveyor 1, but it was not recognised until after the Surveyor 6 discovery. One speculation was that the glow was the diffraction of sunlight by fine-grained material on the surface at the horizon. Another idea was forward scattering by particles possessing a mean size of less than 10 microns that were electrostatically levitated a fraction of a metre above the ground at the horizon. ft was impossible to draw a firm conclusion on the data available.

An attempt to awaken Surveyor 6 on 13 December was unsuccessful. Contact was re-established at 16:41 on 14 December, but was lost 3 hours later. Efforts to revive the lander continued until 21 December, and were then abandoned since sunset was once again imminent.