To Estonia the American fighter F-22

will arrive To Estonia the American fighter F-22

One of the American fighters F-22 thrown to Poland, should arrive on September 4 to Estonia on Emari’s air base, reports Postimees. The press service of the U.S. Air Force reported about plane arrival, without calling its brand, having at the same time announced «a unique media event».

According to a source to "Lenty.Ra" in Estonian mass media, invitations to "event" are dispatched individually. The press service of the Estonian military man of department also does not give comments concerning plane type.

It is known that on Emari’s air base earlier the American fighters F-16 and attack planes A-10 already landed. The last are developed now there together with the fighters "Typhoon" Air Force of Germany which draw duty as a part of the Baltic air patrol (BVP). Attack planes A-10, in turn, are involved in joint doctrines with Estonian army.

Fighters of the fifth generation arrived for the first time to Europe on August 29. Four F-22A planes arrived from Florida on German air base Shpangdalem. On August 31 two cars from this number were thrown on air base Lask to Poland for check of possibility of placement of planes of this type in NATO airfields in Eastern Europe.

The transfer of planes was carried out within accepted by Washington «Initiatives on ensuring the European safety». It is supposed that planes will stay in Europe to the middle of September. The minister of the U.S. Air Force Deborah Li James declared that this step is reaction to actions of Moscow. «Military activity of Russia in Ukraine continues to cause big concern in us and our European allies», – she told.