As William Herschel was passing sunlight through a prism in 1800, he found that heat was refracted just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum, so he named this infrared radiation. The Estonian physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck discovered in 1821 that if two wires of different metal are made into a loop by soldering their ends together, then an electric current will flow if the joins are at different temperatures. In 1856 Charles Piazzi Smyth utilised such a thermocouple to detect solar infrared reflecting off the Moon. Laurence Parsons inherited the 72-inch reflecting telescope built by his father at Birr Castle in Ireland. ft was the largest telescope in the world at that time. The common view was that since the airless lunar surface was exposed to the intense cold of space, it simply must be covered by ice. fn fact, S. Ericsson of Norway had proposed in 1869 that the lunar landscape was shaped by glaciation. fn 1870 Parsons equipped his telescope with a thermocouple and found that at lunar noon the temperature of the equatorial zone – where the Sun would pass close to the zenith – exceeded that of the boiling point of water, which indicated that the surface could not be ice. Measurements of the angle of polarisation of the surface published by M. Landerum in 1890 confirmed that it could not be ice. Despite the measured high temperatures at lunar noon, P. J.H. Fauth in Germany endorsed the idea that the landscape was shaped by glaciation, and in 1913 he and Hans Horbiger announced the highly unorthodox theory that ice was the essence of the cosmos! However, the vapour pressure of ice would cause it to sublime in the vacuum. ff ice were indeed present, it would have to be subterranean. fn 1916 Pierre Puiseux in Paris pointed out that if ice were present in the amounts claimed by Fauth, then it should be most evident at high latitudes where the Sun did not rise far above the horizon – yet there were no polar caps. Nevertheless, W. H. Pickering speculated that there might be ice at the summits of lunar peaks. The outcome of these studies was therefore that the majority of the surface was not ice.
fn 1930 Edison Pettit and Seth B. Nicholson put a thermocouple on the 100-inch reflector on Mount Wilson, which at that time was the largest telescope in the world, and discovered that the surface temperature in the equatorial zone varied by several hundred degrees during the monthly cycle. At the onset of a lunar eclipse in 1939 they measured the temperature plunge by 120°C in the space of an hour as the Moon entered the Earth’s shadow. This implied that the material on the surface was poor at retaining heat. On making more sophisticated measurements, they found that at the equator the temperature was +101°C at noon, fell to -39°C at sunset and -160°C at midnight. fn 1948 A. J. Wesselink in Holland inferred from these cooling rates that the Moon could not be exposed solid rock but must be covered by a blanket of loose material.
After the Second World War, the Moon was investigated at radio wavelengths. fn 1946 Robert H. Dicke and Robert Beringer in America detected thermal emission from the Moon at a microwave wavelength of 1.25 cm. Using the same wavelength, in 1949 J. H. Piddington and H. C. Minnett in Australia measured the temperature of the whole disk at a variety of phases over three lunations. The variation proved to be less extreme than it was at infrared wavelengths. The fact that the radio temperature lagged behind the optical phase of the Moon by 3.5 days suggested the presence of a thin insulating layer with low thermal conductivity. fn 1950 John Conrad Jaeger in Australia matched materials to the microwave observations made by Piddington and Minnett. Agreeing with Wesselink’s inference of loose material, Jaeger argued for a layer of ‘dust’, typically only several millimetres thick, resting on top of a granular material. Observations of lunar eclipses on 29 January 1953 and 18 January 1954 at microwave wavelengths by the US Naval Research Laboratory implied that only the uppermost part of the surface underwent a large variation in temperature. This was consistent with a thin layer of dust on a loose granular material. In 1962 J. F. Denisse in France announced that for wavelengths exceeding 30 cm there was no variation in temperature over the monthly cycle.
Taken together, these investigations indicated that whereas an optical telescope fitted with a thermocouple measured the temperature of the surface itself, the radio temperatures were averages for granular material to depths corresponding to several times the wavelength. The constancy at wavelengths greater than 30 cm implied that the material in the uppermost metre or so was such a poor conductor of heat that even when the Sun was at the zenith its heat did not penetrate that far. And at night, although the surface rapidly radiated away the heat it had gained during the day, the poor conductivity of the deeper material served to insulate it. The temperature at a depth of about one metre was estimated to be a constant -40°C. Candidates for the uppermost metre of material were a porous volcanic rock like pumice or a granular conglomerate. A colloquium held in Dallas, Texas, in 1959 concluded that the fine dust that formed the actual surface was probably of meteoritic origin. It was initially believed that the Moon is particularly bright at its ‘full’ phase due to there being no shadows in view – the objects at the centre of the disk cast no shadows, and objects away from the centre mask their shadows to terrestrial observers. But the absence of appreciable darkening of the limb proved to be a result of the fact that the surface ‘scatters’ more light back towards its source than it does in other directions. It was inferred from this that the material at the surface was a porous vacuum-sintered dust, and that sunlight which penetrated a ‘cavity’ was not absorbed but reflected back out towards its source.
In 1955 Thomas Gold, an astronomer with a wide-ranging interest who was then at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in England, proposed that particles of dust on the lunar surface would become electrically charged by the harsh ionising ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, and that in making the grains of dust repel each other this would cause them to flow remorselessly ‘down hill’ and collect in low-lying areas. Tests using powdered cement in a vacuum had shown that this tended to form fragile ‘fairy castle’ structures full of voids, which was consistent with the inference that the surface material was porous. Gold claimed that the maria were accumulations of dust, possibly several kilometres thick, and were of low albedo because the dust had been darkened through exposure to radiation. But whilst dust moving down hill could bury craters in low-lying terrain, it could not explain the missing ‘seaward’ wall of a crater such as Le Monnier on the margin of Mare Serenitatis, nor the dark floors of Archimedes sitting on elevated terrain or Plato embedded in the lunar Alps.
A. Deutsch in Leningrad suggested in 1961 that there might be life in the granular material where the temperature was constant, and that it lived off gases leaking from the interior. Expanding on this, Carl Sagan in America speculated that if the granular material were tens of metres deep, then it might contain a considerable amount of ice and organic material.
As the space age dawned, therefore, there were already interesting insights and speculations into the nature of the lunar surface material.