Islamic State: between VKS and Hamsin

Islamic State: between VKS and Hamsin

In Syria differently as successful it is impossible to call actions of the Russian aircraft. Fighters of YOKES are compelled to depart from busy positions, liberal mass media accuse forces of the Ministry of Defence of not aim bombings, the USA start to stick to actions of our military. Means, everything we do correctly.

But to conduct operations are not only high-precision betonoboyny bombs to open bunkers with the leaders who have sat down there of terrorists. Any military operation assumes preliminary scheduling of actions. And the good plan surely considers geography of the region to which dropped out to become the arena of operations. In this case – Syria.

Neglect geographical features of the area of operations can cost much. Tens of thousands of French "sharomyzhnik" who have frozen on the way home, can confirm. And Germans remembered a meeting with the general Frost on all remained. There are features and in the Middle East.

On the map of Syria it is enough fleeting glimpse already to draw some conclusions on necessary preparations. Even the most semiliterate charging the American Abrams tank will see that if all country on the card is painted over yellow, means it is necessary to take with itself a hat, a box of Coca-Cola and it is quite good to paint the tank sand color.

Well and in the General Staff people sit more cleverly which and district geography in calculation take, and climate around theater of operations know, and even an arrangement of natural resources consider.

Judge. To force building of base in Latakia as practice showed, it is possible at any time. But why in any when there is a sense to wait the terminations of a summer heat. The army of Russia has the equipment, capable to work in the most severe weather conditions. But it does not mean that it is necessary to choose specially for operation the most extreme season.

Now in Syria, as well as in all northern hemisphere, autumn. The summer heat fell down, the sea breeze pleasantly fans the coast where the Russian aircraft settled down. Everyone who tried to sit down in the car heated up by the sun, understands, as far as it is now more convenient to our pilots.

After autumn the winter will come. At us it is snowdrifts on a belt, and even above. In Syria it is a season of rains. But not all parts of the country waters equally. The coastal plain separated from east part of the country by two narrow ridges, differs quite comfortable level of a precipitation. And further the desert begins. Exactly there the Syrian army with support of our VKS squeezes out terrorists.

Fighters, judging by messages of news agencies, leave Idlib, to Maarret-en-Nuuman, the Boor, suburbs of Homs and move on the South towards Jordan. From under Aleppo and Rakka they leave on the East towards Iraq. But all these settlements are located on desert border. There, in the southeast from the rendered habitable regions of Syria, the season of rains practically is not felt. And without sources of drinking water to be at war extremely difficult. Thirst will give to hunger hundred points forward.

But also it not end. After winter the spring always comes, and with spring Hamsin comes to Syria.

Local winds – result of freakish coincidence of an environment. These winds act on the limited territory, but differ very severe character. Not without reason military so like to call equipment names of local winds.

Behind examples far it is not necessary to go; the French universal landing ships are called in honor of the Mistral – a spring scourge of Provence. Twin-screw American Chinuk helicopters carry them a wind which rages on east slopes of the Rocky Mountains. And the perspective Russian train with intercontinental rockets onboard received the name "Barguzin" in honor of the Baikal wind with the same name.

And here approximately then, when Frenchmen will start to think badly of the Mistral, inhabitants of the Middle East hide on houses and законопачивают all cracks. In the spring across Arabian Peninsula Hamsin walks. This dry and hot wind lifts up sand tons. It becomes difficult to breathe, visibility decreases to a minimum. To be at war in such conditions it is almost unreal. And in the desert it is necessary to make serious efforts simply to survive. All this pleasure from March to May also lasts.

Thus, our and Syrian military have about five months for which it is necessary to turn out all fighters of the Islamic State to the desert and reliably there to seal. Judging by the latest events – will consult.

The Ministry of Defence operates exclusively competently, not only relying on the increased technical power of VKS, but also favourably using an environment. And if the general Frost this time stays at home, colonel Hamsin will play on our party.

Ilya Novitsky