The Wheel

The Navy, an otherwise silent partner, made a notable contribution to flight simulation for the X – 15 program. Primarily, the Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory (AMAL) at NADC Johnsville provided a unique ground simulation of the dynamic environment.-1281

Even prior to the beginning of World War II, researchers recognized that acceleration effects experienced during high-speed flight would require evaluation, and by 1944 the BuAer became convinced that it would require a long-term commitment to understand such effects completely. The centerpiece of what became the AMAL was a new $2,381,000 human centrifuge. Work on the facility at Johnsville began in June 1947, with the McKiernan-Terry Corporation of Harrison, New Jersey, constructing the centrifuge building under the direction of the Office of Naval Research.

The chief of naval operations established the AMAL on 24 May 1949, and during validation of the facility on 2 November 1951, Captain J. R. Poppin, the director of AMAL, became the first human to be tested in the centrifuge.-291

When the facility officially opened on 17 June 1952, it was the most sophisticated of its kind in the world, and was capable of producing accelerations up to 40 g to investigate the reaction of pilots to accelerations. A 4,000-horsepower vertical electric motor in the center of the room drove the centrifuge arm. Depending on the exact requirements of the test, researchers could position a gondola suspended by a double gimbal system at one of several locations along the arm. The outer gimbal permitted rotation of the gondola about an axis tangential to the motion of the centrifuge, while the inner gimbal allowed rotation about the axis at right angles to the tangential motion. Separate 75-horsepower motors connected through hydraulic actuators controlled the angular motions of the gondola, and continuous control of the two axes in combination with rotation of the arm produced somewhat realistic high-g accelerations for the pilot.201

Initially, electromechanical systems controlled the centrifuge since general-purpose computers did not, for all intents, yet exist. In the centrifuge, large Masonite discs called "cams" controlled the acceleration along the three axes. A series of cam followers drove potentiometers that generated voltages to control the various hydraulic actuators and electric motors. The cams had some distinct advantages over manual control: they automated complex motions and allowed precise duplication of the motions. However, the process of cutting the Masonite discs amounted to little more than trial and error, and technicians had to produce many discs for each test.211

Researchers demonstrated the capabilities of the centrifuge in a series of experiments, including a joint Navy-Air Force study during 1956 that revealed that chimpanzees were able to sustain 40 g for 60 seconds. Two years later R. Flanagan Gray of the NADC set a human record of 31.25 g, which he sustained for 5 seconds in the "iron maiden," a water-filled protective apparatus attached 40 feet out on the arm. In 1957 the X-15 program became the first user of the combined human centrifuge and NADC computer facility, marking the initial step in the development of dynamic flight simulation.-1321

The X-15 represented the most extensive, and by far the most elaborate, use of the cams for centrifuge control. Technicians at Johnsville cut the cams based on acceleration parameters defined by researchers at North American. Initially, the tests concentrated on routine flights, measuring the pilot’s reactions to the accelerations. Before long, the tests were expanded to emergency conditions, such as an X-15 returning from a high-altitude mission with a failed pitch damper. The concern was whether the pilot could tolerate the accelerations expected under these conditions, which included oscillations between 0 g and 8 g on a cycle of 0.7 seconds. Other conditions included oscillations between 4 g and 8 g with periods as long as 12 seconds. Researchers found that these conditions represented something near the physiological tolerance of the pilots. Even with the best support apparatus the engineers could provide, the pilots found it difficult to operate the controls, and small, purplish hemorrhages known as petechiae would form on their hands, feet, and back. In one experiment, Scott Crossfield actually blacked out due to a malfunction in his g-suit.-1331

The Wheel

When NADCJohnsville officially opened on 17 June 1952 it was the most sophisticated human centrifuge in the world, capable of producing accelerations up to 40 g to investigate the reaction of pilots to accelerations. The initial runs at Johnsville used a generic cockpit that did not resemble an X-15 at all. During an early series of tests, researchers mounted an oscilloscope in front of the pilot, and asked him to move the gondola to match a trace on the scope. For the first runs, the pilot used a conventional center stick; later tests used a side-stick controller. (U. S. Navy)

With the use of the Masonite disc cam followers, the gondola was able to maintain a programmed and precisely reproducible acceleration pattern. This was a flaw in some people’s minds since the pilot did not influence the motion of the gondola-he was, in effect, a passenger. However, the X – 15 pilot had to maintain precise control while being forced backward or forward under the high accelerations, and it was important to find out how well he could perform. This was especially true during marginal conditions, such as a damper failure during reentry. There were no guidelines for defining the degree of control expected from a pilot under those conditions.-1341

To address this issue, researchers subsequently modified the centrifuge to incorporate responses to pilot input into the preprogrammed acceleration curves. During an early series of tests, researchers mounted an oscilloscope in front of the pilot and asked him to move the gondola to match a trace on the scope. For the first runs the pilot used a conventional center stick; later tests used a side-stick controller. Eventually the complexity of the acceleration patterns moved beyond the capabilities of the Masonite discs and researchers began using punched paper tape, something that found widespread use on early computers. The results of these experiments indicated that under extreme conditions the side-stick controller allowed the pilot to brace his arm against the cockpit side console to maintain better control of the aircraft.-1351

Researchers at Johnsville soon installed a complete X-15 instrument panel in the gondola, with the instruments receiving data from analog computers to emulate the flight profile being "flown" by the centrifuge. These simulations led to a recommendation to rearrange some of the X-15 instruments to reduce eye movement. As acceleration increased, the pilot’s field of view became narrower, and under grayout conditions the pilots could not adequately scan instruments that were normally in their field of view. Moving a few instruments closer together allowed the pilot to concentrate on one area of the instrument panel without having to move his head, an often difficult and occasionally impossible task under heavy g-loading.[36]

Another important conclusion drawn from this set of experiments was that the centrifuge was sufficiently flexible to use as a dynamic flight simulator. To enable this, in June 1957 researchers linked the centrifuge to the Typhoon analog computer, which was generally similar to the units used in the X-15 fixed-base simulators. This made dynamic control possible, and pilots in the centrifuge gondola could actually "fly" the device, simulating the flight characteristics of any selected type of aircraft. The computer output drove the centrifuge in such a manner that the pilot experienced an approximation of the linear acceleration he would feel while flying the X-15 if he made the same control motions. Unfortunately, the centrifuge only had three degrees of freedom (one in the main arm and two in the gondola gimbal system), whereas the X-15 had six degrees of freedom (three of rotation and three of translation). This meant that the angular accelerations were unlike those experienced in flight; however, researchers believed this limitation was of secondary importance. The perceived benefit of simulating even somewhat unrealistic movements was that they could introduce the pilot to the large accelerations he would experience during flight. The computer also drove the cockpit instruments to reflect the "reality" of flight. Engineers had not previously attempted this type of closed-loop simulation (pilot to computer to centrifuge), and it was a far more complex problem than developing the fixed-base simulators. Interestingly, in an experiment that was years ahead of its time, researchers using the X-15 simulation computer at NASA Langley controlled the Johnsville centrifuge over a telephone line on several occasions. The response time from this arrangement was less than ideal because of the low data rates possible at the time, but the overall concept worked surprisingly well.[37]

Certain inadequacies in the X-15 simulation were noted during these initial tests, particularly concerning the computation of aircraft responses at high frequencies, the pilot restraints, and the lack of simulated speed brakes. In May 1958 the Navy modified the centrifuge in an attempt to cure these problems, and researchers completed three additional weeks of X-15 tests on 12 July 1958. During this time the pilots (Neil Armstrong, Scott Crossfield, Iven Kincheloe, Jack McKay, Joe Walker, Al White, and Bob White) and various other personnel, such as Dick Day and Bob Hoey, flew 755 static simulations using the cockpit installed in the gondola but with the centrifuge turned off. The pilots also completed 287 dynamic simulations with the centrifuge in motion. The primary objective of the program was to assess the pilot’s ability to make emergency reentries under high dynamic conditions following a damper failure. The results were generally encouraging, although the accelerations were more severe than those experienced later during actual flight.138

A typical centrifuge run for a high-altitude mission commenced after the pilot attained the exit flight path and a speed of Mach 2, and terminated after the pilot brought the aircraft back to level flight after reentry. During powered flight, the thrust acceleration gradually built up to 4.5 g, forcing the pilot against the seat back. However, the pilot could keep his feet on the rudder pedals with some effort, and still reach the instrument panel to operate switches if required. Researchers also simulated the consequences of thrust misalignment so that during powered flight the pilot would know to apply aerodynamic control corrections with the right-hand side stick and the rudder pedals.-139

At burnout, the acceleration component dropped to zero and the pilot’s head came off the backrest. The pilot attempted to hold the aircraft heading using the ballistic control system. In the design mission, the aircraft would experience less than 0.1 g for about 150 seconds, but the best the centrifuge could do was to remain at rest (and 1 g) during this period since there was no way to simulate less than normal gravity.-139

The Wheel

A 4,000-horsepower vertical electric motor in the center of the room drove the centrifuge arm that had a gondola suspended by a double gimbal system at one of several locations along the arm. The outer gimbal permitted rotation of the gondola about an axis tangential to the motion of the centrifuge; the inner gimbal allowed rotation about the axis at right angles to the tangential motion. Continuous control of the two axes in combination with rotation of the arm produced somewhat realistic high-g accelerations for the pilot in the gondola. Johnsville would gain fame when the Mercury program used the centrifuge for much the same purposes the X-15 had pioneered several years earlier. (U. S. Navy)

As the aircraft descended, the pilot actuated the pitch trim knob and the aerodynamic control stick at about 200,000 feet to establish the desired angle of attack, but continued to use the ballistic control system until the aerodynamic controls became effective. As the dynamic pressure built, the pullout acceleration commenced and the centrifuge began to turn. If the speed brakes were closed, the drag deceleration reached about 1 g. With the speed brakes open, this would increase to 2.8 g for the design mission and about 4 g for a reentry from 550,000 feet. The pilot gradually reduced the angle of attack to maintain the designed g-value until the aircraft was level, at which time the simulation stopped. During reentry, in addition to the drag acceleration, the pilot also experienced 5-7 g of normal acceleration, so the total g-vector was 6-8 g "eyeballs down and forward"-a very undesirable physiological condition.*41

Tests on the centrifuge established that, with proper restraints and anti-g equipment, the pilot of the X-15 could tolerate the expected accelerations. These included such oscillating accelerations as 5 g 2 g at one cycle per second for 10 seconds, which might occur during reentry from 250,000 feet with failed dampers, and 7 g normal and 4 g "into the straps" for 25 seconds, which might occur during reentry from 550,000 feet. The pilots’ ability to tolerate oscillating accelerations was unknown prior to the centrifuge tests, and this information contributed not only to the X-15 but also to Mercury and later space programs.*421

The tests at Johnsville confirmed that a trained pilot could not only tolerate the acceleration levels, he could also perform all tasks reasonably expected of him under those conditions. This was largely due to the North American design of pilot supports and restraints, and the use of side- stick controllers. The accommodations included a bucket seat without padding adjusted in height for each pilot, and arm and elbow rests also fitted for each pilot. Restraints included an integrated harness with the lower ties lateral to the hips to minimize "submarining" and rolling in the seat, a helmet "socket" to limit motion posteriorly, laterally, and at the top, and a retractable front "head bumper" that could be swung down to limit forward motion of the head. When using the speed brakes or when the dampers were off, the pilots generally found it desirable to use the front head bumper. The pilots used the centrifuge program to evaluate two kinematic designs and three grip designs for the side-stick controller before an acceptable one was found. Despite an early reluctance, the pilots generally preferred the side stick to the center stick under dynamic conditions. Researchers quickly established the importance of careful dynamic balancing and suitable breakout and friction forces for the side stick.*431

The centrifuge program also pointed out the need for pilot experience under high-acceleration conditions. For example, pilots who had at least 15 hours of practice on the static simulator at Inglewood and previous high-acceleration experience made five successful dynamic reentries out of five attempts, while pilots with 4-10 hours of simulator time had only seven successes in 15 attempts. Another group of pilots who had less than 4 hours of simulator time or no previous high-acceleration experience made only two successful dynamic reentries out of 14 attempts.

Most of the failures were due to unintentional pilot control inputs, including using the rudder pedals during drag deceleration, roll inputs while making pitch corrections using the center stick because of the lack of arm support, and inadvertent ballistic control system firings due to leaving the left hand on the side-stick during acceleration. The more experienced pilots would detect these unintended control inputs more rapidly than the other pilots, and could correct the mistakes in time to avoid serious consequences.*441

Researchers also evaluated physiological responses in the centrifuge. The drag decelerations of the speed brakes, when combined with the normal pullout loads, increased the blood pressure in the limbs. When the resultant acceleration was below 5 g, there was no particular discomfort; however, when the acceleration was above 7 g (including a drag component of more than 3 g), petechiae were noted in the forearms and ankles, and a tingling, numbness, and in some cases definite pain were noted in the limbs. The symptoms became more severe when a pilot made several centrifuge runs in quick succession, something that would obviously never happen during the X-15 program. One pilot stopped the centrifuge when he experienced severe groin pains because of a poorly fitted harness. In two cases of reentry using open speed brakes, the pilots reported pronounced oculogravic illusions, with the visual field seeming to oscillate vertically and to be doubled vertically for a few seconds toward the end of the reentry. Despite this, Scott Crossfield made nine dynamic runs in one day on the centrifuge, but generally the pilots were limited to two runs on the centrifuge per day.[45]

Despite the demonstrated benefits of a pilot being able to experience the unusually high accelerations produced by the X-15 prior to his first flight, only the initial group of pilots actually benefited from the centrifuge simulations. Later pilots received the surprise of their life the first time they started the XLR99 in the X-15. Granted, the Johnsville accelerations were not a realistic replica of the ones experienced in flight, due to the limitations of the centrifuge concept, but they still provided some high-acceleration experience. As Milt Thompson noted in a paper in 1964:[46]

Prior to my first flight, my practice had been done in a relaxed, head forward position. The longitudinal acceleration at engine light forced my head back into the headrest and prevented even helmet rotation. The instrument-scan procedure, due to this head position and a slight tunnel vision effect, was quite different than anticipated and practiced. The acceleration buildup during engine burn (4-g max) is uncomfortable enough to convince you to shut down the engine as planned. This is the first airplane I’ve flown that I was happy to shut down. Engine shutdown does not relieve the situation, though, since in most cases the deceleration immediately after shutdown has you hanging from the restraint harness, and in a strange position for controlling [the airplane].

The X-15 closed-loop program was the forerunner of centrifuges that NASA built at the Ames Research Center and the Manned Spacecraft Center (later renamed the Johnson Space Center) to support the manned space programs. Perhaps the most celebrated program of AMAL was the flight simulation training for Project Mercury astronauts, based largely on the experience gained during the X-15 simulations. Beginning in June 1959 the seven Mercury astronauts participated in centrifuge simulations of Atlas booster launches, reentries, and abort conditions ranging up to 18 g (transverse) at NADC Johnsville.[47]