NASA-released transcript of voice communications during MR-3 flight between spacecraft Freedom 7 (Alan Shepard) and CapCom (Deke Slayton) in the Mercury Control Center

Launch communication beginning at

minus 60 seconds:

– 00.01.00 (CapCom):

One minute and counting. Mark.

-00.00.50 (Shepard):


-00.00.45 (CapCom):

Forty-five and counting. Mark.

– 00.00.40 (Shepard):


– 00.00.30 (CapCom):

Firing command, 30. Mark.

– 00.00.25 (Shepard):

Roger… Periscope has retracted.

– 00.00.28 (CapCom):

That is the best periscope we’ve got.

– 00.00.20 (Shepard):

Main bus 24 volts, 26 amps.

– 00.00.15 (CapCom):

15 … 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero. Liftoff.

After liftoff:

Подпись: Ah, Roger. Liftoff, and the clock has started. Okay, Jose, you’re on your way. Roger. Reading you loud and clear. So can I you. This is Freedom Seven. The fuel is go, 1.2 g, cabin at 14 psi, oxygen is go. Understand. Freedom Seven is still go. This is Seven. Fuel is go, 1.8 psi cabin, and the oxygen is go. Cabin Pressure is holding at 5.5. Cabin holding at 5.5. I can understand. Cabin holding at 5.5. Fuel is go, 2.5 g, cabin 5.5, oxygen is go, the main bus is 24, and the isolated battery is 29. Rog. Reading 5.5. Trajectory looks good. Okay, it’s a lot smoother now. A lot smoother. Very good. + 00.00.02 (Shepard):

+ 00.00.05 (CapCom):

+ 00.00.08 (Shepard):

+ 00.00.13 (CapCom):

+ 00.00.25 (Shepard):

+ 00.00.32 (CapCom):

+ 00.00.48 (Shepard):

+ 00.00.58 (Shepard):

+ 00.01.21 (Shepard):

+ 00.01.27 (CapCom):

+ 00.01.33 (Shepard):

+ 00.01.42 (CapCom):

+ 00.01.50 (Shepard):

+ 00.01.56 (CapCom):



After liftoff:

+ 00.02.01 (Shepard):

Seven here. Fuel is go, 4 g, 5.5 cabin, oxygen go. All systems are go.

+ 00.02.09 (CapCom):

All systems go. Trajectory okay.

+ 00.02.15 (Shepard):

5 g.

+ 00.02.22 (Shepard):

Cutoff. Tower jettison green.

+ 00.02.05 (CapCom):


+ 00.02.27 (Shepard):


+ 00.02.32 (Shepard):

Cap sep is green.

+ 00.02.34 (CapCom):

Cap sep comes up.

+ 00.02.35 (Shepard):

Periscope is coming out and the turnaround has started.

+ 00.02.41 (CapCom):


+ 00.02.50 (Shepard):

ASCS is okay.

+ 00.02.53 (Shepard):

Control movements.

+ 00.02.54 (CapCom):


+ 00.03.04 (Shepard):

Okay, switching to manual pitch.

+ 00.03.08 (CapCom):

Manual pitch.

+ 00.03.21 (Shepard):

Pitch is okay.

+ 00.03.24 (Shepard):

Switching to manual yaw.

+ 00.03.29 (CapCom):

I can understand. Manual yaw.

+ 00.03.35 (CapCom):


+ 00.03.42 (Shepard):

Yaw is okay. Switching to manual roll.

+ 00.03.48 (CapCom):

Manual roll.

+ 00.03.55 (Shepard):

Roll is okay.

+ 00.03.57 (CapCom):

Roll okay. Looks good here.

+ 00.03.59 (Shepard):

On the periscope. What a beautiful view.

+ 00.04.03 (CapCom):

I’ll bet it is.

+ 00.04.05 (Shepard):

Cloud cover over Florida. Three-to-four-tenths near the Eastern coast. Obscured up to Hatteras.

+ 00.04.20 (Shepard):

I can see Okeechobee. Identify Andros Island. Identify the reefs.

+ 00.04.28 (CapCom):

Roger. Down to retro: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, retro-angle.

+ 00.04.44 (Shepard):

Start retro sequence. Retro attitude on green.

+ 00.04.49 (CapCom):


+ 00.04.56 (Shepard):

Control is smooth.

+ 00.05.02 (CapCom):

Roger. Understand all going smooth.

+ 00.05.13 (Shepard):

There’s… Retro one. Very smooth.

+ 00.05.15 (CapCom):

Roger. Roger.

+ 00.05.16 (Shepard):

Retro Two.

+ 00.05.23 (Shepard):

Retro three.

+ 00.05.31 (Shepard):

All three retros are fired.

+ 00.05.33 (CapCom):

All right on the button.

+ 00.05.35 (Shepard):

Okay. Three retros have fired. Retro-jettison is back to armed.

+ 00.05.40 (CapCom):

Roger. Do you see the booster?

+ 00.05.45 (Shepard):

No. Negative.

+ 00.05.55 (Shepard):

Switching to fly-by-wire.

+ 00.06.01 (CapCom):

Fly-by-wire. Understand.

+ 00.06.11 (Shepard):

Roll is okay.

+ 00.06.14 (CapCom):


+ 00.06.16 (Shepard):

Roger. Do not have a light.

Understand you do not have a light.

Подпись: (continued) After liftoff: + 00.06.21 (CapCom): + 00.06.25 (Shepard): + 00.06.29 (CapCom): + 00.06.30 (Shepard): + 00.06.34 (CapCom): + 00.06.36 (Shepard): + 00.06.41 (CapCom): + 00.06.49 (Shepard): + 00.06.56 (CapCom): + 00.07.04 (Shepard): + 00.07.09 (CapCom): + 00.07.14 (Shepard): + 00.07.18 (CapCom): + 00.07.25 (Shepard): + 00.07.32 (CapCom): + 00.07.39 (Shepard): + 00.07.44 (CapCom): + 00.08.04 (Shepard): + 00.08.10 (Shepard): + 00.08.21 (Shepard): + 00.08.23 (CapCom): + 00.08.27 (Shepard): + 00.08.36 (Shepard): + 00.08.40 (CapCom): + 00.08.47 (Shepard): + 00.08.51 (Shepard): + 00.08.56 (Shepard): + 00.08.58 (Shepard): + 00.09.05 (Shepard): + 00.09.14 (Shepard): + 00.09.15 (CapCom): + 00.09.18 (Shepard): + 00.09.20 (Shepard): + 00.09.25 (CapCom): + 00.09.35 (Shepard): I do not have a light. I see the straps falling away. I heard a noise. I will use override.


Override used. The light is green.

… retroject.

Ahhh, Roger. Periscope is retracting.

Periscope retracting.

I’m on fly-by-wire. Going to reentry attitude.

Reentry attitude, Roger. Trajectory is right on the button. Okay, Buster. Reentry attitude. Switching to ASCS normal. Roger.

ASCS is okay.


Switching HF for radio check.

Freedom Seven, CapCom. How do you read HF?

Ahhh, Roger. Reading you loud and clear HF, Deke. How me?

Back to UHF

This is Freedom Seven.

G buildup, 3, 6, 9.

Okay, okay.

Coming through loud and clear.



CapCom; your impact will be right on the button.

This is Seven. Okay.

45,000feet now.

Aah, 40,000feet.

I’m back on ASCS.



CapCom; how do you read now?

Loud and clear. 25,000.

Aah, Roger, Deke, read you loud and clear. How me? Switching over to GBI.

Aah, Roger.

CapCom at GBI (Grand Bahama Island) takes over communications:

+ 00.09.39 (Shepard):

The drogue is green at 21[,000]. The periscope is out. The drogue is out.

+ 00.09.48 (Shepard):

Okay at drogue deploy. I’ve got seven zero percent auto – nine zero percent manual. Oxygen is still okay.

+ 00.09.55 (GBI):

Can you read?

+ 00.09.57 (Shepard):

Thirty five. Sixty seconds.

+ 00.10.00 (GBI):

Can you read?

+ 00.10.02 (Shepard):

I read. And the snorkel’s [out] at about 15,000feet.


CapCom at GBI (Grand Bahama Island) takes over communications:

+ 00.10.06 (Shepard)

Emergency flow rate is on.

+ 00.10.08 (Shepard)

Standing by for main.

+ 00.10.15 (Shepard)

Main on green.

+ 00.10.18 (Shepard)

Main chute is reefed.

+ 00.10.22 (Shepard)

Main chute is green. Main chute is coming unreefed and it looks good.

+ 00.10.28 (Shepard):

Main chute is good. Rate of descent is reading about 35 feet per second.

+ 00.10.40 (Shepard):

Hello CapCom. Freedom Seven. How do you read?

+ 00.10.55 (Shepard):

Hello Cardfile 23 [recovery aircraft], this is Freedom Seven. How do you read?

+ 00.11.00 (GBI):

Freedom Seven, this is Indian CapCom. Do you read me?

+ 00.11.03 (Shepard):

Affirmative, Indian CapCom, let me give you a report. I’m at 7,000feet, the main chute is good, the landing bag is on green, my peroxide has dumped, my condition is good.

+ 00.11.22 (GBI):

Roger, Freedom Seven. I understand you’re at 7,000 feet. Your main chute is open. Your… is okay.

+ 00.11.29 (Shepard):

That is affirmative. Please relay.

+ 00.12.36 (Shepard):

Hello Cardfile 23, Cardfile 23, Freedom Seven. Over.

+ 00.12.42 (Cardfile 23):

Aah, Freedom Seven, Freedom Seven. This is Cardfile 23. Over.

+ 00.12.49 (Shepard):

Aah, this is Seven. Relay back to CapCom please. My altitude now 4,000feet, condition as before. The main chute is good, the landing bag has deployed, the periscope has dumped.

+ 00.13.14 (Cardfile 23):

Aah, Rog. Understand… relay.

+ 00.13.50 (Cardfile 23):

CapCom, this Cardfile 23.

+ 00.14.03 (Shepard):

Aah, Cardfile 23. Freedom Seven.

+ 00.14.06 (Cardfile 23):

Cardfile, this is 23.

+ 00.14.09 (Shepard):

I’m about 1,000feet now. The main chute still looks good. The rate of descent is indicating 30 feet per second.

+ 00.14.15 (Slayton):

Ahh, rog.

+ 00.14.43 (Slayton):

Freedom Seven, this is. transmission from. ah. Cape CapCom.

+ 00.14.59 (Shepard):

This is Seven. Go ahead.

+ 00.15.02 (Slayton):

… transmitted this time.

+ 00.15.05 (Shepard):

Negative. Just relaying my condition is still good. I’m getting ready for impact.

+ 00.15.22 [Splashdown]: