Aircraft Flight Control: Beginnings to the 1950s

Early aviation pioneers gradually came to realize that an effective flight control system was necessary to control the forces and moments act­ing on an aircraft. The creation of such a system of flight control was one of the great accomplishments of the Wright brothers, who used a
combination of elevator, rudder, and wing warping to achieve effective three-axis flight control in their 1903 Flyer. As aircraft became larger and faster, wing warping was replaced by movable ailerons to control motion around the roll axis. This basic three-axis flight control system is still used today. It enables the pilot to maneuver the aircraft about its pitch, yaw, and roll axes and, in conjunction with engine power adjust­ments, to control velocity and acceleration as well. For many genera­tions after the dawn of manned, controllable powered flight, a system of direct mechanical linkages between the pilot’s cockpit controls and the aircraft’s control surfaces was used to both assist in stabilizing the aircraft as well as to change its flight path or maneuver. The pilot’s abil­ity to "feel” the forces being transmitted to his flight controls, especially during rapid maneuvering, was critically important, because many early aircraft were statically unstable in pitch with the pilot having to exert a constant stabilizing influence with his elevator control. Well into the First World War, many aircraft on both sides of the conflict had poor stability and control characteristics, issues that would continue to chal­lenge aircraft designers well into the jet age. Wartime experience showed that adequate stability and positive aircraft handling qualities, coupled with high performance (as exemplified by parameters such as low wing loading, high power-to-weight ratio, and good speed, turn, and climb rates) played a major role in success in combat between fighters.

By the Second World War, electrically operated trim tabs located on aerodynamic control surfaces and other applications of electrical con­trol and actuation were emerging.[1101] However, as aircraft performance increased and airframes grew larger and heavier, it became increas­ingly harder for pilots to maneuver their aircraft because of high aero-

dynamic forces on the control surfaces. World War II piston engine fighters were extremely difficult to maneuver in pitch and roll and often became uncontrollable as compressibility effects were encountered as speeds approached about Mach 0.8. The introduction of jet propulsion toward the later stages of the Second World War further exacerbated this controllability problem. Hydraulically actuated fight control sur­faces were introduced to assist the pilot in moving the control surfaces at higher speeds. These "boosted” control surface actuators were con­nected to the pilot’s flight controls through a system consisting of cables, pulleys, and cranks, with hydraulic lines now also being routed through the airframe to power the control surface actuators.[1102]

Подпись: 10With a boosted flight control system, the pilot’s movements of the cockpit flight controls opens or closes servo valves in the hydraulic sys­tem, increasing or decreasing the hydraulic pressure powering the actu­ators that move the aircraft control surfaces. Initially, hydraulic boost augmented the force transmitted to the control surfaces by the pilot; such an approach is referred to as partial boost. However, fully boosted flight controls quickly became standard on larger aircraft as well as on those aircraft requiring high maneuverability at high indicated airspeeds and Mach numbers. The first operational U. S. jet fighter, the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star, used electric pitch and roll trim and had hydraulically boosted ailerons to provide roll effectiveness at higher airspeeds. The first jet-powered U. S. bomber to enter production, the four-engine North American B-45, flew for the first time in March 1947. It had hydraulically boosted flight control surfaces and an electrically actuated trim tab on the elevator that was used to maintain longitudinal trim. Despite their undeniable benefits, boosted flight control systems could also produce unanticipated hazards. The chief test pilot for the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory of what was then the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Herbert "Herb” Hoover, was killed in the crash of a B-45 on August 14, 1952, when the aircraft disintegrated during a test mission near Barrowsville, VA.[1103]

As a NASA report noted: "The aerodynamic power of the trim-tab – elevator combination [on the B-45] was so great that, in the event of an inadvertent maximum tab deflection, the pilot’s strength was insuf­ficient to overcome the resulting large elevator hinge moments if the hydraulic boost system failed or was turned off. Total in-flight destruc­tion of at least one B-45, the aircraft operated by NACA, was probably caused by this combination of circumstances that resulted in a normal load factor far greater than the design value.”[1104]

Подпись: 10The Air Force/NACA Bell XS-1 rocket-powered research aircraft was equipped with an electrically trimmed adjustable horizontal stabilizer. It enabled the pilot to maintain pitch control as the conventional eleva­tor lost effectiveness as the speed of sound was approached.[1105] Using this capability, U. S. Air Force (USAF) Capt. Chuck Yeager exceeded Mach 1 in level flight in the XS-1 in October 1947, followed soon after by a North American XP-86 Sabre (although in a dive). Hydraulically boosted controls and fully movable horizontal tails were rapidly implemented on operational high-performance jet aircraft, an early example being the North American F-100.[1106] To compensate for the loss of natural feed­back to the pilot with fully boosted flight controls, various devices such as springs and bob weights were integrated into the flight control sys­tem. These "artificial feel” devices provided force feedback to the pilot’s controls that was proportional to changes in airspeed and acceleration. Industry efforts to develop boosted fight control surfaces directly ben­efited from NACA flight-test efforts of the immediate postwar period.