In addition to the "numbered" experiments formally approved by the Research Airplane
Committee, the X-15s carried several other experiments that were often funded by the FRC as part of its own normal research activities.
Everything about aviation. Aviation News from around the world. Commercial and General Aviation, airports, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
Everything about aviation. Aviation News from around the world. Commercial and General Aviation, airports, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
Everything about aviation. Aviation News from around the world. Commercial and General Aviation, airports, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
Everything about aviation. Aviation News from around the world. Commercial and General Aviation, airports, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft.
In addition to the "numbered" experiments formally approved by the Research Airplane
Committee, the X-15s carried several other experiments that were often funded by the FRC as part of its own normal research activities.