Category How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites

Apollo 11

Dates: 16-24 July 1969

Crew: Commander – Neil Armstrong

Command Module Pilot – Mike Collins Lunar Module Pilot – Buzz Aldrin

Command Module Columbia Lunar Module Eagle

Lunar Touchdown: 20 July 1969, 4:10 PM EST Accomplishments: First manned landing on the Moon

J. L. Chen, How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites,

The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06456-7_3, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.1 Apollo 11. Courtesy of NASA

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.2 Apollo 11 Insignia. Courtesy of NASA

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.3 Moon with Sea of Tranquility and Apollo 11 Landing Site. Courtesy of the author

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.4 First Zoom in on Apollo 11 Landing Site. Courtesy of the author

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.5 Second Zoom in on the Apollo 11 Landing Site. Courtesy of the author. (Insert three zoom-in views indicating landing site)

The Apollo 11 Tranquility Base is probably the easiest to identify of all the Apollo landing sites. Mare Tranquillitatis, or the Sea of Tranquility as its commonly known, is in the middle of three roughly circular dark “Sea” areas that are strung together which an observer can see through binoculars or telescope. The Apollo 11 site is located near the southern end of the Sea of Tranquility, in a seemingly flat and clear area of the Moon. Binoculars or spotting scopes will enhance the view. Backyard astronomers with any size (60 mm aperture or greater) telescope can zoom in on the seemingly smooth region where Tranquility Base was established. Although the general area of the Apollo 11 landing zone can be appreciated by the backyard observer, the exact landing area is difficult to pinpoint because of the rela­tively featureless area chosen for the first landing. Three craters in the region of the landing site have been named for Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. These named craters are a challenge for the amateur astronomer, requiring a clear night with a steady atmosphere, 100 mm or greater aperture telescope, and moderately high power to resolve them.

The final landing site for Apollo 11 was selected for a myriad of conservative and safe reasons.

The Sea of Tranquility site was chosen because it had few craters and boulders, and a less than 2° slope in the approach path and landing site. Ironically, the actual mission required Neal Armstrong to fly the LM Eagle over a small crater filled with boulders. There were no large hills, high cliffs, or deep craters at the Tranquility site that could reflect erroneous altitude radar returns to the lunar module landing radar. It is readily apparent from a backyard telescope that the Sea of Tranquility repre­sented a fairly featureless target area. The NASA mission planners tried to select a landing site that required the least expenditure of spacecraft fuel.

The actual landing required extensive maneuvering and resulted in the LM Eagle landing with only 20 seconds of fuel to spare. The Apollo 11 landing, as the first Moon landing, was risky and challenging. Five minutes into the descent burn, and 6,000 feet above the surface of the Moon, the LM navigation and guidance computer generated several unexpected 1201 (“Executive overflow – no vacant areas”) and a 1202 (“Executive overflow – no core sets”) alarms. The Guidance Controller, or GUIDO in NASA parlance, determined it was safe to continue the descent, and this was relayed to the crew. The executive overflows alarms meant the guidance computer could not complete all of its tasks in real time and had to postpone some of them. At the time, the cause for the alarms was diagnosed as the rendezvous radar switch being in the wrong position, which caused the computer to process data from both the rendezvous and landing radars at the same time. Software engineer Don Eyles concluded in a 2005 Guidance and Control Conference paper that the problem was actually due to a hardware design flaw, previously occurring once during testing of the first unmanned LM for Apollo 5. According to design and operational procedures, the rendezvous radar was warmed up in case of an emergency landing abort. The position of the rendezvous radar was encoded with synchros excited by a different timing reference source of 800 Hz AC than the one used by the computer. The two 800 Hz sources were frequency locked, but not phase locked, and small random phase variations made it appear as though the antenna was rapidly “dithering” in position even though it was completely stationary. These phantom shifts generated the rapid series of processing cycle “steals.” The extra spurious cycle stealing, as the rendezvous radar updated a coun­ter, caused the computer alarms. The Apollo onboard flight software for both the CM and LM was developed using an asynchronous executive so that higher priority jobs could interrupt lower priority jobs. The sequence that occurred in the Apollo 11 landing was a successfully executed work around because of the software global error detection and recovery system. This included the restart capability to “kill and start over again”.

A little known fact about the 1201 and 1202 alarms during the final descent was their occurrence close to what NASA insiders referred to as the “Dead Man’s Zone.” Throughout the landing phase of the LM, an emergency abort could be accomplished by firing the ascent engine of the LM and returning to an orbital rendezvous with the CM. However, during the last 3 minutes of the landing approach, there was a 10 seconds block of time where the velocity of descent exceeded the ascent engine’s capability of returning the LM safely. A safe abort could be accomplished 10 seconds prior to or after the Dead Man’s Zone with no consequence. Attempting an abort during this Dead Man’s Zone would cause a total expenditure of the ascent stage fuel to just counteract the descent velocity, resulting in the LM running out of fuel and crashing to the surface of the Moon. The 1201 and 1202 alarms occurred within 20 seconds of the Eagle entering the Dead Man’s Zone. A split second decision by the NASA guidance controller Steve Bales, who knew the Eagle’s proximity to the Dead Man’s Zone, and recognized and ignored the alarms resulted in a successful Apollo 11 landing. Bales was honored after the mission to accept a NASA Group Achievement Award from President Richard Nixon on behalf of the entire mission operations team.

With the recent passing of Neil Armstrong, there has been a discussion about his famous “That’s one small step for Man, one giant leap for Mankind”. For years, Neil Armstrong claimed that his first words included the word “a”, as in “…one small step for a Man.”, especially since the quoted line actually doesn’t make any sense. In 2006, Australian computer expert Peter Shann Ford conducted a computer sound analysis of the radio transmission of Armstrong’s first words from the Moon. The analysis indicated an acoustic wave from the word “a” spoken by Armstrong at a rate of 35 milliseconds. The word “a” was spoken too fast for it to be audible in the transmission, but the analysis confirms that Armstrong actually spoke the line as he had planned.

As an aside, the one small step was not so small. Neil Armstrong’s precise pilot­ing produced a landing that was so gentle, the LM’s shock absorbers did not com­press. Armstrong’s one small step was a leap of 3.5 feet!

Little known by the general public, the original video and telemetry captured by NASA during the first lunar EVAs has been lost. Over the years, the Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) video data tapes of the first steps on the Moon have either been lost, misplaced, or accidentally destroyed. The late 1960s state-of-the-art required a live video signal from the Moon to be 10 frames per second at 320 lines of resolu­tion, hardly high-definition television of today. This video signal was multiplexed in with the telemetry data and transmitted to Earth. In those years, NASA routinely erased and re-used data tapes due to the high cost of the tapes and lack of an alterna­tive archiving medium. NASA made efforts in 2006 to locate any surviving tapes, with some telemetry data tapes with no video being located. What remains are the now-famous low resolution, grainy videos that the television networks captured at the time. It is felt that if the original tapes are ever found, modern up-conversion techniques would yield improved video images.

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.6 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter view of the Apollo 11 Landing Site. Photo courtesy of NASA and Arizona State University

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.7 LRO view of Apollo 11 Landing site. The Lunar Ranging Retro Reflector (LRRR) and the Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) are identifiable in this photo. Photo courtesy of NASA and Arizona State University

The distance to the Moon can be accurately determined by firing an earthbound laser off one of the LRRR’s, left behind by Apollo 11, 14, and 15. The information is used to study lunar recession due to Moon’s interaction with the Earth. The LRRRs are the only experiments currently used today. The PSE was used to provide data on moonquakes and other disturbances to study the Moon’s subsurface structure.

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.8 Mission picture of Astronaut Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity on the Moon. He is standing near the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP). Shown in the foreground is the Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE); beyond is the Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector (LRRR). Photo courtesy of NASA

The EASEP was replaced in later missions with the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP). The EASEP was a very limited science package, primarily because of the limited time allotted for the extravehicular activities of the Apollo 11 crew. The PSE, along with similar seismic monitors of the ALSEP of later Apollo missions, continued collecting data and relaying the information to NASA until 1977, when all six seismic experiments were turned off. To this day, the Apollo 11 LRRR, along with identical LRRRs deployed by the subsequent Apollo missions, remains as the only experiment still active. The LRRR is a passive experiment consisting of a series of corner-cube reflectors. Corner-cube reflectors are a special type of mirror with the property of always reflecting an incoming light beam back in the originating direction. Earthbound lasers aimed at the LRRR receive the reflected laser return to precisely determine the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Over the years of conducting precise measurement data using the Apollo LRRRs, scientists have refined the knowledge base as follows:

1. Improved definition of the Moon’s orbit.

2. The rate the Moon is receding from the Earth is 3.8 cm per year.

3. Discovered variations in the Moon’s rotation, with implications on the size of the Moon’s core.

4. Improved and refined the Earth’s rotational changes, and has given more preci­sion to the precession of Earth’s spin axis.

5. Useful in providing additional proof of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.9 Astronaut Neil Armstrong, at the modular equipment storage assembly (MESA) of the Lunar Module Eagle, on the historic first moon walk on the lunar surface. Interestingly, this is one of the few photographs that shows Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 mission’s time on the Moon. Photo courtesy of NASA

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.10 Here, astronaut Buzz Aldrin is photographed next to the Lunar Module “Eagle.” On Aldrin’s right is the Solar Wind Composition (SWC) experiment. Photo courtesy of NASA

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.11 Tranquility Base as seen from the Apollo 11 Command Module, taken by Astronaut Mike Collins. This is an opportunity to compare and contrast this photo taken in 1969, and the more recent LRO photos of the same area. Ironically, although Collins took this picture, he never visually sighted the LM Eagle on the surface from the orbiting CM. Photo courtesy of NASA


An interesting aside to the Apollo 11 mission was revealed many years later. Apparently, the U. S. Customs required the Apollo 11 crew to fill out a declaration form for the moon rocks and lunar samples returned from the Sea of Tranquility. As seen in Fig. 3.12, the Customs declaration form is signed by Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, declaring moon rocks and moon dust samples, and their destination was the Moon.

Apollo 11 collected the first geologic samples from the Moon. The first task of the mission was for Neil Armstrong to take a lunar soil sample and place it in his space – suit pocket, such was the high priority placed in gathering lunar soil samples. This contingency lunar surface sample was made in the first 3.5 minutes in the case an emergency liftoff was required and the mission was cut short. Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin eventually collected almost 50 pounds of lunar material, including 50 rocks, samples of the fine-grained lunar soil, and two core tubes that included mate­rial from up to 13 cm below the Moon’s surface. The Apollo 11 samples contained no water and provided no evidence for life at any time in the Moon’s history. Two main types of rocks, basalts and breccias, were found at the Apollo 11 landing site.

On Earth, basalts are a common type of volcanic rock. Basalts are generally dark gray in color; when one looks at the Moon in the night sky, the dark areas are basalt. The basalts found at the Apollo 11 landing site are generally similar to basalts on Earth and are primarily of the minerals pyroxene and plagioclase. The basalt sam­ples returned by Apollo 11 contain more of the element titanium than is usually found in basalts on Earth. The basalts returned by Apollo 11 range in age from 3.6 to 3.9 billion years, which scientists believe are from at least two chemically differ­ent magma sources.

The Moon has been bombarded by a countless number of meteorites over the eons. These impacts have broken many rocks up into small fragments. The heat and pressure of such impacts sometimes fuses small rock fragments into new rocks, called breccias. The rock fragments in a breccia can include both mare basalts as well as material from the lunar highlands. The lunar highlands comprise primarily of a light-colored rock known as anorthosite, which consists primarily of the min­eral plagioclase. It is very rare to find rocks on Earth that are virtually pure plagio – clase. On the Moon, it is believed that the anorthosite layer in the highland crust formed very early in the Moon’s history when much of the Moon’s outer layers were molten. This stage in lunar history is known as the magma ocean. The plagioclase – rich anorthosite floated on the magma ocean like icebergs in the Earth’s oceans.

Three previously unknown minerals were discovered in the lunar samples of Tranquility Base:

Armalcolite is a titanium-rich mineral first discovered in the Apollo 11 samples, and later appearing samples from the Taurus-Littrow Valley and the Descartes Highlands. This newly discovered lunar mineral was appropriately named after the Apollo 11 astronauts: ARMstrong, ALdrin, and COLlins. Armalcolite is a minor mineral found in basalt rocks high in titanium content. Armalcolite has been identi­fied on Earth, initially from samples taken from Smokey Butte, Garfield County, Montana. Scientists have also been able to synthesize Armalcolite in the laboratory, by using low pressures, high temperatures and a rapid quenching from about 1,000 °C to the ambient temperature.

Tranquillityite is a silicate mineral first discovered in Apollo 11 rock sample 10,047. Obviously taking its name from the site of the Apollo 11 landing, Tranquillityite has been found in rock samples from all the Apollo missions. It was long considered the only mineral found solely on the Moon, until 2011, when samples taken from six regions in the Pilbara region of Western Australia were found to contain this mineral.

Pyroxferroite is the third of the family of minerals discovered from the Apollo 11 lunar samples, . Pyroxferroite has since been discovered in meteorites of lunar and Martian origin. Terrestrially, the mineral has been discovered in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, in Vaarmland, Sweden, in Lapua, Finland, and here in the U. S. in Anderson County, South Carolina. Like Armalcolite, Pyroxferroite can also be produced in the laboratory by annealing synthetic clinopyroxene at high pressures and temperatures.

Following the historic Apollo 11 mission, the Moon rocks and soil samples were distributed to over 150 scientific laboratories worldwide. In at least one case, 20 vials of moon dust were misplaced and lost for over 40 years. In May, 2013, an archivist uncovered vials of Apollo 11 moon dust while tidying up a storage space at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. The samples, with handwritten labels marked 24 July 1970, were originally delivered to the Space Sciences Laboratory in Latimer Hall on the University of California-Berkeley campus. After the experiments were completed, the samples procedurally should have been returned to NASA. A mystery to all, the vials of lunar dust ended up in storage until the recent discovery.

Apollo 11

Fig. 3.13 Aldrin deploying the Solar Wind Composition Experiment. Photo courtesy of NASA

As part of every Apollo mission, a solar wind composition experiment was deployed in order to collect samples of the solar wind. The astronauts deployed 1.4 m x 0.3 m sheet of aluminum foil mounted on a five section telescoping pole, which exposed collected particles from the solar wind. The foil was gathered up and stored in the LM Eagle prior to lunar liftoff to be brought back to Earth for analysis. The Apollo 11 foil was exposed for 77 minutes. Subsequent missions allowed for longer exposures, culminating with the Apollo 16 exposure of 45 hours. The results of the Apollo 11 solar wind composition experiment measured embed­ded light noble gases, such as He-3, He-4, Ne-20, Ne-21, Ne-22, and Ar-36, and found the variations in solar wind composition. These variations correlated with variations in the intensity of the solar wind as determined from magnetic field measurements.

Armstrong and Aldrin’s departure from the Moon, although not as dramatic as the landing, was not without missteps. The astronauts planned to place mementos on the surface of the Moon, including a mission patch for the ill-fated Apollo 1 to honor their comrades Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. Also to be left behind were medals commemorating Soviet cosmonauts Vladimir Komarov and Yuri Gagarin who died in flight in 1967 and 1968. The goodwill messages of 73 world leaders and a small gold olive branch pin completed the package. However, the schedule for lunar surface activities had left little time for ceremony, resulting in Aldrin unceremoniously dumping the contents of his spacesuit pocket onto the Moon surface prior to boarding the LM Eagle for the last time. Upon re-entering the LM and preparing for the launch, the astronauts accidentally broke the switch responsible for igniting the ascent engine, potentially threatening to strand them on the Moon. Oops! Aldrin used a pen to toggle the switch, thus avoiding being marooned on the Moon. On liftoff from the Moon, the item which gave the astronauts the most problems during setup toppled over. Seen prominently in vid­eos and photographs from the mission, the American flag proved to be the most troublesome mission item to setup. The Moon surface proved to be harder than anticipated, and the flag pole was not securely implanted into the Moon’s surface. On liftoff, Aldrin reported seeing the Sears-made American flag topple over from the ascent engine’s exhaust.

Rendezvous with the Columbia CM had problems too. During the process of rendezvous and docking the Eagle to Columbia, the LM inadvertently reached gimbal lock, causing the spacecraft inertial guidance systems to lose orientation alignment in space and tumble briefly. Armstrong and Aldrin used the abort guid­ance system for attitude control and quickly recovered.

To top off the publicly-viewed “perfect” mission, after re-entry and landing in the Pacific Ocean, the Columbia landed in upside down “Stable 2” position. As designed, the inflatable air bags righted the spacecraft.

To the public, the Apollo 11 mission seemed flawless. In the bright light of real­ity, the crew and the Mission Control team were able to work around a number problems and made the mission a success.

In July 2013, an expedition funded and headed by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos recovered parts of at least two Saturn V F-1 booster engines from the

Atlantic Ocean. Using state-of-the-art sonar technology and tethered remote controlled underwater vehicles, a team of underwater archeologists, conservators, and underwater salvage experts were able to locate, map, catalog, and recover the F-1 engine components. Examination of the recovered thrust chamber revealed the number 2044, which was the serial number given by the F-1 manufacturer Rocketdyne. This number correlated to the NASA assigned number 6044, which was the number five F-1 engine of the Apollo 11 Saturn V launch vehicle. This discovery positively identified the final resting place of the first stage of the Saturn V that hurled Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins into space in their historic journey to the Moon.

Opportunities:. The Cancelled. Missions

There were originally twenty Apollo missions scheduled to fly in the initial Apollo plan, with nine Moon landings. Three missions were cancelled due to the geopoliti­cal success of Apollo and the decision of President Nixon and Congress to reallo­cate the U. S. Federal Budget to support other national objectives. Apollo 20 was cancelled in January 1970. Two more flights were cancelled in September, 1970, with the remaining missions renumbered 15 through 17.

The original list of planned missions following Apollo 12 were:

• H-2 (Apollo 13) Fra Mauro

• H-3 (Apollo 14) Littrow

• H-4 (Apollo 15) Censorinus

• J-1 (Apollo 16) Descartes

• J-2 (Apollo 17) Marius Hills

• J-3 (Apollo 18) Copernicus

• J-4 (Apollo 19) Hadley

• J-5 (Apollo 20) Tycho

After the failure of Apollo 13, Apollo 14 was rescheduled for Fra Mauro. After the cancellations, the remaining missions were changed to:

• J-1 (Apollo 15) Hadley Rille

• J-2 (Apollo 16) Descartes

• J-3 (Apollo 17) Taurus-Littrow

J. L. Chen, How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites,

The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06456-7_13, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

The lost Apollo missions at Censorinus, Marius Hills, Copernicus Crater, and Tycho Crater were missed opportunities for greater exploration and scientific discovery of the Moon.

Apollo 18 became the U. S. portion of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

After the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975, the United States did not return to manned spaceflight until 1981 with the launch of the Space Shuttle Columbia.

The three missions were canceled for multiple reasons. Tighter budgets, imposed by Congress and the Nixon administration, were a major factor. The public’s interest in the program had also waned after the excitement of Apollo 11. The drama of Apollo 13 reminded the public of the dangers and risks of spaceflight. The cost for the Apollo Program peaked in the mid-1960s, with the labor force of federal work­ers and contractors in the neighborhood of 400,000. By January 1970, the workforce had shrunk to 190,000, with another 50,000 jobs lost following the final Apollo flight. Many skilled engineers and technicians found themselves without jobs.

Ironically, the Saturn V launch vehicles and other mission hardware already had been procured and delivered at the time of the cancellations. The only budgetary savings realized were the operational expenses of executing an actual mission. The remaining hardware has been placed on display, and can be seen at various sites in the U. S., as listed in Appendix 5.

The cancellations also reflected competition among NASA priorities, as orbital projects vied with the moon program for money and hardware. Skylab and the future re-useable launch vehicle program that became the Space Shuttle had begun diverting attention at the agency.

The lost Apollo missions missed the opportunity to collect additional scientific information about other areas of the Moon. An early proposed landing site in the Tsiolkovsky crater on the far side of the Moon would have yielded a unique sam­pling that differed from the Earth-facing side where all the Apollo missions occurred. A far side lunar mission never made it to the planning stage, as it was perceived as too costly and risky. One of the Tsiolkovsky crater requirements was the additional cost for a communication satellite beyond the moon to maintain a radio link with Earth.

Located near the southeastern zone of the Sea of Tranquility is the crater Censorinus. The proposed landing site was the ejecta blanket in the northwest sec­tion of the Censorinus crater, with the hope of sampling both highland material and fresh impact crater material. The original scheduling would have made this mission the last of the H-series missions, with the astronauts investigating the 2.5 mile diameter crater entirely on foot.

Marius Hills is a region of domes and cones near the crater Marius in the center of the Ocean of Storms. Photographs of the region suggested formations similar to Earth’s shield volcanoes, with scientists believing the area was subject to intense and prolonged volcanic activity. As originally scheduled, the mission to Marius Hills would have been the debut of the lunar rover.

The two major craters Copernicus and Tycho were also proposed landing sites. Both craters featured central peaks that were thrust upward at the time of the meteor impact. These impacts caused material from deep within the lunar crust to rebound to the surface to form the central peaks. Samples from these crater peaks would have provided a record of the Moon’s, and possibly the Solar System’s, early history. This early history information is unavailable on Earth because of the destructive processes caused by plate tectonics, erosion and other natural occurrences.

A technical missed opportunity from the Apollo cancellations was the termination of the Saturn V program, and the loss of “corporate” knowledge and technical exper­tise on building large launch vehicles. The Saturn launch vehicles had reached a level of technological maturity by the early 1970s, and the continued manufacture of Saturn would have enabled a variety of deep space or heavy lift missions. An argu­ment can be made that the Space Shuttle missions, from deep space launches to ISS assembly, could have been easily and more efficiently accomplished using the Saturn. Deep space probes launched from the Space Shuttle relied on the finesse of gravity assists from planets to accomplish their missions, with many deep spacecraft taking years to reach their goals. The powerful Saturn V lift capability could have allowed for more direct routes for timelier missions, and possibly allowed the probe designs to carry additional sensors and experiments.

Ironically, the current NASA effort to develop the Space Launch System, con­sisting of the Ares 1 and Ares 5 launch vehicles, strongly resembles the Saturn 1 and Saturn V rockets of the Apollo era. In fact, the proposed Orion manned space­craft can best be described as an Apollo CM on steroids. The current design for Orion features an Apollo command module shape, carries a crew of up to six, and will return to ocean landings.

Excerpt from his speech delivered before a joint session of Congress May 25, 1961

First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so dif­ficult or expensive to accomplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar spacecraft. We propose to develop alternate liquid and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is supe­rior. We propose additional funds for other engine development and for unmanned explorations—explorations which are particularly important for one purpose which this nation will never overlook: the survival of the man who first makes this daring flight. But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the Moon—if we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.

Second, an additional 23 million dollars, together with 7 million dollars already available, will accelerate development of the Rover nuclear rocket. This gives promise of some day providing a means for even more exciting and ambitious exploration of space, perhaps beyond the moon, perhaps to the very end of the solar system itself.

Third, an additional 50 million dollars will make the most of our present leadership, by accelerating the use of space satellites for worldwide communications.

Fourth, an additional 75 million dollars—of which 53 million dollars is for the Weather Bureau—will help give us at the earliest possible time a satellite system for worldwide weather observation.

Let it be clear—and this is a judgment which the Members of the Congress must finally make—let it be clear that I am asking the Congress and the country to accept a firm commitment to a new course of action, a course which will last for many years and carry very heavy costs: 531 million dollars in fiscal’62—an estimated 7 to 9 billion dollars additional over the next 5 years. If we are to go only half way, or reduce our sights in the face of difficulty, in my judgment it would be better not to go at all.

Now this is a choice which this country must make, and I am confident that under the leadership of the Space Committees of the Congress, and the Appropriating Committees, that you will consider the matter carefully.

It is a most important decision that we make as a nation. But all of you have lived through the last 4 years and have seen the significance of space and the adventures in space, and no one can predict with certainty what the ultimate meaning will be of mastery of space.

I believe we should go to the Moon. But I think every citizen of this country as well as the Members of the Congress should consider the matter carefully in mak­ing their judgment, to which we have given attention over many weeks and months, because it is a heavy burden, and there is no sense in agreeing or desiring that the United States take an affirmative position in outer space, unless we are prepared to do the work and bear the burdens to make it successful. If we are not, we should decide today and this year.

This decision demands a major national commitment of scientific and technical manpower, materiel and facilities, and the possibility of their diversion from other important activities where they are already thinly spread. It means a degree of dedi­cation, organization, and discipline which have not always characterized our research and development efforts. It means we cannot afford undue work stop­pages, inflated costs of material or talent, wasteful interagency rivalries, or a high turnover of key personnel.

New objectives and new money cannot solve these problems. They could in fact aggravate them further—unless every scientist, every engineer, every serviceman, every technician, contractor, and civil servant gives his personal pledge that this nation will move forward, with the full speed of freedom, in the exciting adventure of space.

Apollo 12

Apollo 12

Date: 14-24 November 1969

Crew: Commander – Pete Conrad

CM Pilot – Dick Gordon LM Pilot – Alan Bean

Command Module: Yankee Clipper Lunar Module: Intrepid

Accomplishments: Pinpoint landing within 535 feet of Surveyor 3, two extended Moonwalks, setup and initiated Geophysical Station and Lunar Nuclear Power Station.

J. L. Chen, How to Find the Apollo Landing Sites,

The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-06456-7_4, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.1 Apollo 12 Insignia. Courtesy of NASA

Early in Apollo program planning, NASA defined a sequence of missions:

• “A” missions were unmanned tests of the launch vehicles and the Command Module

• “B” missions were unmanned tests of the LM

• “C” missions (Apollo 7) were manned, Earth orbital tests of the Command Module

• “D” missions (Apollo 9) were LM/CSM tests in Earth orbit

• “E” missions (none were flown) were tests in high Earth orbit

• “F” missions (Apollo 10) were lunar orbit tests

• The “G” mission was the Apollo 11 landing.

• “H” missions (Apollo 12, 13, and 14) would be subsequent flights to other land­ing sites using the basic equipment

• “I” missions (none flown) would be lunar orbit-only science flights

• “J” missions would be the longer visits that LM design changes would make possible. Equipped with Lunar Roving Vehicles (LRV), the J-mission crews would be able to extend their range on the lunar surface and visit a variety of geologic features some distance away from the landing site, collect greater quantities of rock and soil samples, utilize a greater number of tools carried on the Rover, and LRV would serve as a mobile experiment platform. In general, the J-missions promised a significant increase in productivity. However, before the J-missions could be attempted, NASA had to demonstrate that crews could achieve pinpoint landings, work a full-day in the stiff suits and, if necessary, walk several kilometers back to the LM from a disabled Rover.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.2 The Apollo 12 team. Courtesy of NASA

Apollo 12 represented the first of the H missions. The Apollo 12 mission was presented with a couple of challenges not faced by Apollo 11, one known prior to launch and one occurring during launch.

The particular challenge for the Apollo 12 mission was the achievement of a pinpoint landing. One of the significant discoveries prior to the Apollo landings was the existence of mass concentrations, or mascons, on the Moon. The lunar mascons were discovered by scientists at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 1968 from analyzing the orbital and navigational data from the NASA’s Lunar Orbiter spacecraft. The analysis established a correlation between very large positive gravity anomalies and depressed circular basins on the moon. Many of the Apollo experiments on the lunar surface tried to collect data to explain the gravity variations.

NASA had to establish a special team of scientists and engineers to explain why the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft being used to test the accuracy of the Apollo naviga­tion system were experiencing errors. The mission specification required an accu­racy of 200 meters, whereas the test results predicted a navigational position of 2,000 meters, ten times the allowed specification error. This meant that the pre­dicted landing areas were 100 times as large for reasons of safety, and posed a challenge to precise lunar landings. The principle cause for these lunar orbital errors was due to the strong gravitational perturbations of the mascons. NASA was able to compensate for the existence of the mascons in the Apollo navigation soft­ware, and this compensation was first applied to Apollo 12. The Apollo 12 landing was within 163 meters of the target, the Surveyor 3 spacecraft.

During the launch of Apollo 12, the spacecraft and Saturn V were twice struck by lightning, causing a momentary power crisis aboard Yankee Clipper that almost aborted the mission. Apollo 12 launched on schedule from Kennedy Space Center, during a rainstorm. 36.5 seconds after lift-off, friction from the vehicle passing through the rainstorm triggered lightning through the launch vehicle, through the Saturn’s ionized plume, and down to the ground. The protective circuits of the fuel cells in the Service Module (SM) took all three fuel cells offline because the lightning caused a surge that falsely indicated overloads. The cascading effect of the lightning strike also disabled much of the Command/Service Module (CSM) instrumentation. A second strike at 52 seconds after launch knocked out the attitude control. The telemetry stream at Mission Control was totally disrupted. However, the vehicle con­tinued to fly correctly; the strikes had not affected the Saturn V Instrument Unit.

The loss of all three fuel cells put the CSM entirely on batteries. Apollo 12 power systems were unable to maintain normal 28 V DC bus voltages into the heavy 75 amp launch loads. One of the AC inverters dropped offline. As a result, these power supply under volt conditions lit nearly every warning light on the con­trol panel and caused much of the instrumentation to malfunction.

Legendary NASA “steely-eyed missile man” John Aaron was the EECOM at Mission Control for the launch. Aaron remembered a similar telemetry failure pat­tern from an earlier test when a power supply malfunctioned in the CSM Signal Conditioning Equipment (SCE). The SCE converts raw signals from instrumenta­tion to standard voltages for the spacecraft instrument displays and telemetry encoders.

Aaron made a call to the Apollo 12 crew, “Try SCE to aux.” This switched the SCE to a backup power supply. The switch was fairly obscure and neither the Launch Flight Director Gerry Griffin, CAPCOM Gerry Carr, nor Commander Conrad immediately recognized it. Lunar Module Pilot ( and future Apollo artist) Alan Bean, flying in the right seat as the CSM systems engineer, remembered the SCE switch from a training incident a year earlier when the same failure had been simulated. Aaron’s and Bean’s quick recall saved the mission and prevented an abort. Bean put the fuel cells back on line, and with telemetry restored, the launch continued successfully. Once in earth orbit, the crew and Mission Control reviewed all systems and declared all systems go prior to trans-lunar injection. The lightning strikes had caused no serious permanent damage and the crew, with the onboard power systems restored, were able to continue the mission.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.3 Apollo 12 and the Ocean of Storms. Courtesy of the author

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.4 First Zoom-in of Apollo 12 landing site. Courtesy of the author

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.5 Second Zoom-in of Apollo 12 and Surveyor 3 site. Courtesy of the author

The key to sighting the Apollo 12 landing site is first recognizing the great Copernicus crater. Copernicus is one of the most easily identifiable features on the Moon, located south of Mare Imbrium, or the Sea of Rains. Through a small tele­scope, one can make out the layered nature of Copernicus, and outward “rays” of light and dark material splashed by the impact of an object that created the crater eons ago. South of Copernicus and past a smaller crater known as Reinhold, is the small Ocean of Storms and the site of Apollo 12. NASA’s conservative approach to landing site selection resulted in another rather featureless landing zone that can be appreciated, but the actual site is difficult to pinpoint for the backyard observer. Apollo 12 landed near the Surveyor 3, near the edge of a small crater. However, the Surveyor 3 and the crater are beyond the resolution of most backyard telescopes.

As with Apollo 11, conservative safety considerations dominated the criteria for landing site selection for Apollo 12. The Ocean of Storms site was chosen because it had few craters and boulders, with less than 2° slope in the approach path and landing site. The site had no large hills, high cliffs, or deep craters that could reflect erroneous altitude radar returns to the lunar module landing radar. As with the Apollo 11 landing site, the Ocean of Storms presented a fairly featureless target area. NASA still wanted the least expenditure of spacecraft propellants, with crew and mission safety in mind.

These criteria dictated landing in a mare region near the equator. Mare regions in Ocean of Storms were given high priority because telescopic study suggested that these areas are younger and of a slightly different composition than the Apollo 11 landing site.

Since Apollo 11 overshot its planned target by 4 miles, the goal of Apollo 12 was to demonstrate a precision landing capability. Precise landings capability was vital to set the stage for more complex missions. Therefore, a landing near where Surveyor 3 landed was planned. This provided both a clear marker for determining the accuracy of the landing, and an opportunity to return parts of the Surveyor 3 that had failed to function 2 1/2 years earlier. Of scientific interest was sampling ejecta from the crater Copernicus, in an effort to establish the crater’s age. And, this land­ing site allowed the CM Yankee Clipper good orbital imaging of the Fra Mauro site that was the target of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, and was eventually achieved by the Apollo 14 mission.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.6 LRO view of Apollo 12 Landing site in 2009. Photo courtesy of NASA and Arizona State University


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Apollo 12

Fig. 4.7 LROviewidentifyingApollo 12. PhotocourtesyofNASAandArizonaStateUniversity

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.8 Closer LRO view of the Apollo 12 landing site, an easy neighborhood moon walk away to the Surveyor 3 landing site. Photo courtesy of NASA and Arizona State University

As previously mentioned, the difficulty of attempting such a precision landing was complicated by the existence of mass concentrations, or mascons, on the Moon. These mascons caused variations in local gravity on the Moon, variations that easily affected the navigation landing computer onboard the LM, as well as the lunar orbiting CM. These mascon regions were first discovered in 1968, and proved to be a problem for both the American Lunar Orbiter missions, and the Russian Luna missions. NASA’s Lunar Orbiter spacecraft was used to test the Apollo navi­gation algorithms, and produced errors ten times the specification requirement because of the lunar mascons. Instead of specification error of 200 meters, an error of 2,000 meters would result. An error of almost 1-1/4 mile was intolerable.

NASA had to develop a method to compensate for the mascon error, without actually knowing what a mascon was. The answer was using the Doppler effect to map and compensate for the mascon gravity variations. The Doppler shift of an orbiting LM, although variable, would be predictable. By comparing the predicted Doppler shift against actual Doppler shifts, it could be determined if the LM was off course and how far off course. The trick was how to input the correction infor­mation into the LM guidance computer, recognizing the state-of-the-art of the 1960s. The Apollo CM and LM computers were highly primitive by today’s stan­dards. It’s hard to believe that the computer technology of the 1960s limited the LM memory to 2,056 bytes (that’s right, kilobytes, not megabytes, not gigabytes). The technological slight-of-hand was used to fool the computer into thinking the land­ing site had moved instead of the LM being off-course! The result of this software finesse was the Apollo 12 landed within 163 m of the planned target, and an easy lunar stroll to the Surveyor 3 spacecraft.

Once on the Moon, a major task for the crew of Apollo 12 was the collection of lunar soil and rock samples. A major find of Apollo 12 was the discovery of the first KREEP samples. Unique to the Moon’s geology in the highlands, and not found on Earth, KREEP is a moon rock containing potassium (chemical symbol K), rare-earth elements (REE), and phosphorus (chemical symbol P). Containing potassium, phosphorus oxides, rubidium, and lanthanum, KREEP is made up of normally incompatible elements, and was first found in the Apollo 12 samples in agglutinate glasses and polymict breccias.

KREEP and other anorthosite samples represent part of the evidence for the formation of the Moon. The leading theory for the Moon’s formation is that it was formed from the remains of an ancient impact between the Earth and a Mars-sized proto-planetary body about 4.5 billion years ago. This collision threw a large amount of material into orbit around the Earth that eventually became the Moon.

A large amount of energy was generated by this collision. Scientists have deduced that a large portion of the Moon would have liquified, initially creating a magma covered Moon. As the magma crystalized, minerals precipitated and sank to the bottom to form the lunar mantle.

As the Moon solidified, low density anorthosite material began to crystallize and float towards the surface, forming a solid crust. Elements that are usually incompat­ible then progressively concentrate into the magma. The magma that formed, sand­wiched between the crust and mantle, was rich in KREEP. The evidence for these processes came from the presence of the rocks rich in KREEP, and the highly anorthositic composition of the crust of the lunar highlands from samples from later Apollo missions.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.9 LRO view of Apollo 12 ALSEP, clearly showing the experiments Astronauts Bean and Conrad deployed as part of the Geophysical Station. Photo courtesy of NASA and Arizona State University

The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package, or ALSEP, aboard Apollo 12 and deployed by Astronauts Conrad and Bean at the Ocean of Storms was made up of a more extensive set of experiments than the EASEP of Apollo 11:

• The Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) detected lunar seismic activities and provided information about the internal structure of the Moon. The Passive Seismic Experiment studied the propagation of seismic waves through the Moon and provided data about the Moon’s internal structure. The Apollo 11 seismometer returned data for just 3 weeks but provided a useful first look at lunar seismology. More advanced seismometers were deployed at the Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16 landing sites and transmitted data to Earth until September 1977.

Each of the PSE’s measured all three components of ground displacement (up-down, north-south, and east-west). In 2011, based on 30 year old data from these four PSE sites, a new analysis confirmed the layering of the Moon’s core. This analysis, using a technique borrowed from one originally developed to analyze Earth’s earthquakes, concludes that the Moon’s core has a solid inner core surrounded by a molten outer core. Additionally, the analysis suggested that the iron-rich lunar inner core contains less than 6 % of the light elements of the Periodic Table. Most useful for this study utilized data from more than 6,000 deep moonquakes occurring about 435 miles below the Moon’s surface.

• The Lunar Surface Magnetometer (LSM) measured the strength of the Moon’s magnetic field. The magnetic field data included field strengths both from the Moon’s intrinsic magnetic field mixed with external magnetic fields of the Earth and Sun. These external fields varied in strength with time as the Moon moved through Earth’s magnetosphere as it orbited the Earth. By making measurements over several months, these time-varying fields were be separated from the Moon’s steady, intrinsic magnetic field. LSM experiments were part the ALSEP included in the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 missions.

• The Cold Cathode Gauge (CCG) measured the atmospheric pressure of the lunar atmosphere. On Apollo 12, the CCG instrumentation was a part of the Supra Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE). Unfortunately, the CCG failed after 14 hours. The strong magnetic field of the CCG caused interference with the SIDE, which resulted the experiment was packaged as a standalone implementation in later missions.

• The Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) studied the lunar ionosphere, by measuring the various properties of positive ions in the Lunar environment, collecting data on the plasma interaction between solar wind and the Moon, and measuring the electrical potential of the Lunar surface.

• The Solar Wind Spectrometer (SWS), in addition to the SWCE, was identical to that included in the Apollo 11 EASEP, measured the composition of the solar wind. This experiment, unlike the SWCE, continually sampled the solar wind to measure the effects of the Earth’s magnetic field on the constitution of the solar wind. The results of this experiment showed that most of the Moon’s orbit, which is outside the Earth’s magnetic field, a proton density of 10-20 protons per cubic centimeter was detected. However, no protons were detected during the 5 days in which the Moon is in the tail of the Earth’s magnetic field. Clearly, the SWS demonstrated the shielding effect of the Earth’s magnetic field from the solar wind.

• The Lunar Dust Detector (LDD) studied the effects of lunar dust on the opera­tion of the experiment package.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.10 hoto of Astronaut Conrad and Surveyor 3. Courtesy of NASA

Pete Conrad Jr., Apollo 12 Commander, examined the unmanned Surveyor III spacecraft during the second moon walk as seen in Fig. 4.10. The “Intrepid” landed on the Moon’s Ocean of Storms less than 600 feet from Surveyor 3. The television camera and several other components were taken from Surveyor 3 and brought back to earth for scientific analysis. Surveyor 3 soft-landed on the Moon on 19 April, 1967.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.11 Surveyor 3. Courtesy of NASA

Surveyor 3 was unintentionally the first spacecraft to liftoff from the Moon’s surface. In fact, it did this twice. Due to a problem with the Surveyor 3 landing radar, which did not shut off the vernier engines, kept them firing throughout the first touchdown, and continued until a second touchdown. The Lunar Module Intrepid landed 600 feet from Surveyor 3, as planned. Surveyor 3’s TV and telemetry systems were found to have been damaged by its unplanned landings and liftoffs.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.12 Astronaut Alan Bean during experiment setup. Courtesy of NASA

Another element of Apollo 12 is the Radioactive Thermoelectric Generator. Astronaut Alan Bean can be seen in Fig. 4.12 unloading the nuclear fuel element for the RTG in the foreground. Bean is attempting to remove the fuel element from the cask using the Fuel Transfer Tool (FTT). On Apollo 12, the fuel element stuck in the cask because of thermal expansion (Bean could feel the heat through his suit). Conrad pounded the side of the cask with a hammer while Bean successfully worked it loose. He then inserted it into the RTG and discarded the FTT.

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.13 Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (the ALSEP portable scientific lab). Courtesy of NASA

Apollo 12

Fig. 4.14 LM Pilot and future artist Alan Bean. Alan Bean has produced a number of paintings and published a book of his artwork depicting his and NASA’s moon experiences. A select number of his paintings actually contain moon dust mixed into the paints. Courtesy of NASA

From a public relations point-of-view, the only part of the mission that had gone really wrong was the failure of the color TV camera. The public had great expecta­tions for a spectacular television broadcast from the Moon. The Apollo 11 televi­sion camera produced low resolution, grainy, black-and-white video. This was the first color TV camera to be used on the Moon. Unfortunately, the development of the camera had experienced delays, and the contractor Westinghouse delivered the camera to NASA just days before the launch. As a workaround, Alan Bean trained with a mockup of the camera, which did not highlight the design limitations of the equipment. Initially, the TV camera was operational, but 42 minutes into telecasting the first EVA, astronaut Bean accidentally pointed the camera at the Sun while preparing to mount it on the tripod. The Sun’s extreme brightness burned out the vidicon imaging tube, rendering the camera inoperable. When the camera was returned to Earth, it was shipped to Westinghouse for post-mission analysis. Westinghouse engineers were able to get an image on the section of the tube that wasn’t damaged. Procedures for future Apollo missions were re-written in order to prevent such damage, including the addition of a lens cap to protect the tube when the camera was repositioned. Fortunately, the loss of the TV camera was not crucial from a technical point of view, and did not impact the success of the mission. However, the loss of television coverage of the Apollo 12 mission disappointed millions of viewers in the United States and the world.

In the early Apollo lunar missions, the Saturn V S-IVB third stage that propelled the CSM/LM towards the Moon during the trans-lunar injection phase was lost in space and allowed to enter a heliocentric orbit following separation. Apollo 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 used the spent S-IVB stage as an opportunity to perform seismic studies and were deliberately crashed into the Moon. The third stage impact pro­vided seismic data to the ALSEP seismometers.

The Apollo 12 Saturn third stage did not impact the Moon, but was supposed to be sent into heliocentric orbit, and was considered lost. Then on September 3, 2002, an amateur astronomer named Bill Yeung discovered what was then considered an asteroid, and officially given the designation of J002E3. At the time of its discovery, J002E3 was in a highly elliptical orbit around Earth. University of Arizona astrono­mers found that the object’s spectrum was consistent with titanium dioxide paint, the type of paint used on the Saturn V launch vehicles. An analysis of the orbit has identified the Apollo 12 third stage as the likely candidate for J002E3. The Apollo 12 S-IVB did not achieve a true heliocentric orbit, having not achieving escape velocity for the Earth-Moon system. After flying past the Moon on November 18, 1969, J002E3 attained a semi-stable orbit in which the third stage entered a highly elliptical orbit around the Earth-Moon system, then flung into deep space by the combined gravity forces of Earth and the Moon, and then re-captured by the Earth – Moon system at a later date. Following its discovery, J002E3 left Earth orbit in 2003, and is expected to return in either 2032, or the mid-2040s, depending on the orbital model used.

The mystery of the mascons has finally been solved. In May, 2013, NASA released the findings of the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission to the Moon. GRAIL consisted of two lunar orbiting probes, GRAIL A and GRAIL B, launched in September 2011, orbiting in near circular orbits at an alti­tude of 55 miles. The distance between the two GRAIL probes, nicknamed Ebb and Flow, were precisely measured as they passed over gravity variations caused by mountains, craters and mascons until the data collection ended in December of 2012. NASA reported that the GRAIL data confirmed the lunar mascons were generated by large asteroids and comets impacting the young Moon when it had a thin crust and dense molten mantle. The impact created a circular ripple effect of material that cooled beneath the visible surface of the Moon consisting of rings of dense and lighter lunar material.

Moon, Mars,. and the Future

On September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy spoke at Rice University and spoke these immortal words that launched the United States on its quest to the Moon:

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

In an era of international and geo-political competition, President Kennedy launched the United States into its decade long quest that culminated in the Apollo landings that are the subject of this book.

Now over 40 years after those historic manned Apollo landings, a number of other countries including Japan and China, are taking aim at our satellite neighbor. During the writing of this book, China soft landed a robotic rover onto the Moon.

Meanwhile, the United States and NASA, with a number of fits and false starts, inches its way towards a manned mission to the other legendary celestial objective, Mars. Robotic Mars rovers such as Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit have landed and explored Mars, and have expanded our knowledge of our red planet neighbor.

The Moon and the planet Mars dominate the imaginations of mankind. Literature of all cultures, both poetry and prose, are filled with the romance, the science, and the adventure of traveling to the Moon and Mars. Well-known authors, such as H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ray Bradbury, and Isaac Asimov, have penned books about the Moon and Mars.

To each generation, the Moon and Mars represents a challenge, impacting its technology, medical sciences, society, and culture.

A look at the challenges that the Apollo program faced, and the comparison that a Mars effort will have to overcome, is in order.