Thrones learned to build bridges

Thrones learned to build bridges

Since July, 2012 the Institute of dynamic systems and management of the Federal higher school of Zurich (ETH Zurich) conducts the Aerial Construction project which purpose is studying of possibilities of creation of designs of different complexity by flying devices. This research is on a joint of several disciplines and demands development of non-standard systems, the advanced digital design and construction processes.

Flying devices possess a set of advantages in comparison with traditional construction cars. One of their main features is possibility to reach any point in space over earth level. But when developing such devices there are problems – their loading capacity is too small, and accuracy of moving also leaves much to be desired.

Therefore for the first serious project within researches the problem of creation of the rope bridge was chosen. This task is capable to show advantages of thrones, and thus quite on forces. After all here it is not necessary to move many weights. And the rope bridge belongs to designs with stretching loadings and does not demand ultrahigh accuracy in construction.

Except for anchor points from both parties of a design, the bridge completely consists of being stretched elements. All connections are collected only by pair of thrones. As a result flying devices could construct the bridge in length of 7,4 m which more than 120 m consist of nine rope segments with total length of a rope. In a design different elements, including knots, loops, wattled plaits are used.

Thrones are equipped with the motorized coils which allowed to regulate degree of a tension of a rope. By the way, here the simple rope, and special the Dyneema brands which differs in very small weight and high durability is used not. Such material is ideally suited for air construction.

Thrones coped the computer to which data on their current location were transferred. The computer, considering coordinates of flying builders, coordinated their efforts. You see result. Dream on the subject of application of practices of researchers also can.